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Is it a good idea to travel to Europe?
It seems that women with white or pale skin, whether they be Caucasian or Asian, tend to be more stuck up, cold, uptight and overly serious. But women with brown skin or darker complexion tend to be warmer and friendlier and more chill and laid back. Hence you can be yourself around them more and you feel more relaxed around them too. This is a very consistent pattern and can easily be seen all over the world. Why is that? Not just white women, it's true of Asian women too. For example, I notice that the white skinned women in Asia tend to be colder and more uptight than the women with darker complexion even in the same country. It's VERY noticeable. What's the reason for this? I can't believe this hasn't been brought up yet. It seems to be a global pattern that applies all over the world, not just to some countries. It's as if white or pale skin makes their blood a lot colder and more reptilian too. How can that be? I thought race and skin color doesn't matter as liberals claim?

The problem is that many non-white guys still desire white women because of status. Alot of these non-white guys punch above their weight when they get with white women especially white women who are fine. Alot of non-whites also have their ways of bragging and flaunting in front of white guys that they are getting with white women or women who are lighter skin, so these minority dudes can be just as bad as these white women you talk about. Its all about status and what you can show, when it comes to women at the end of the day. A white guy is generally going to naturally have it easier with white women, whereas dudes of other races have to prove themselvses more to white women. This even occurs within other races too. Levels in dating also occurs amongst nationalities as well, where women of certain nationalities would discriminate guys of other nationalities unless the guy shows the woman something special like a special talent or personality of some sort.

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Is it a good idea to travel to Europe? - by pitbull510 - 02-10-2024, 11:09 PM

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