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Critical Analysis: Ecuador - Contrarian Expatriate - 02-14-2024

Overview of Ecuador

With a population of over 12 million people, Ecuador is a somewhat less recognized nation in South America. However, it undeniably presents numerous attractions for the typical traveler. The latest tourism promotion emphasizes the proximity of several attractions, such as the Amazon, numerous beaches, the Andes, and, of course, the well-known Galapagos Islands. Ecuador's level of poverty is somewhat lower compared to Bolivia, however it remains a country with limited wealth. I would classify it as a bona fide middle-income country on a global level. The level of inequality was exceedingly high, even when compared to other regions in Latin America. Poverty predominantly concentrates in the rural regions next to the Andes and in the Northern coastal province of Esmeraldas.

Urban centers and notable locations

Quito is the capital city, housing a population of over 2 million people. The city is located amidst the mountains, offering expansive vistas and a plethora of nearby attractions. Navigating around this neighborhood might be challenging at times, however most tourists tend to confine themselves to the Mariscal (nightlife district) or the old town. As a resident of Quito, much of my knowledge is derived from personal experience in this city. A significant portion of the individuals in this location has unattractive physical features. However, given the large population, there are still numerous attractive females who may be found in various locations, for example. Explore the Mariscal, Cumabaya, and La Ronda areas in Quito's old town during the day, and you may perceive the local inhabitants as some of the most unattractive individuals worldwide. Explore the nightlife in Cumbaya or other affluent areas, and you will quickly discover a plethora of untapped opportunities.

As a general rule, it is advisable to avoid the southern part of the city due to its impoverished conditions and heightened level of danger. The most optimal location to reside in is the vicinity surrounding Carolina Park, which is characterized by its contemporary atmosphere and abundant daytime activities. The park itself is a remarkable attraction, complemented by the presence of three retail malls and several events held in the neighborhood. This area is also known for its diplomatic presence, attracting a larger number of foreigners and, consequently, a more diverse selection of intriguing women. During the daylight, it is advisable to visit the ancient town, as it offers a pleasant sight. Explore the Teleferico and the cathedral during your visit. During the nighttime, there are limited activities available in the vicinity of Carolina. Therefore, you can visit the following locations:

1. The Mariscal or Foch area remains the most convenient and preferable location to socialize, particularly on Wednesdays during ladies night. Bungalow stands out as the most accessible and enjoyable venue, offering a spacious environment and attracting a diverse crowd from various backgrounds. It is also worth noting that Bungalow is reasonably priced. However, if you prefer a more gritty hip hop atmosphere, Attic is worth considering. It is important to mention that these establishments are known for facilitating drug transactions. On the other hand, the bars located directly on Foch square are excessively expensive and do not offer a satisfactory experience. Additionally, there are some decent restaurants in the vicinity.

The number 2. The area around Calle Republica is known for its more upscale establishments, including prominent nightclubs such as 'love', 'lola', 'hashtag', and the little more distant 'bipolar'. If you like a more opulent ambiance, visit Love. If you have a preference for women with darker skin, choose Bipolar. Typically, these clubs in Quito boast the most attractive women, but they come at a higher price compared to the clubs in Foch. The entrance fee ranges from $10 to $15, but the prices of drinks are higher. Favorable gender balance.

The number 3. Cumbaya is an affluent residential district in Quito that also features a selection of bars and clubs. I rarely visit this area due to its location outside the city center. However, if you enjoy socializing with affluent individuals, this would be an ideal destination.

The number 4. The Valle de los Chillos is a district of Quito that can be considered as another city. While not as affluent as Cumbaya, it nonetheless attracts a well-to-do population and offers a wide range of amenities.

The number 5. La Ronda is the designated nightlife district in the historic town. It is an ideal place to explore, enjoy a meal, and indulge in local beverages like canelazos. It is also a popular spot for socializing with friends over beers or for a romantic evening with a partner. Pursuing romantic interests is not particularly rewarding as the overall attractiveness of females in this area is lacking. There are other drinking establishments, as well as a few nightlife venues, however they tend to be of limited size.

