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Japan is a weird place in general
(02-11-2024, 01:28 AM)Yohan Wrote: English teachers mainly get laid due to eager gaijin chasers coming to them to get English lessons and actively pursuing them. Foreigners tend to have no to low social status in Japan. Unless you work for a multinational chances are you'll be stuck with a mediocre salary outside of management forever + long work hours and mandatory after work drinking. It's a place where you'll be an outsider by default and most Japanese women I see in Tokyo that are together with western guys look uncomfortable due to the non stop social shaming of them. Japan is a nation with strong concepts of male duty: For one's company, one's family, for society.
Women are largely absolved from this when they marry. They just chill in cafes with the girls while trash talking their husbands who are at home 1 day a week totally exhausted from work and hope some chad picks them up. They have zero compassion for men on a much worse scale than western women. Anything that can be construed as complaining while you go through the meat grinder = you being a weak bitch.

I think Japanese people take fetishism to a whole different level simply because of the conservative socially repressed nature of their society. This means you'll get a subset of women who are really into African, white, or other men and are proactive in going out of there way to meet as many of these foreign men as possible in social venues. I notice a lot of people have said that Japanese people seem enamored of stereotypes. If a Japanese woman is into white or black men they want a man that fits into their image of what this is. In other words black men should dress like hip hop thugs and white men should look uber Nordic blond hair and blue eyes for the best results. I still think foreign guys end up dipping from the same pool though.

In Japan it's still like the old south for many non Japanese, signs that tell foreigners to stay out of businesses, etc. it's near impossible to become a citizen, you have to carry your "green card" everywhere you go and cops will hustle you constantly, it's like being jewish in nazi germany. Then of course Japanese people will ignore you and only talk to the japanese person that you are with, like you are their dog on a leash. So yeah, from pretty much everyone I have seen videos of that lives in Japan it's pretty much the same story, unless maybe you are a hot chick, then it doesn't matter where you are from, because guys have dicks and are ruled by the. Smile?

About me: 

I moved to Japan in 1990 after being released from a psychiatric facility in Europe. After performing low-level IT tasks and website maintenance for some time, I began working in adult entertainment, mostly on small films where they needed a European man to perform on animals. I then returned to Europe, where I currently live in a small, one-bedroom flat and receive government assistance. I do not have a wife or a family, but I occasionally experience psychological episodes in which I experience hallucinations or delusions of having a wife and a daughter. My mood changes quite often and I'm sometimes called a drama queen.

I lived in Japan from 2010-2019. Working primarily as an English teacher and somewhat the stereotype of drunken and a bit lost.

I think it's a very lonely and isolating place to live. As a foreigner you will always be treated as a foreigner/outsider no matter how long you stay there or how much of the language you learn.

It can be very difficult to escape the expat bubble and there is something robotic and inhuman about the people. I just feel people are a bit soulless there. Yeah it's 'based' in a way but more because of Japanese group think than actively opposing zog. The Japanese way is best and it's also key to note that Japan is a master of carefully assimilation of aspects of other cultures without losing their national identity.

Not much to gain being there as a foreigner that I can see. After a while Japanese women just look like 8 year old boys in makeup. It's a boyish fantasy yellow fever that needs to be outgrown at some point in my opinion.

Japan is a land of normalized OCD and autism with obsessions about separating garbage and everything being done in a specific exact type of way regardless of how pointless it is. And don't think about questioning anything. People are incapable of creative or independent thought generally which is why teaching English there eventually feels like having NPC interactions all day long as every single person you interact with says the exact same things and has the same opinions on every single topic.

You're not escaping any kind of great reset there you are entering a place that has already been great resetted and alongside China/Korea/Singapore countries that are actually prototypes for they want the entirety of the West to be.

Excluding Singapore, South East Asia is the Balkans of Asia in terms of attitude and a general sense of actually living life while East Asia is generally a soulless dead place. Malls. Fashion. Consumerism. Spiritually dead. Empty. Just worker ants on an ant farm programmed and inhuman.

Visit or even life there for a year but not a place to raise a family or escape the West.

Messages In This Thread
Japan is a weird place in general - by Yohan - 02-11-2024, 01:28 AM
RE: Japan is a weird place in general - by Yohan - 02-11-2024, 03:11 AM
RE: Japan is a weird place in general - by Yohan - 06-23-2024, 02:46 AM
RE: Japan is a weird place in general - by whitemike - 02-13-2024, 10:43 AM

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