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An objective analysis of the Philippines - whitemike - 02-15-2024

Common Misunderstandings: Debunking 6 Popular Beliefs

1. Filipinas strongly dislike Filipino men.

This idea is absurd. To begin with, this country has a population of 100 million individuals, necessitating the procreation of Filipinos to sustain such a sizeable populace. It is illogical to assume that all the women in this place have animosity towards Filipinos.

What is the reason for this myth?

Many of the girls you will encounter here have a preference for white men and are less like to be attracted to Filipino men. It pertains to demographics. I suggest conducting an online search on the myth surrounding David Bond, a Caucasian individual in Asia.

Consider this: the only females with whom you will engage in dating activities will possess a preference for Caucasian males. If your observations consist solely of girls expressing admiration for white men and asserting their superiority over Filipinos, and if you occasionally encounter strangers treating you with favoritism, it is understandable to develop the perception that Filipino men are unpopular and that everyone is eager to engage in sexual activities with you. Complete nonsense

2. White individuals are the preferred choice for every girl.

Incorrect. The top preference is a someone of mixed white and Filipino heritage, possessing significant wealth and physical attractiveness. Apologies are not offered, nor regretted.

Indeed, there are certain ladies in this location who exhibit a preference for white males over individuals of their own ethnicity. Furthermore, there are those who refuse to engage in romantic relationships with Filipino males. It is advisable to refrain from pursuing these particular women, as they tend to display a notable degree of anger and racial prejudice, based on my personal encounters. They enjoy capturing European flags.

Why do many ladies talk about white guys instead of wealthy biracial individuals if white guys are not ranked as the top choice?

It is possible for someone to either disclose the truth or cater to your desires. Many Filipinas have a tendency to prioritize pleasing others, often placing it above conveying the truth. This is simply an observation, without any judgment.

My statement is not solely based on my own testimony; I have engaged in conversations with other individuals, particularly the local residents. I engaged in a conversation with two Filipino Instagram models regarding the field of modeling, and they conveyed to me that if I were to pursue modeling in this context, I would be considered a specialized model catering to a certain target audience. Consider this. If it is universally true that all women prefer white males, then it would be perplexing as to why half Filipino models are more popular.

Additionally, I was informed that the Filipino model who was more Irish than Filipino was not receiving equal work prospects compared to the model who was half British and half Filipino and appeared more Filipino.

3. The majority of ladies here are interested in engaging in sexual activity with you.

Admittedly, I lack definitive knowledge on this matter, as numerous women may decline your advances due to factors such as your undesirable qualities, excessive prudishness, or their own shyness. I am unaware.

Here is my understanding: I have encountered numerous women in this place who have engaged in sexual activities with multiple Caucasian men.

During my time in Cebu, I conducted an experiment where I examined approximately 110 male profiles. Out of these, 6 profiles belonged to individuals of Caucasian descent, 2 profiles were of really poor quality, 2 profiles did not even belong to individuals residing in the country, and only 2 profiles were deemed genuine.

Let's assume that in the tourist districts, around 2% of the population in Makati consists of Caucasian males (a rough estimate).

If there is a high demand among women for white men, it would result in intense rivalry, making it unlikely for an average Filipina to attract many white men. What actually occurs is that there is likely a significantly smaller group of girls who are genuinely interested in white men. This would provide a comprehensive explanation, as there have been numerous instances of men engaging in sexual relations with the same women.

4. Filipino men cause harm to Filipino women and exhibit unpleasant behavior.

To begin with, there is not a significant disparity between men and women. It is exceedingly improbable in any culture where a significant number of males exhibit unpleasant behavior and all women are considered morally virtuous that such a situation is immature.

Many individuals in America have observed a significant increase in the number of males engaging in infidelity. However, in present times, it has become apparent that a comparable number of women are also involved in acts of cheating. Therefore, it is evident. The notion that men are inherently bad and women are always victims is simply absurd.