Guayaquil is the largest city in the country and is located on the coast, experiencing tropical temperatures. Although I am not familiar with the city, it is a common observation that coastal areas tend to have a higher level of liveliness, both in terms of attractive individuals and criminal activity. Guayaquil exhibits peculiar characteristics, resembling Southern US cities with its wide thoroughfares, expansive commercial complexes, and the prevailing hot and humid climate. However, the options for sightseeing and activities are limited, primarily revolving around shopping. Overall, I believe it is not a favorable destination to visit. Guayaquil has a substantially higher level of danger compared to Quito. Navigating the city requires the use of a car. The locals are not very pleasant. While the evening offers opportunities to meet attractive women, finding them during the daytime proves to be more challenging. Even at the shopping malls, there is a limited presence of attractive individuals. One option is to stroll along the pier, which is satisfactory, and savor the seafood. If you have an interest in football, you may find the presence of the prominent football clubs Emelec and Barcelona noteworthy. The city center is quite unpleasant. I would recommend staying in close proximity to the retail complex del Sol. However, it is generally advisable to avoid the city entirely. Unless you have influential connections, the wealthiest individuals reside in Guayaquil, where they host extravagant parties and reside in opulent houses. However, as a tourist, you are unlikely to encounter such individuals on your casual strolls.

Cuenca is often regarded as the most aesthetically pleasing city, attracting numerous American retirees seeking to spend their final years there. The location is characterized by its efficient organization, scenic beauty, and high level of safety. Nevertheless, I believe that the city does not offer a favorable environment for RooshV members due to the lack of attractive women and the absence of vibrant social life. It is remarkable how well-structured this city is in contrast to the other parts of the country. However, the attractiveness of the women here is not a compelling reason to visit. If you are interested in visiting the 'Las Cajas' national park, which is renowned for its beauty, or the Ingapirca Inca site, you may consider these options. Alternatively, one can journey to the valley of the Villacabamba town, reputedly inhabited by the most elderly individuals on the planet. Cuenca is suitable for a duration of 2-3 days, although it is not recommended to stay for a longer period.

Riobamba, Ambato, Santo Domingo, Ibarra, Tulcan, and Otovalo are examples of typical medium-sized cities located inland. The quality of life in this place is satisfactory, but one should not anticipate anything extraordinary. One can venture outside and explore retail malls that offer a sufficient range of options to prevent monotony, although they lack the allure of major urban centers. It is advisable to steer clear of this place, unless you have an interest in exploring the surrounding natural attractions or enjoy the experience of being among a small number of foreigners in a somewhat big urban area. Ibarra is an excellent destination for visiting neighboring attractions such as volcanoes and lakes. Santo Domingo has a satisfactory selection of women, while Otovalo boasts the largest market for handcrafted items. These locations are suitable for a short excursion lasting 1-2 days, provided that they are conveniently located along your intended path.

Manta is a captivating coastal city that boasts a moderate size. It is characterized by the laid-back demeanor typically found in coastal areas and a diverse population of women with varied genetic backgrounds. If you desire a leisurely experience, indulging in delectable cuisine while keeping expenses minimal, and appreciating the attractiveness of the local female population, this city unquestionably presents itself as a favorable choice. There is a legend that the small city of 'Chone' nearby is home to the most attractive women in the country. Devastated by the earthquake's impact, it is likely that everything has undergone significant changes. The province of Manabí boasts stunning coastlines, delectable seafood, and attractive women. Additionally, the current situation has led to significantly reduced prices due to the absence of visitors and expatriates. If you are willing to tolerate some level of poverty and are not fearful of earthquakes, I would recommend exploring the place. Currently, it is an opportune moment to make an investment in this location. A desirable plot of land with a beach is currently available at a reduced price. Additionally, it is worth noting that this province was previously recognized as one of the country's prominent tourism destinations. It will recover.

