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Inside the white nationalist movement
Yeah, individuals who hold racist beliefs and those who align themselves with far-right ideologies demonstrate a lack of intelligence. What stands out to me in many statements made by racists and others on the right is a noticeable absence of any serious understanding. Typically, when someone expresses strong opinions, it is expected that they have thoroughly considered the matter and have made an effort to acquaint themselves with the relevant facts and information. Similarly, it is reasonable to anticipate that individuals lacking sufficient understanding of a subject would refrain from expressing vehement opinions on matters they are uninformed about.

However, at now, there are individuals within the popular right who not only hold strong opinions but also challenge the expertise and understanding of experts. These individuals often make fundamental mistakes, indicating their lack of effort in acquiring knowledge and familiarizing themselves with the facts related to the problem at hand. They participate in intricate debates, even when the fundamental assumptions of their arguments are completely untrue. It appears that they have derived their confidence in the world from sources that can be considered propaganda, which oversimplify intricate matters into concise, untrue, and deceptive statements.

A recent analysis revealed that conspiracy theory thinking and the consumption of false and misleading fake news are predominantly limited to individuals on the right side of the political spectrum. By the way, it is important to note that the world is not solely comprised of individuals who are either extremely right-wing or extremely left-wing, contrary to the false belief held by some on the right. Many individuals that criticize the right are not truly aligned with the left-wing ideology, as they do not subscribe to socialist principles. There are numerous locations that do not fall on the left-right axis.

Engaging in rational discourse with individuals who have fervent right-wing populist beliefs is exceedingly challenging. When confronted with data that contradicts their statements, they simply reject it as a conspiracy or insinuate that anyone who possesses extensive knowledge is part of a "liberal elite" attempting to undermine them. The majority of individuals on the right are completely unaware of the true definitions of "liberalism," "socialism," "Marxism," and "communism." They are merely derogatory remarks that they employ. Anyone who holds a differing opinion from them is categorized with one of these names, regardless of its accuracy and whether or not the person genuinely follows any of these ideologies. It is not surprising that people admire figures like Trump and Farage, despite their dishonesty, given they lack a proper understanding of truth, evidence, and knowledge.

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RE: Inside the white nationalist movement - by whitemike - 06-22-2024, 03:02 AM

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