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My initial observation is that Jakarta Indonesia is really large. The traffic is likely to be even more severe than in Manila. Jakarta lacks the distinctive taste that is characteristic of any other city in Southeast Asia that I have visited. Fully developed urban area with extensive use of concrete. I had absolutely no inclination to exit my apartment and go on a stroll. Perhaps the situation varies in other regions, however the vicinity surrounding the nightlife hub in the center south area seemed uninteresting and devoid of distinctive features. 

However, I find Indo girls quite exotic. One drawback I observed was the prevalence of smoking among these girls. Every single girl at the clubs was smoking packs of cigarettes. That is a significant deterrent for me. In addition, it appears that they apply an excessive amount of cosmetics, which surpasses my personal preference. I concur with the general consensus that Jakarta offers a commendable evening experience. At least in terms of achieving casual sexual encounters, which I found to be rather achievable. Not cost-effective due to its high price. Given further time, I would have desired to thoroughly explore the clubs located further south in Kemang. I have had positive feedback regarding them. I had the opportunity to visit the majority of the prominent clubs located in the central southern region. The only ones I failed to visit were Blowfish and the establishment known as Domain. If you are interested in engaging in shoring, P4P, or pre-gaming activities at such venues, I have been informed that the freelancer spots can be found in Blok M, specifically at the bars named BATS and CJ's. Additionally, there are some highly affordable establishments known as Time and Classic, which function as brothel hotels. There is a wide selection of girls available to choose from, all of whom are seated on sofas. The cost for this service is 350,000 IDR. I was enticed to investigate it for amusement and curiosity, but I never found the opportunity to do so.

There are some quite appealing girls present in this city. I must admit, I am truly enamored with the aesthetic appeal of Indonesian women. In my opinion, the girls in Jakarta have a distinct and captivating appearance. It is challenging for me to articulate, but it is distinctly dissimilar to all other locations. It resembles a blend of Asian, Middle Eastern, and Caucasian influences. Although it may not be entirely accurate, I am deeply enamored by their appearance. I am referring to the girls who are frequently seen at social gatherings and events. I required additional time in Jakarta. Perhaps I shall return in the foreseeable future.