Manta now has a state-of-the-art shopping mall located in the heart of the city, making it a valuable addition to the urban landscape. Particularly suited for daygame. However, the city continues to experience the repercussions, evident by the numerous properties being listed for sale. The tourism industry has experienced a significant decline, as I have observed a scarcity of international visitors during the course of a week. Regrettably, the nightlife is often subdued, with Thursday night being designated as ladies night and Friday and Saturday being somewhat lively. On the other days, there is minimal activity. One benefit in this situation is the affordability of beverages. In this nightclub, you may get a Rum or Whiskey on the rocks for a price of 3$. The drink is served with a high alcohol content. Additionally, there are other establishments that provide unlimited beverages for a fixed price of $10 till 1am.

- Esmeraldas is the most economically disadvantaged province in Ecuador, and it is predominantly inhabited by the black population. The province is widely regarded as poor and hazardous, among other negative aspects. Nevertheless, if you have an affinity for voluptuous women, this location may be highly appealing to you. Atacames is a coastal resort frequented by residents of Quito who visit for weekend festivities, for example. It is advisable to steer clear of the northernmost city of San Lorenzo. There is a significant prevalence of trafficking, drug-related activities, and violence in the area. Additionally, apart from the presence of extensive mangroves, there are little attractions or points of interest. If you desire to enter Colombia unlawfully, this location is indeed the ideal destination. If you are looking for party destinations, I recommend considering Tonsupa and Atacames. These towns are known for their lively beach parties and provide affordable accommodation options. If you are in Esmeraldas, I recommend visiting the Las Palmas area, as it is the most desirable location in the region. The other areas may not be as appealing. Mompiche, located in the southern region of the province, offers a captivating beach experience with a distinct hippy atmosphere. Esmeraldas has notable dissimilarities in its whole. I have a positive opinion on it, whereas others hold a negative view. The northern region of the province has higher levels of danger and extreme poverty. Additionally, it is home to some of the largest mangroves in the planet. If you are seeking an affordable trip experience, possess familiarity with developing nations, and desire a relaxed environment with attractive women, Esmeraldas is the optimal choice for you.

The newly constructed malecon, also known as the beach road, is remarkably impressive and serves as a significant advantage for the otherwise economically disadvantaged community. Consequently, the Las Palmas neighborhood has witnessed the addition of new hotels and restaurants, thereby elevating its status from previously. This city is unique in that it offers an abundance of attractive ladies with very little competition. The nightlife in this city is limited to weekends, and unfortunately, there are no activities available. It is a significant missed opportunity, to be frank. This place offers excellent cuisine and attractive women. The temperatures in this location reach high levels, averaging around 30 degrees throughout the year, which is similar to the coastal regions.

Montañitas is the largest and most vibrant party destination in the country. Similar to the relationship between Atacames and Quito, Montanitas serves as the equivalent weekend party destination for Guayaquil. It boasts pleasant beaches and a plethora of nightclubs. Additionally, this location has the most significant density of tourists, with a considerable number originating from Argentina, incidentally. There is a significant presence of individuals who regularly use marijuana and engage in surfing activities. Typically an interesting location to explore, although I believe it can get monotonous rapidly.

- Canoa: A quaint coastal village like Montanitas, yet with fewer tourists and a higher number of long-term foreign residents. Additionally, the atmosphere is more tranquil. However, during weekends, a considerable number of individuals from Quito flock here to engage in revelry. This location is highly suitable for acquiring surfing skills, and all amenities are offered at a reasonable cost. The beach is quite pleasant.

- Bahia de Caraquez: Coastal city located at the epicenter of the earthquake. The urban core is presently devoid of any human presence, which is profoundly disheartening to witness. The city once possessed promising prospects and attracted a substantial number of tourists, but now it has lost all of its former appeal. I presume that the cost of land in this area has significantly decreased.

If you enjoy beaches, I would recommend Montanita for lively international parties, Canoa for a combination of partying and surfing/relaxation, Mompiche for a peaceful time with a companion, and Tonsupa/Atacames for parties that are less touristy and feature local black ladies.

