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Mr Putin's special blunder in Ukraine - how the West outplayed Russia and China
Even if they are successful in occupying the territory, how will they maintain control? The civilians will attack their army on a daily basis. And how are they going to feed the occupied populace and army? It will be really pricey.

Even if they install a puppet government, it would not endure long since it will require millions of people's backing, which they will not provide.
Mainland Ukraine is not Crimea, which was predominantly ethnic Russian. Ukraine is populated with patriots who would rather die for their nation than live under Russian rule.

People dislike living under Russian rule since it does not make them wealthy. It will not establish a framework in which you may thrive. It may provide bigger pensions to pensioners, but prices will also rise, making the gain questionable even for them.

It will just be a heavy, central government taking resources from everyone to feed the Moscow crony, clepto-elite. Russia is frequently referred to as "communist" by the general public, yet this is far from the truth. If you still think it's communist, you don't understand what communism is. It is intended to ensure equitable distribution of resources among the population.

Is this what Russia's doing? It is doing the reverse. It robs the people and transfers the money to the Kremlin's ruling elites, known as the "Nomenklatura". They have a good life, while the rest struggle.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are far more "communist" in that respect than Russia. They provide a good life for their people and distribute funds from the state budget. They have decent employment, nice cars, large homes, and a lot of economic independence.

Russia is a major oil and gas supplier. It has the potential to enrich its citizens and those who live in its territories. People would want to join them voluntarily. Instead, Russia is dominated by millionaire oligarchs who keep the population destitute and dumb while sucking the resources to live a luxurious lifestyle. Is this Communism? I do not think so.

This is why people do not want to live under Russia. It will make people poorer, not wealthier. There will be restricted rules in place, limited access to venture financing, aggressive takeovers, and so forth. There will be no freedom of expression or assembly, no vigorous commercial life, and no future in general.
Ukraine wants to join the EU. It has observed how well Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Czechia have performed. It wishes to join them. Ukrainians would sooner die than live under Russian authority.

Ukraine is not like Belarus or Kazakhstan, which have small populations and weak nationalism. Ukrainians prefer commerce and money, but they dislike powerful governments and laws. Anyone who has spent time in Ukraine will tell you how free they feel. There are hardly no cops on the streets.

America also bombs and occupies countries, yet oddly enough, living under American rule delivers more prosperity than, God forbid, living under Russian rule. Amerikanos means $$$. Russia implies no money to you.

They'll give Russians hell wherever they go.

Putin made a huge mistake.

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RE: Mr Putin's special blunder in Ukraine - how the West outplayed Russia and China - by whitemike - 02-24-2024, 07:57 PM

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