Here is the accurate account of what occurs. I possess a deep understanding of the typical Filipino disposition, as I originate from a devout Catholic family that strongly values satisfying others.

Typically, there are individuals that engage in deceitful behavior, manipulating and betraying women for their own personal gain. Nevertheless, some of the girls who express dissatisfaction are engaging in the same behavior. This displays a certain level of hypocrisy, which is inherent in human nature. He is contemptible because he engaged in X, despite the possibility that she may have also engaged in X at some point.

I have encountered several women who expressed interest in meeting me, but ultimately revealed that they are already in relationships with foreign men. Interestingly, some of these women have the audacity to criticize Filipino men for their perceived nasty behavior, without acknowledging their own actions. It can be amusing, as those who aim to please others often harbor hidden feelings of resentment towards both the people they please and those individuals themselves. During periods of vulnerability, I have overheard certain women mocking others for their feelings of inadequacy, excessive insecurity, and heightened sensitivity. Although it is quite probable that they possess those identical attributes.

Once again, I refrain from passing judgment on others. I acknowledge that I can be hypocritical at times, so I handle such situations with composure.

5. The women here are pure and inexperienced.

Incorrect, entirely untrue.

Once, I had a former girlfriend in the United States who belonged to a family that aimed to please others and followed the principles of the Catholic faith. She strongly emphasized behaving in a socially acceptable manner. We were in a relationship for a duration of two years, during which she expressed her desire to engage in sexual activity throughout the day and consistently exhibited a high level of sexual interest.

This individual abstained from engaging in sexual activities during casual encounters.

It is very astonishing to contemplate.

A useful suggestion: genuinely virtuous women do not proclaim their virtue; those who make an excessive effort to appear innocent often possess a heightened level of sexuality.

Such discussions often occur in the bedroom, where many women feel comfortable sharing their experiences and discussing unconventional sexual preferences, provided that you demonstrate a non-judgmental attitude. Many girls are willing to engage in unconventional activities with me in the bedroom, which may make other girls from my hometown uncomfortable.

Additionally, their personalities tend to exhibit a considerable degree of frivolity. However, when it comes to the most attractive women or the upper echelon, this notion does not hold true, since they possess a higher level of street smarts. Based on my observations, the majority of the girls in this location exhibit a high degree of naivety and are prone to being readily deceived by deceptive information. Once again, I must admit that I am rather lacking in experience and knowledge, so I can empathize with your situation.

6. It is feasible to acquire a desirable romantic partner.

Regrettably, that is not possible. May I inquire as to the reason for your query?

1. The most attractive women emigrate from the country.

2. The remaining attractive women gravitate towards BGC and Makati.

When seeking attractive ladies, it is often beneficial to track the financial resources, as this tends to lead to the discovery of the most desirable men and women in a particular nation.

3. It may be challenging to locate an attractive woman in Cebu.

I visited popular nightclubs such as xylo and attempted to interact with attractive ladies. While I had limited chances with some of them, I failed to engage them effectively, resulting in missed opportunities. Several of these women were renowned Filipina celebrities.

I have encountered two models throughout my time here. One of them is considered average, scoring a 7 on the worldwide scale. The other model is attractive, scoring a 9 on the Philippines scale but an 8 internationally.

Both individuals were compatible due to one's desire for a mixed-race child and the other's inclination for travel and Westernized values, which are not aligned with conservative Filipino culture.

My hypothesis

The concept of foreign value can have both positive and negative consequences. Allow me to elucidate.

If your sexual market value (SMV) is rated as 5 in the United States and you decide to visit Manila, Philippines. Your value significantly increases to approximately 8. By reducing the amount of time you spend playing games, you can significantly increase your chances of engaging in sexual activities. However, individuals who are rated as 9s and 10s are more inclined to prefer the most exceptional individuals from their own nation, rather than someone from outside.