-Puyo/Tena: This is the primary entry point for the majority of individuals into the Amazon region. Small cities with abundant indigenous elements are worth exploring, although one should not anticipate lively festivities in these locales. These cities should only be used as starting points for exploring the Amazon. Lago Agrio and Coca are particularly unfavorable, as they lack attractions and are populated by unattractive individuals. Macas exhibits a comparable climate, albeit slightly more pleasant. I prefer residing in a town inhabited by indigenous people rather than in these locations.

Living expenses

Ecuador is highly affordable, exceptionally so. In a small city, one can procure an apartment in a respectable locality for approximately $200-300. However, in Quito or Guayaquil, the price range is more in the vicinity of $400-500. For a luxurious suite in a prime location, the cost starts at $700 and increases from there. Hostels typically cost around $10-15 per night, whereas a budget hotel located in a vibrant entertainment district would cost approximately $20 (with an additional charge of $10 for inviting a guest). Any reputable establishments listed on platforms such as TripAdvisor will often have prices starting at $40 and over in major urban areas.

The cost of a lunch ranges from $2 to $4, which covers a soup (often made with chicken or fish), a small main course, a tiny dessert, and a fresh fruit juice. You will have consumed food from this source, and the cost is not something to be dissatisfied with. The cost of dinner is higher, ranging from $5 to $6 in a budget-friendly establishment and averaging around $9 to $10. Major urban centers offer a variety of fast food options such as McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, and others. However, Ecuador provides numerous superior and more nutritious alternatives.

Admission to clubs often ranges from $3 to $6 in more affordable establishments, occasionally including a complimentary beverage. In more upscale regions, the entry fee is usually $15, without any complimentary drinks. Beer is relatively expensive in comparison, typically costing around $2-3 in a bar and $6-7 in a high-end club, which is similar to the price of a Cuba Libre or Vodka Orange. An authentic cocktail typically costs between $7 and $10, although it is common to find establishments offering a "2 for 1" promotion.

It is important to note that local girls typically do not contribute financially, therefore it is advisable not to have any expectations when inviting them on a date.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, Ecuador is currently facing a problem and seeing a significant decline in tourist arrivals. As a result, there is a surplus of flats in upscale locations, leading to flexible costs for accommodations, particularly on platforms like Airbnb. By prolonging your stay, you can currently avail yourself of favorable bargains.


Their food may not be exceptional, but a significant benefit is the ability to have nutritious meals at a reasonable cost. One can adhere to a paleo diet at this location, incorporating high-quality meat and fish, without incurring excessive expenses. Furthermore, they offer a wide variety of fruits at no cost. An assortment of milkshakes, customized to your preferences, is widely available for a price of $1.50. Additionally, there is a wide array of intriguing and affordable street food options that are occasionally nutritious, such as chochos, choclo con queso, empanadas, arepas, fruit salads, and juices.

Numerous natural remedies or traditional medicinal treatments are readily accessible and highly affordable. For example, I began consuming cactus juice. On Amazon, the price per liter ranged from $25 to $30, whereas here it is only $3.50, indicating a potentially higher quality as well. Coconut oil/cacao is both locally sourced and cost-effective. There is a plentiful supply of seafood available at no cost. An encebollado, a type of fish soup, is available for a price range of $3 to $4. Alternatively, a ceviche, which is a soup made with shrimp or fish, flavored with lemon and tomato, is priced at $7. One of the most enjoyable aspects of residing in Ecuador, in my opinion. Never be concerned about the cost of food.


Buses are highly affordable, although they lack satisfactory quality. Typically, the cost of traveling per hour is slightly higher than $1.5. However, locations that appear close on a map can result in unpleasant journeys due to poorly maintained buses that make several stops in every village and struggle to maintain pace on steep highways. There have been numerous fatal accidents on the mountain roads.

Taxis are quite affordable in small cities, with fares ranging from 1 to 2 dollars for a 5 to 10-minute journey. In Quito and Guayaquil, the fares may be slightly higher, about 2 to 3 dollars for a 10-minute ride, but still considered inexpensive. Drunk driving can be readily prevented by following these steps.

