According to Tinder data, incels claim that most men are involuntary celibates. These incels have found that girls rate most young men's physical attractiveness below average. Thus, they believe many men are involuntary celibates. However, significant research shows that most people have engaged in sexual behavior. Male users outnumber female users on Tinder and other dating apps. This disparity lowers women's assessment of men's attractiveness, placing a large percentage below average.
However, female attraction goes beyond appearance. He who commands attention is beautiful and high-status. This is why rap stars get more ass than CEOs and why haters surface when someone is popular. Attention-grabbing men are what women want. Humans evolved from a threat-based social system to one based on attraction. In beauty contests, exam rooms, athletics, art, literature, and Nobel Prize races, we strive for favorable attention, adoration, and prestige. We want to be valued for our positive contributions, talents, and attributes. People are ranked based on their ability to contribute to society. This means that our society's true alphas are professional athletes, Youtube/Instagram stars, Nobel Prize winners, successful performers and artists, affluent businessmen, and politicians we elect for their ability to contribute meaningfully and lead.
However, female attraction goes beyond appearance. He who commands attention is beautiful and high-status. This is why rap stars get more ass than CEOs and why haters surface when someone is popular. Attention-grabbing men are what women want. Humans evolved from a threat-based social system to one based on attraction. In beauty contests, exam rooms, athletics, art, literature, and Nobel Prize races, we strive for favorable attention, adoration, and prestige. We want to be valued for our positive contributions, talents, and attributes. People are ranked based on their ability to contribute to society. This means that our society's true alphas are professional athletes, Youtube/Instagram stars, Nobel Prize winners, successful performers and artists, affluent businessmen, and politicians we elect for their ability to contribute meaningfully and lead.