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Mr Putin's special blunder in Ukraine - how the West outplayed Russia and China
Great post! International politics cannot be void of control and governance. Educated people understand this, dumb people don't. There is not a better alternative to US global enforcement and international laws that exist today. USA is the most productive country in this world with the largest military force, its population is more than twice of Russia, and for sure not everybody in USA is poor, homeless and sick like some losers like to say. We as Americans are actually holding the world peace together. As terrible as some American foreign policies are, the alternative is not better. Europe is weak, China and Russia will turn the world into a prison labor camp that will only benefit the oligarchy. There is no rule of law in Russia right now, and we all know how open and transparent China is.

Capitalism is predatory for sure, bit its the best system out there. We need good policymakers to make it work for everyone. All developed capitalist countries are the ones that drive innovation and global quality of life improvements with increased life expectancy, better public education and actual chance to raise from the poverty. I personally think West European system is the best, although it is heavily abused and unsustainable since they have a declining population.

In Russia, outside of Moscow it is third world level of life with no roads, no jobs and no hope. Do we really want this shitty lifestyle to spread all over the world? Russia lives in "1984", all political agenda is controlled, everyone is a slave of the system, including even those rich and powerful. Corruption is a way of life. Rule of law is absent - you may come back home to see your home already sold by some fake realtor, when you go to police you find out they are also participating. You have no protection, no security, no guardians, no reliable way to protect your investment, property, savings, pensions or retirement funds. Life in Russia is a constant trap, but again insecure maga-idiots enjoying all legal protections under current system think you will gain something from destroying the current system and somehow letting Russia and China take over the world. If Russia and China take over, they will just bring more misery, slavery and destruction with them. And no, you ain't going to be a part of top 0.1% ruling class who will live in safety.

Ukraine was independent since 1991, but de-facto a part of Russia. As soon as Ukraine tried to actually politically drift away to actually gain real independence, Russia started a proxy war in 2014. No one is pushing Ukraine into NATO. Who was pushing Baltic states to join NATO in 1990's? Anyone pushed Poland? But they were lucky, because Moldova and Georgia were unable to do so because of Russian proxy wars. The situation in Ukraine is no different than Moldova in 1990-1992 Transnistria conflict. Russia keeps using its claim that someone is hurting Russian speakers and they need protection. Just like Germans in the Sudetes needed protection by Hitler, while American congress was constantly calling for non-involvement into "the conflict in Europe" in 1939 seeing that USSR and Nazi Germany are jointly dividing Europe, but then Germany decided it wants all of Europe for themselves and the Soviets would've lost the war without American logistical supplies.

Ukraine was completely independent on paper, but constantly swayed by Russia to stay in its orbit. Russia did not offer any alternative outside of Ukraine being its colony. But Ukrainians wanted more stability, prosperity and Western style rule of law, but Russia did not like that, so they started a proxy war in 2014 and expanded in 2022 just to keep Ukraine de-facto a part of Russia. Money spent on Ukraine is actually well-spent, because it has brought down the entire corrupt Russian system for less than $200 billion instead of 500 billion to fight Russia in the Baltic states and Poland using our troops and our allied troops. How is this better for anyone? 90 percent of this money will also stay in the US and NATO, which will allow to create jobs and expand Western manufacturing.

Life in America is not a constant trap, your property cannot be easily confiscated by local police using some black market realtor like they do in Russia. Most laws actually work in the US. You have amazing security and protection in the US, you can even live in the gated community in a place like the Villages in Florida where people just f*ck and chill enjoying their retirement. Did you ever see how poor Russian seniors are? 99 percent of them get a pension of around 150-200 dollars per month, which is barely enough to pay for their housing bills. There are no 401k plans, no decent savings and no path to survive. Grandmas are digging piles of trash for food. Russians get shocked when they see 80 year old seniors in the US driving new Cadillacs living in mansions, it is completely unthinkable in Russia for old people. In the same time Russian regime constantly scares their senior population that if they don't vote for their midget dicktator they won't get their pension. Is that the kind of retirement that you want?

Another fact is Russians are pouring through the border with Mexico, they want to live in the US and they are asking for asylum. Thousands of them want to come here. Why would they do it if life in Russia is decent? Not all old Americans live in mansions, but the number of wealthy old Americans is enormous vs Russia. Something like 50% of American seniors are well-off, something like 0.5% of Russian seniors are well-off. Yes, you have to pay property taxes in the US. It sucks, you have to rely on passive income, such as investment and retirement when you get old. This is the way this system is built.

The best for all Western countries is to continue as it is now - give Ukraine weapons, take care of refugees, offer medical care, create sanctions to make it inconvenient for Russians in Russia and seize the Western banking accounts of the super-rich Russian oligarchs and so on. So far there are still Ukrainian soldiers fighting the Russians and Ukraine is large enough that it cannot be occupied and controlled easily by the invaders. So far it seems, the Ukrainian government is still functioning. What Ukraine needs to continue to exist, is just Western support of weapons and Western support of materials of any kind, at least for a while until the Russians are gone home. Russia will become militarily weaker and not be a threat anymore for all neighboring countries. NATO so far was quite successful if you ask me and even strongly neutral orientated countries like Sweden and Finland joined recently the organization.

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RE: Mr Putin's special blunder in Ukraine - how the West outplayed Russia and China - by whitemike - 03-13-2024, 09:48 AM

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