Trains in the Andes are primarily designed for tourists and tend to be more costly. Although I have not personally experienced them, they are available. Perhaps intriguing due to the picturesque landscape.

Air travel: Domestic flights are operating normally. TAME, Avianca, and LAN provide intercity flights for less than $100, providing two options to choose from. However, the cost of flying across borders in Latin America is considerably high, which is a significant drawback. The most advantageous option from Colombia would be to take a flight between Bogota and Quito with Viva Colombia, or alternatively, to fly from Cali to Esmeraldas with TAME.

In 2017, WINGO offers highly economical flights from Quito to Bogota, priced at approximately $200 for round-trip tickets. This makes it significantly more cost-effective compared to Viva Colombia.


Ecuador is widely known for its unfavorable reputation. It is challenging for me to provide a definitive assessment of this situation. While I have resided in several unfavorable neighborhoods, I have only encountered one instance of attempted violent robbery in my current location. In my perspective, such an occurrence is rather common for a one-year duration. Instances of pickpocketing in buses and similar settings are rather common, thus it is advisable to remain vigilant and take precautions against such occurrences. Generally speaking, Ecuador may be considered relatively safe, thus there is no need for excessive concern. Upon my arrival, I was repeatedly advised by others to avoid certain regions, although I consistently disregarded their warnings and encountered minimal difficulties. Maybe I was fortunate... or maybe the inhabitants possess a culture characterized by fear in this place. Guayaquil and Esmeraldas are widely recognized as the most perilous. Instances of crimes more severe than violent robberies are infrequent, whereas occurrences of kidnappings are rare.

2021 update: It appears that the situation is becoming increasingly dubious, particularly in the coastal cities and Quito. The increase in poverty and unemployment, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has contributed to this phenomenon. Additionally, the ongoing Venezuela refugee crisis has also had an impact.

The general populace

I thought the individuals in Ecuador to be exceptional. The majority of individuals are exceedingly humble, virtuous individuals who are eager to provide aid or support in whatever manner. The prevalence of arrogance is really low in this place. Envy is a prevalent emotion, yet it is not a significant cause for concern. In my opinion, there is still a significant number of individuals that have a certain level of admiration towards foreigners, particularly those from Western countries. Therefore, you are likely to enjoy a considerable amount of popularity in this place. Racial discrimination is mostly directed towards the black population from Esmeraldas and the indigenous communities, but it also extends to Colombians, who are often stereotyped as criminals and sex workers by Ecuadorians. Individuals often exhibit a moderate level of sociability, characterized by politeness rather than assertiveness. They will engage in casual conversation and if you initiate a conversation with someone on the street, you may expect a typical response.

It should be noted that Ecuador is not an ideal area for creating acquaintances. Ecuadorians may not be conducive to developing genuine friendships due to their intense competitiveness, financial constraints, and limited social skills. The expatriates, as a whole, tend to be somewhat dull, consisting of several individuals with families or unconventional lifestyles. Fortune is required to encounter exceptional individuals at this location.

Ecuadorian women and dating

Now we have reached the more captivating sections. An Ecuadorian woman has been a topic of discussion on the forum due to several reasons. Women from mountainous regions often possess physical features that are considered unattractive, such as a lack of curvature in the buttocks, shorter stature, and distinctive facial characteristics. Their appearance is often not noteworthy. Visiting inland cities or villages will reveal a lack of elements that conform to commonly accepted standards of beauty. Nevertheless, the influx of immigrants, particularly from Colombia, as well as the integration of black communities from Esmeraldas, have greatly enriched my experience in Ecuador.

Typically, there is less competition in Ecuador. The men lack physical prowess, a consensus among all women. In addition, they often exhibit a strong sense of masculinity and possessiveness towards their female partners, a characteristic they find displeasing. Therefore, numerous Ecuadorian females perceive you not only as a captivating foreigner with a superior standard of living, but also as a desirable substitute for their own men, both in terms of physicality and mentality. Physically, you will experience an increase in height, improved physique, and enhanced facial structure. If you possess features such as blond hair, green or blue eyes, and so on, you will excel in this environment. Psychologically, individuals will perceive you as a progressive someone who is relaxed and willing to engage in thrilling experiences, as well as being more receptive and intellectually astute.

