Which is more important: girth or length? The majority of guys have a girth measurement of no more than four inches, however it is commonly known that external clitoral stimulation, rather than internal vaginal sensations, accounts for approximately 80% of sexual enjoyment. It is normally a good idea to open up the penetration stage of intercourse by whirling your unit in circles inside the vagina rather than thrusting. A thicker unit provides more pleasure because the added girth increases friction and pressure on the vaginal walls. The first few inches of these walls contain a large number of touch sensitive nerves. A thick unit increases pleasure by dilating the vagina and providing increased pressure and friction. Women frequently enjoy the sensation of being "open," of being filled by a "thick dick." The thicker the unit, the more the vaginal walls cling to it, and she will experience such sensations. This frequently causes several vaginal orgasms.
Many people assume that clitoral orgasms will not benefit from increased penis girth size. However, the clitoris extends beyond what is visible on the outside. The clitoris's 'body' attaches to the glans and has two legs up to 4 inches long that extend downwards and backwards into the body. Two erectile tissue-containing bulbs extend from the body of the clitoris on either side of the vaginal cavity. It is apparent that a thick penis will provide more stimulation to these legs and bulbs.
A thicker penis can also contribute to clitoral orgasm because the tightness during penetration generates more pulling on the inner lips (labia minora). Because they link to the clitoral hood, their movements frequently cause the hood to slide up and down over the clitoris. However, girth makes no serious difference if the woman has sufficient muscles, just as the mouth can compress as tightly around the little finger or thumb.
Fact: 6 or 6.5 to 7 inches. There is no anatomical reason why an inch or half should make a difference in sexual enjoyment because the nerve endings in the vagina are between 2 and 2.5 inches long. A six is as good as a seven. However, many guys struggle to please out of shape women with loose vaginal muscles. To feel your girth, a girl can simply squeeze her muscles if your penis is less than 4 inches in circumference.
1) Length is important for the cervical orgasm. It is theorized that a cervical orgasm is the stimulation of the A-spot, which is located anterior to the cervix. However, 6 inches is adequate for any regular vagina, including the deepest Germanic/Slavic or African vaginas, because the woman can elevate her legs and angle her pelvis, effectively adding 3-4 inches to penis length. Even 4 inches is probably sufficient for most European women and more than enough for Southeast Asians. Of course, if the woman is a lazy big ass, she may lack the muscular strength to lift her legs...
2) Prostitutes' vaginas are probably tighter than normal girls. The vagina functions similarly to the mouth: the more you eat, the stronger your lips, tongue, and other mouth muscles get, and the same is true for the vagina. Women who never have sex, orgasm, or kegels, and generally allow themselves to become lazy overweight, are more likely to have loose vaginas. Vaginal childbirth does not always cause problems, unless there is ripping or the mother allows herself to become a lazy fat ass after giving birth, in which case her muscles fail. I've had a lot of sex with ladies who have had several vaginal deliveries yet have tight vaginas because they keep their entire body in shape, including the vagina. The loosest vagina ever was a shy young woman with limited sexual experience who had probably never thought about her vagina, her muscles got weak from disuse.
3) Most women are sexually immature, hence clitoris provides 80% of their enjoyment. Taoists agree that cervical orgasm is preferable. 90% or even 100% of enjoyment (excluding foreplay) should ideally originate deep in the vagina, beyond the g-spot or middle gate. This also applies to guys. Men who fixate on the glans are sexually immature, just like women who focus on the clitoris. Both male and female circumcision may have been designed to encourage inward focus, while I do not support circumcision.
Many people assume that clitoral orgasms will not benefit from increased penis girth size. However, the clitoris extends beyond what is visible on the outside. The clitoris's 'body' attaches to the glans and has two legs up to 4 inches long that extend downwards and backwards into the body. Two erectile tissue-containing bulbs extend from the body of the clitoris on either side of the vaginal cavity. It is apparent that a thick penis will provide more stimulation to these legs and bulbs.
A thicker penis can also contribute to clitoral orgasm because the tightness during penetration generates more pulling on the inner lips (labia minora). Because they link to the clitoral hood, their movements frequently cause the hood to slide up and down over the clitoris. However, girth makes no serious difference if the woman has sufficient muscles, just as the mouth can compress as tightly around the little finger or thumb.
Fact: 6 or 6.5 to 7 inches. There is no anatomical reason why an inch or half should make a difference in sexual enjoyment because the nerve endings in the vagina are between 2 and 2.5 inches long. A six is as good as a seven. However, many guys struggle to please out of shape women with loose vaginal muscles. To feel your girth, a girl can simply squeeze her muscles if your penis is less than 4 inches in circumference.
1) Length is important for the cervical orgasm. It is theorized that a cervical orgasm is the stimulation of the A-spot, which is located anterior to the cervix. However, 6 inches is adequate for any regular vagina, including the deepest Germanic/Slavic or African vaginas, because the woman can elevate her legs and angle her pelvis, effectively adding 3-4 inches to penis length. Even 4 inches is probably sufficient for most European women and more than enough for Southeast Asians. Of course, if the woman is a lazy big ass, she may lack the muscular strength to lift her legs...
2) Prostitutes' vaginas are probably tighter than normal girls. The vagina functions similarly to the mouth: the more you eat, the stronger your lips, tongue, and other mouth muscles get, and the same is true for the vagina. Women who never have sex, orgasm, or kegels, and generally allow themselves to become lazy overweight, are more likely to have loose vaginas. Vaginal childbirth does not always cause problems, unless there is ripping or the mother allows herself to become a lazy fat ass after giving birth, in which case her muscles fail. I've had a lot of sex with ladies who have had several vaginal deliveries yet have tight vaginas because they keep their entire body in shape, including the vagina. The loosest vagina ever was a shy young woman with limited sexual experience who had probably never thought about her vagina, her muscles got weak from disuse.
3) Most women are sexually immature, hence clitoris provides 80% of their enjoyment. Taoists agree that cervical orgasm is preferable. 90% or even 100% of enjoyment (excluding foreplay) should ideally originate deep in the vagina, beyond the g-spot or middle gate. This also applies to guys. Men who fixate on the glans are sexually immature, just like women who focus on the clitoris. Both male and female circumcision may have been designed to encourage inward focus, while I do not support circumcision.