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Similarities between Russian and Ukrainian women and what to anticipate
Here's my first impressions (disclaimer: subject to change).

First off, things move in a completely different *slow* and relationship-oriented way there which is not bad if one is looking for relationships. My current research is to analyze how things are compared to Ukraine. Generally Ukrainian women are a lot more primitive and less intelligent or cultured than Russian women, which is in some cases not bad since you understand them correctly from first minute. Russians are excellent at self-presentation and manipulation.(usually stirring manliness).Ukrainian women do not have elegance, finesse or class like Russian women do.(in many cases). I have been to 6 cities outside of Moscow for week plus stints, and have also spent many a weekend in Kiev, but now only go to Russia. In my view, the Russian girls have more substance, and since there are way fewer sex tourists than in Kiev (with some exceptions like NN), they are less guarded.

-There are numerous similarities between Ukraine and Russia. Having prior work experience in Ukraine has been quite beneficial in informing my opinions. There were a few surprises, but not many. I'm a little disappointed by how similar they are because it doesn't feel like I'm in a completely other nation. Many things are familiar to me.

-Beards are more popular among Russian girls than in Ukraine. Girls are petting my beard as if I were a Persian cat. In Ukraine, this never happens. One girl commented, "Strong men have beards." I may safely maintain a longer beard here. I am really delighted with this development.

-Russian girls are more fun, sensuous, and sexy at night than Ukrainian women. These gals know how to party and let loose. They are nice and eager to have a good time. I also noted that they are quite touchy-feely, similar to Brazilian girls (perhaps even more so). But, as I discovered, this should not be confused with intense curiosity. This seems to be primarily when they are under the influence of alcohol, because when they are sober, their vibe is quite similar to Ukrainian women. I do receive more smiles from them in sober settings, and they laugh at my jokes more, but otherwise, there is a stoic-ness that takes time and trust to relax.

-Russian girls get intoxicated in the club. This is not beneficial for me because my style of play is more conversational, with the goal of making genuine connections. Drunk girls are difficult to tame and have short attention spans. My personality is not loose enough to deal with very intoxicated girls in clubs, especially since I don't drink very much.

-Girls look much prettier at night. During the day, you don't see a lot of gorgeous girls, but at night, it's... incredible. Last night, I was in a club with so many beautiful girls that I became frozen for almost 30 minutes. Except for Ukraine, this is completely out of control. It's obvious to me now that if you seek beauty in Europe, Ukraine and Russia have the largest concentration.

- Girls are polite. They give me a chance when I'm honest, even if they don't like me. They are much friendlier than Ukrainian gals. I have never met a disrespectful girl who treated me coldly, even when I approached a half-naked club dancer girl. This is incredibly nice after a month in DC, when girls (far uglier) treated me like trash for no apparent reason.

-Proficient command of the Russian language is essential. So far, out of around 20 approaches, I've only met one girl who could converse in English. Many girls can grasp English, especially if you speak slowly. English is so uncommon that I would not advocate someone visiting my current city unless they are an advanced beginner. I suppose I take for granted that I can converse with girls in Russian. This could account for the typically good answers I receive.

-Club girls are extractive. I got duped twice into purchasing drinks for chicks. They were learning experiences, but the girls here are better at extraction than the Ukrainians. This is not the same as "scamming" in Latvia, where a girl will bring you to a scam bar or outright rob you. If you allow the girls to utilize you for attention or booze, they will. Their acting skills are excellent (they pretend to adore you when they truly have ulterior reasons).

-Entertainment is really pricey. Clubs are very expensive, same like in Ukraine. Taxi fares, cover charges, and beverages add up rapidly. On Saturday night, I spent $120 without even trying. Coffee cafes are also pricey. I don't understand how these individuals can afford it given their wage level.

-Girls are friendly and sweet. During the day I'm meeting some of the sweetest girls ever, even more so than Polish (age range: 18-24). They're so patient too, helping me along with the conversation (in Russian). Again, this contradicts the general stereotype of Russian women that I've read about and also experienced in DC. I do think that it could be based on my location (i.e. if you take one of these girls and put her into Moscow, there will be a change) and also my general vibe which has become suited to the slavic personality.