Consider this fact, in addition to the presence of an exceptionally attractive biracial woman who possesses the physique of a black girl and the facial features of an indigenous girl, for example. Consider the Colombian flood and recognize that you are probably eligible to directly pursue the top 5% of women. These women have a striking resemblance to what you typically see in posts from Medellin or Cali. Although their numbers are limited, they do exist and are accessible.

If you reside in a coastal area or in Quito, you will have the opportunity to join a club where you will find a plentiful selection of high-caliber and receptive women. This is particularly true if you possess a certain level of charm and charisma. The Ecuadorian individuals will be outperformed.

It remains accurate that the most exceptional women originate from Esmeraldas/Manabí or Venezuelan/Colombian ladies residing in Quito. The recent increase in Venezuelan immigration is a welcome complement. Like many other members of the forum, I concur that their mindset is often unpleasant; the girls here exhibit a strong feeling of entitlement. Flaking is a frequently observed occurrence.

The route starts at Manabi or Esmeraldas, then goes to Guayaquil, Santo Domingo, Quito, and Riobamba, Ambato, or Ibarra. Finally, it passes through Cuenca and Puyo, Lago Agrio, Tena, Macas, or Coca.

Which type of game is compatible with Ecuador?

Typically, this is the kind of game that ought to function effectively in any thriving society. The quality of esteemed individuals. Successful individuals who possess a stable occupation, high intellect, attractive appearance, and exemplary conduct can thrive in this environment. Infrequently did I feel compelled to employ aggressive negging or disregard towards girls, particularly those who were considered highly attractive. Typically, by simply attending social gatherings, treating acquaintances and relatives with kindness, avoiding excessive eccentricity, you will gain the attention and interest of women. Peacocking is not commonly observed in this context, hence its effectiveness remains uncertain. I believe it is not of significant importance, and it would be advisable to choose for elegant attire instead.

Undoubtedly, social validation holds significant importance, and it may be considered a universally recognized concept. Being a foreigner, people will become aware of your presence sooner than you anticipate, and you can utilize this to your benefit.

Although many girls here identify as Christian, their religious beliefs do not appear to prevent them from engaging in promiscuous behavior. Occasionally, a female would inform me of her need to return home by a specific time due to familial obligations, however I would not assert that this occurrence is more prevalent than in the western world.

Inviting a girl to your apartment for a first date is not a widely practiced norm, therefore it is important to approach this situation with careful consideration. Coffee bars are currently in high demand. Following a night of consuming alcoholic beverages, it is very uncomplicated to accompany someone home, however the feasibility may vary based on the social status of the individuals in question. Girls in the Foch area are more accessible.

Online game: I primarily utilized Tinder, a widely recognized platform, but its usage is predominantly concentrated in larger urban areas. Badoo also has a user base.

Engaging in the nightlife scene can prove challenging for those without confidence, as the majority of clubs are not conducive to solitary outings or approaching unaccompanied women. Typically, girls tend to socialize in groups, often accompanied by several guys who cover the expenses. In this manner, they have a tendency to adhere to the collective, necessitating a forceful entrance on your part. Typically, males are not prone to being aggressive. Therefore, in most situations, they would not be greatly bothered, unless it involves their romantic partner.

Daygame: Frankly speaking, Ecuador is not an ideal location for engaging in daygame activities. Curiously, the most attractive females exhibit a notable inclination towards indolence and tend to be less active during daylight hours. During my journey to Bogota, I observed a stark contrast and an abundance of stunning sights. For optimal options in Quito, the most advisable choices are the Quicentro and El Jardin malls, conveniently located with the Carolina Park situated in between. Weather is unpredictable, hence it is advisable to visit during the dry season.

