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Happier abroad DOT com FORUM - A mentally ill dumpster fire
(02-21-2024, 09:58 AM)PAG Wrote: Yeah, total garbage pile that barely works

Why does no one on there actually post pictures about going abroad? I noticed you were the only one who actually posted real pictures of your vacation and you were attacked by the mental patients on that site, possibly out of jealously for someone who actually went abroad instead of writing larp stories about it and then banned despite the members insulting you, calling your women whores and transgenders, and saying racist thing about you getting no punishment. Why do they accuse you of harassment when they're the ones who attack and insult everyone?

I imagine that the posters there never actually went abroad and instead live in group homes and mental institutions where they pretend to write stories online about being successful and get pissed off at someone who is actually not a failure. It reminds me of the old Roosh forum, where basement dwelling losers pretended to be alpha males.

Also, how shitty is your server if an outdated forum can't even run on it?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Happier abroad DOT com FORUM - by PAG - 02-21-2024, 09:58 AM
RE: Happier abroad DOT com FORUM - by Pixel Dude - 02-21-2024, 10:23 PM

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