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Mexican cities worth visiting
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Outside of Mexico City and Playa/Cancun, Mexico is a predominantly conservative country with a high percentage of overweight individuals. Mexicans typically have a small stature and tend to accumulate weight around their stomach. Approximately 80% of Mexican women are overweight or obese. Anyway, Mexicans are generally quite conservative when it comes to sex (except in CDMX, and to a much lesser extent the other major cities). In small towns with a population of under 300,000, around 25% of girls remain virgins until marriage, while 60-70% have a sexual partner count of less than 10. This is the situation you are facing. You think you have it tough? The local guys have practically given up.

These girls are still sexually interested, but it is crucial to ensure that these girls from the village are completely certain that if they engage in sexual activity with you, it will remain a secret. Sure in the grand scheme of things doesn't really make a difference if she just fooled around with you or fucked you, she's already there and whoever saw her saw her, but hamster don't care. Hostel is not conducive to this. Is like when the cops try to shake me down here in CDMX, the second they see even one witness they get spooked and go. For every person that sees you guys together, your chance of getting the bang goes down 10%, even if its a waiter or stranger at a hostel. If she runs into someone she knows, then its 100% over. Its all hamster illogical logic.

Mexico City: Sometimes referred to as the New York City of Mexico. The most liberal area in the country with promiscuous women of low quality. Extremely unreliable. Very flakey.

Guadalajara: More conservative but changing a bit. Authentic attractive women present. It's easy enough but still the majority of girls will take 2-3 dates to crack.

Pueblos: insufficient quantity. You will often receive significant attention and indicators of interest from exotic women, but they are nonetheless traditional and avoid engaging in sexual activities in their little community. Reputation is important.

Beach cities: Playa/Cancun and Tulum is where you wanna go.

Playa del Carmen

1. Nearly all visitor attractions are located within a 3-mile radius. The Centro area is highly pedestrian-friendly and offers excellent logistical advantages.

2. There were a ton of Americans and a decent number of Canadians. A fair number of these people were remote workers or even college students who wanted to escape the harsher restrictions and financial costs of staying in their home regions. NYE certainly contributed to the increased numbers but I can't really say to what magnitude. Some Europeans were also around although not as many as there usually would be. And there was no shortage of Mexicans due to the holiday season.

3. Police and military presence was higher than in my previous trips. I'm sure the pandemic and potential for more crime has something to do with this.

5. The amount of public beach space has decreased compared to previous years. The ocean has encroached more on the beach, while the resorts and beach clubs have expanded into the already restricted area.

6. NYE was the busiest I ever saw the city during the night. Partying basically continued until the sun came up and the streets were busy for hours.

Playa is easily your best bet in Mexico to meet all European and Latin American nationalities.  How are the constant, robotic drug annoyances these days?  The first time I went there that stuff was minimal and the quality of the women was overall better.  The last time I went there, it was nonstop and the quality of women was easily the worst I have ever seen in Playa.  Coincidence?

PDC has become a digital nomad hub of sorts, I mean its always been one, but in the last few months its really taken off as "the place to be" if you have an online business, freelancer etc. This is a big deal for me and negates some of the downsides like the dodgy police and annoying fake drug dealers selling baby powder / laxative mix on quinta

Feb - early April is also best weather in PDC too. Gonna spend 5 weeks there and wanna check out many places I haven't had a chance to like Merida, Holbox. Surprisingly I've never been to Tulum either even though I've been to almost every Mexican state, just never got around to it. I cannot stand middle class "woke" white girls, always end up getting in fights with them though, so maybe Tulum is not best for me.


1. Lodging is expensive, especially in one of the beach properties. Centro Tulum is more walkable but from what I understand, there is a higher presence of "alternative" girls compared to the beach areas. I found girls to be overall more attractive than those in PDC, however.

2. Lots of Americans are here and compared to PDC, it's definitely an overall younger, wealthier, and trendier crowd (i.e. Instagram attention whores). This city is hardly a secret like it may have been in the past and it's only going to get worse.

3. The beaches are much better here than those in PDC, although they're not within walking distance of Centro. Unless you're staying in one of the expensive beach hotels, you'll have to rent a bike (5-10 USD per day) or take a taxi (25-40 USD one way). It took me about 25 minutes each way on a bike and I ride fairly quick.

4. Businesses were open and mask compliance is a bit higher here. Nightlife was lacking compared to what I saw in PDC although I had no experience with the beach hotel scene or the so-called "jungle parties" that may have been busted. I think the restrictions have hampered nightlife more significantly in Tulum.

5. Lots and lots of stray cats and dogs. If you're eating at a restaurant, don't be surprised if you see an animal go near you.

I'm happy in CDMX, but I still head to Brazil and even Peru from time to time to get my fix of hotter girls that I can't access here without a fight.

Example: Lima girls are on average about same as CDMX girls but the major difference is in Lima the top 2-3% hotties are way more accessible, the local dudes in Peru are kind of broke choads and the other foreigners that come through are usually dorky backpackers. This is not true in CDMX. Its a city with hundreds of thousands of rich Mexican guys who make as much as you if not more with connections in the social scene etc. This can be true in Bangkok as well but on average there is also way more hot girls that compensate for it. The competition for hot chicks here is very intense. Once you get 8 and above its pretty much same as USA or western Europe or wherever, maybe even worse. If you don't believe me just look up an Instagram of say a girl whose a 7 at best, if she was American she might have 2000-3000 followers, here in Mexico she'll have like 250,000 followers. The shortage of top shelf looks here is real.

Also many people suggest other cities but IMO people are leaving out a huge detail. Monterrey and GDL have virtually nothing going on compared to CDMX, here is way more touristy shit going on, more culture, better food, chance to meet other travelers/scumbags, better base to take side trips. Plus CDMX girls are way easier then the rest of the country. Most cities and especially smaller towns are more conservative, plus cannot rely only on online. Sure the girls in MTY are hotter but I know plenty of dudes who spent over a week there didn't even bang one chick. Like other poster have said check the temperature in CDMX to see where you ranking, before heading to Sinaloa or Monterrey. If you aren't pulling hard here, you won't get shit there.

Also worth a shout out, a paradise for easiness of women and beaches is a place which people don’t hear of often from US and Europe - Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca. Many tourists from the big cities of Mexico (plus Argentina and Peru) come here to beach and party. Cheap as fuck. All you have to do is wear a nice shirt and shoes, speak Spanish and the girls will literally touch your knob on the dance floor.

A colleague recently returned from Playa Del Carmen and was telling me that the beaches weren't that good due to a seaweed problem. I did some research and it looks like they may have been referring to sargassum, which appears to be an algae that is causing trouble in the area.

It’s been a problem for a few years now and there’s not much they can do the tides bring it in and the shores get covered in it, some beaches have workers who rake it up so you can still enjoy the beach but it’s annoying. Some areas are worse than others, I think Isla Mujeres was ok.

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