The act of dancing holds significant value. Being able to dance is a fortunate attribute for a man. Regrettably, my dancing skills are subpar (despite my earnest efforts, which hold significance). Occasionally, I declined to partake in salsa or merengue dancing with a female companion, which would invariably astonish them. Individuals in this location fail to comprehend any justification for someone's reluctance to engage in dancing. Your refusal to dance causes the girl to feel embarrassed in the presence of her friends and family. European/American individuals often find salsa to be a novel and unfamiliar concept, and structured dance is not typically perceived as fashionable or appealing. As a result, I have encountered numerous uncomfortable circumstances. Regrettably, due to the fact that individuals acquire dancing skills within their early years, there is a scarcity of proficient instructors. Personally, I find Latin music to be of low quality and it fails to evoke any emotional response in me. However, despite this, I aspire to become a proficient salsa dancer in the future. It is a significant advantage in these countries.

I discovered that the consumption of alcohol in Europe and North America is significantly higher compared to other regions. The majority of individuals do not possess the financial means to engage in excessive alcohol consumption on two occasions per week. Women in this context will express gratitude for your purchase of beverages and will also become intoxicated more rapidly. Substances of illicit nature are also quite uncommon. While there may be a significant amount of trafficking, the number of individuals utilizing these products is quite low, despite their extremely low cost.

Additional activities to engage in while in Ecuador

-Ascend a volcano (Cotopaxi and Chimborazo come highly recommended, however there are other more that offer breathtaking views)

-Visit the Amazon region, specifically Cuyabeno, which offers a more affordable option while providing an equally excellent experience compared to Yasuni.

-Explore the historic Inca ruins (Avoid if you have already seen Machu Picchu)

-Engage in cultural immersion by visiting indigenous tribes to gain insights into their customs and traditions (an essential activity for me)

-Visit the Galapagos Islands, although it can be quite costly. Simply book your flight and handle all other arrangements upon arrival. Take advantage of the current decrease in tourist numbers.

-Engage in the activity of surfing in one of the several coastal communities, with Montanita or Mompiche being the most exceptional options for this water sport.

- Banos and Mindo are both excellent destinations for adventure sports. Banos, a small town located just 3 hours from Quito, offers a wide range of activities and attractions, including adventure tourism, sports, and breathtaking scenery. It also boasts a decent nightlife scene. Mindo, on the other hand, is a charming town nestled in the heart of a jungle environment. It offers pleasant hikes, as well as some bars and restaurants. Mindo is conveniently located about 2 hours away from Quito.

-Engage in a cabalgata, a horseback riding activity (Pululahua is an excellent location for horse riding).

-Explore a variety of awe-inspiring waterfalls, with the most renowned being Nariz del Diablo near Banos.

-Engage in equestrian activities in the Andes, specifically in the Chimborazo region.

-Embark on a transcendental journey and partake in the consumption of Ayahuasca.

-Visit the coastal areas (near Puerto Lopez in Manabí or occasionally near Atacames) to observe the whales' breeding activities.

Residing in a city classified as a third-tier

During my time in Ecuador, I resided in an urban area with a population ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 individuals. The city is sometimes referred to as a ghetto, characterized by its unappealing nature and lack of visitors. I will refrain from disclosing the name, as it is probable that anyone searching for this data sheet would be able to identify me, given the scarcity of non-residents in that area.

What is your experience like living in a tiny place, where you possess abundant social influence due to being the sole foreigner, standing out physically, and enjoying a superior social standing? There are positive and negative aspects.

Firstly, I will address the negative aspects. It is difficult to conceive, but the city is extremely impoverished to the extent that there are virtually no communal areas. There are no authentic parks, only little 'plazas'. There is a single shopping center of approximately 6-7 stores. The urban core is in a state of disarray. Envision the scenario of arriving at this location with no prior acquaintances. Where can one go to socialize and interact with others? It is important to mention that the city is regarded as perilous, hence it is not advisable to stroll around freely.

The bar culture is virtually non-existent on most days, except for Friday and Saturday. However, if you do happen to visit a bar, do not anticipate an atmosphere similar to that in Europe, where people casually mingle and singles actively seek social connections. No, there are fewer small groups of friends sitting together at a table in an enclosed setting. Upon entering, individuals will gaze at you with a sense of bewilderment, questioning your identity.