What's interesting to me is that there are very distinct categories of Russian girls. For example, on one hand, you can have a professional player who can extract your wallet and your soul, leaving you crying in a fetal position, and then next to her is the sweetest girl in the world who who is insecure and clueless about the game. I found a very helpful screening tool to know if a girl is "good" or not:

Does she go to the club more than once a month?

If yes, she is in all likelihood a player/extractor. At the very least, she is knowledgeable about game and knows how to trick men. She is definitely looking for a big fish. I'm noticing the same girls go to the same clubs. In my city's size, that is a statistical anomaly, meaning a tiny percentage of girls are going to these clubs. Therefore, if I recognize a girl in a club, I definitely don't want to talk to her, because she will have defects. In clubs, you have to look for girls who look like they are having a miserable time, because they hate clubs and only went because their friend dragged them. If I see a girl who is a bit too comfortable in the club, schmoozing with everyone, especially bar staff, I avoid. Also, avoid girls who say they "like" going to clubs. Clubs here are tanks full of piranhas, so if she likes it, she's probably a piranha. They are smarter than all of us in terms of extracting resources, they will take your money and break you. 

The second type in any major city, they want to be treated like a western girl. They won't take your money but then you get a European experience. Then, the third and final group, my personal favorite, the girls who can't speak any English and never traveled. These girls are 60% or more, the average Russian girl. They won't take your money, they will respect you more than any woman in your life, and it is damn hard not to agree to a relationship with them. The only problem is that you must be fluent in Russian to access them. And because they are used to only Russian men, you can use that to mold them as you like, although I don't suggest taking them out of Russia. These are just my observations after dating every type of Russian girl over the past few years. Just remember, all Russian girls sense weakness from 1000 km away. Good luck and once you find real Russian women, you will never go back!

-You should be smart about who you select. It seems like the skill in Russia is not so much "game", but screening out girls who will waste your time, because the sweet girls don't need much game, just time.

-Girls who show the most interest are mediocre Western groupies. These girls are rarely above a 7, mostly hovering in the 5 and 6 range. They speak English well and are amusingly receptive, but I don't want.

-A stereotype is that Russian girls don't give out their number much, but when they do, it means something. I'm not finding this to be the case at all. They give their number quite easily and then disappear when you go for the date. The rate is similar to what I have seen in Poland and Romania, so Russia has no advantage. Things are starting to turn into a grind like any other country I've been. One reason for this is that I've been meeting a lot of college girls. Related to this issue is...

-Strong initial interest that fades. Telling girls I'm from the USA gives them quite a buzz, but it's not enough to propel to anything long. Girls insta-date me and ask for my number, which hasn't happened to me elsewhere, but then things cool off and I'm unable to convert. I suspect they are talking themselves out of dating a foreigner who doesn't have strong roots here. The "rock star effect" is an emotional response, and then the Russian logic kicks in a day or two later. 

-Most cute girls have boyfriends. Based on Russia's demographic problems, I was expecting a lot more availability than I'm seeing. It has happened many times when I approach a girl in the park and her boyfriend joins to interrupt the approach (I politely exit). Even middling girls in the 6 range have boyfriends. Some are still open to exchanging numbers, but pursuing these has been a waste of time so far. There is definitely more single girls in the club, but that comes with a different set of downsides.

I had this problem in Poland as well, and it almost felt like the game was "Find a girl who doesn't have a boyfriend." From what you guys say, I get the feeling that Moscow/Peter has more available girls. Don't get me wrong---I don't mind relationship-minded girls since I'm not going for pump and dumps, but she has to be open. 70%+ my day approaches are wasted on girls who are just not open to boning a new guy and I don't have a shared environment where I see her every day to allow her to make the switch.

- Girls who are looking for men shop with their eyes. They look at things they like. If she looks at you, you smile and she smiles back, it is a done business, if she looks away and doesn't look back at ya within 30 seconds, she isn't interested.

The quality of food, service and girls in Russia v. Ukraine can be debated ad nauseum, but what can't be debated is that Ukraine is so much cheaper than Russia. Not a little bit cheaper, we're talking Moscow is 300% or more than Kiev for many products (beer, food) as well as apartment rent, etc.

- You must devote far more effort, energy, language study, and money for women who are not necessarily more attractive or have a better personality than in other Eastern European nations. The girls I've dated in Russia are not necessarily better than those I've worked with in Poland, Ukraine, and Romania, but they are certainly more challenging.

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