In my opinion, engaging in travel experiences has the potential to enhance your romantic opportunities. However, if you were considered a highly attractive individual, scoring a 10 or 9 on the attractiveness scale in America, you would likely find it simpler to attract more physically attractive ladies, as you would not be perceived as an outsider. These are my personal opinions, and there is a possibility that they may not be accurate.

The positive update

The majority of women in this community are aware that their chances of forming a romantic relationship with a wealthy and well-connected individual who is of mixed Filipino heritage are extremely low. While he may engage in casual sexual encounters with them, he is unlikely to jeopardize his social standing by pursuing a serious relationship with a financially disadvantaged Filipina.

Many women are aware that foreigners often show little concern for this matter, thus they may seek their attention due to their greater wealth and access to a more luxurious lifestyle. Additionally and this is a substantial one. A Filipino woman of pure descent seeks a Caucasian man in order to have mixed-race children, providing them with the greatest opportunity to advance in the socioeconomic strata.

Consequently, many women in this location desire to form a union with a foreign individual.

Some additional intellectual self-indulgence

It should be noted that certain girls may appreciate being mistaken for being of Korean or Japanese descent in this particular location. Superficially, they appear to exhibit a great deal of nationalistic pride, which serves as a façade to conceal their true lack of genuine patriotism.

How can this be identified?

ladies discussing their appreciation for their Filipino heritage (in contrast to the rarity of ladies on Tinder openly expressing pride in being white in America) and expressing admiration for their own complexion (in contrast to the infrequency of women openly discussing the awesomeness of their skin).

What are the advantages of being white and why is race irrelevant? (I concur that it is inconsequential, although some may express this sentiment defensively.)

Our nation is remarkable.

We exhibit exceptional kindness and benevolence.

These behaviors stem from feelings of insecurity. Delve beyond the superficial expressions.

It should be noted that not everyone exhibits this behavior, and there are even individuals who openly acknowledge its absurdity. There are genuinely kind individuals present here.

An exasperating aspect of this nation is the occurrence of individuals who express remarks about oneself that are undesirable, as they find it amusing.

I have encountered instances where certain girls have said really offensive remarks, however they do it while wearing a smile, seemingly provoking a reaction of anger from the recipient.

Overall, it is really worthwhile to visit. I have engaged in intimate encounters with about 30 women without feeling the need to communicate with them via text messages. I am interested to know how many individuals are affected by my limited usage of text communication and whether it is indeed impeding my productivity, given that I solely rely on text messages for arranging meetings with them.

However, it is important to note that visiting this place does not guarantee that women will be eagerly waiting to engage in sexual activities with you, nor does it imply that exceptionally attractive individuals will be unable to resist your Caucasian ethnicity or financial status.

RE: An objective analysis of the Philippines - pitbull510 - 02-15-2024

Blah, visit the Philippines to efficiently and affordably engage in various activities such as increasing your tally of experiences, completing a project, acquiring scuba diving skills, and exploring multiple islands.

Do not anticipate significant contributions from local people. They lack physical attractiveness and possess a low degree of education, even at the college level. The more aesthetically pleasing young women depart with romantic partners or pursue careers in modeling. Some women engage in prostitution. There is still a satisfactory level of quality. The Catholic faith fosters strong familial ties. Not all girls depart. I have encountered some individuals who possess high levels of intelligence.

It is worth noting that Filipinos, despite their fluency in English, do not possess a high level of education. This perplexes us, as fluency is typically indicative of intelligence and a high level of schooling (when going internationally). It is coincidentally a language that is recognized at the national level. Do not anticipate children to possess intelligence just based on their comprehension of your words. They have little access to media and their cognitive processes differ from those of foreigners.

If you desire a spouse who possesses the skills of culinary expertise, household maintenance, and intimacy, they can prove to be commendable. The absence of ambition towards a prestigious profession can perhaps prevent numerous conflicts inside a marital relationship. However, the majority of individuals in this location likely have the means to employ a domestic worker. Ultimately, you are left with two options: embarking on an ambitious mission or carefully selecting the most suitable one and observing its progress.