Obtaining a social life in a city of this nature is undeniably challenging. In previous cities I resided in, I never encountered any difficulties. However, in this particular location, I occasionally found myself facing obstacles. Internet gaming has effectively resolved numerous issues, and I have indeed explored both nocturnal and daytime gaming. Engaging in solitary ambulation within a nightclub while endeavoring to initiate conversations with individuals. Although it remains feasible, your approach is quite forthright, attracting much attention from observers, and arousing strong suspicions among the local men over your interactions with their female counterparts. These circumstances are quite uncomfortable, I must say. Day game is limited to initiating conversations with women in certain locations like as shops, supermarkets, or on the street, as social places are not available.

Moreover, numerous locations become perilous after approximately 7pm. I received advice from local individuals with whom I collaborated, cautioning me against venturing outside during nighttime hours and even suggesting that I avoid certain places within the city center during daylight hours. Subsequently, I discovered that their claims were largely inflated. However, even so, when confronted with unanimous warnings of an imminent robbery, one's initial inclination is to refrain from engaging in casual conversations with the local women on the street.

Indeed, virtually everyone was subjected to theft. All individuals save for myself, including two of my close colleagues, my neighbor, and a girl I was dating. I was subjected to a knife assault, but successfully evaded the attacker. Aside from that, no other significant events occurred to me, which is regarded as a quasi-miracle by both the locals and the individuals I am acquainted with in Quito. The outcome is greatly influenced by one's mindset and attentiveness, naturally.

Now, let's focus on the positive aspects. Due to my distinctiveness from the local population, characterized by money and physical attractiveness, it is evident that a significant number of girls were showing interest in me. Several girls, some of whom were even extremely hostile, occasionally shouted at me, using semi-sexual comments about my appearance, similar to how boys shout at girls worldwide. After acquiring fluency in the language and familiarizing myself with the area, it is needless to mention that I began attracting the most attractive women in the city. Regarding the success rate of my approach, I was able to engage in intimate encounters with approximately 50% of the women I approached. It should be noted that I specifically contact girls who have evident interest in order to establish a connection, thus there are preliminary signs.

Thus, the progression of things was proceeding exceptionally well. During the initial two months, I had the opportunity to interact with approximately three girls, forming a little harem consisting of around six to seven individuals of high caliber. Subsequently, I began broadening my scope to encompass individuals ranging from 7 to 8.5 in terms of attractiveness. Within six months, I consistently maintained a rotation of approximately 5 to 6 female companions. I was progressively improving my Spanish skills and acquiring knowledge of the cultural customs. By the conclusion of my visit, I had a group of approximately 8-10 women, most of whom were eager to engage in sexual activity with me whenever I want. I quickly dismissed the girls of lower quality and towards the end of my time there, I reduced my harem to approximately 2-4 girls who were of superior caliber, ranging from 8 to 9 in terms of subjective attractiveness (although I acknowledge my personal bias as a Latina man). This was crucial, as during that period, if I ventured outside, I would be recognized by individuals. My reputation was such that upon returning home from a date, I would receive messages asking, "Were you at that location with that girl? Is she your new girlfriend?"I received messages such as 'I had a great time tonight' or 'I heard you had a great time tonight' from girls with whom I had a somewhat romantic involvement.

I had to adopt a highly strategic approach to managing my social life. I attempted to arrange all of our meetings either at my residence or in close proximity to it in order to minimize interactions with strangers. However, it is a well-known fact that the more affluent the woman, the greater her expectations of being treated to formal dinners and similar outings. It presented a difficulty.

However, it also proved advantageous on certain occasions. There were those girls who, upon meeting them, were already aware of my identity, my considerable achievements with girls, and my lack of interest in a committed relationship. An explosion is imminent at this location.

Overall, I still greatly enjoy residing in larger urban areas. The level of competition may be elevated, but correspondingly, the range of opportunities, social outings, and attractions to explore is also increased.