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Mediterraneans are generally the most well-constituted Europeans
The Mediterranean population is often considered to be the most physically robust among Europeans and has cultivated a refined sense of beauty that is seen in their architecture, art, music, and even their languages. Italians, in particular, are considered an exceptional group of individuals.

Many Mediterranean males possess aesthetically pleasing "Aryan" face characteristics while also exhibiting a lovely olive or light-brown skin tone that appears both healthy and natural. Girls of Mediterranean descent typically exhibit more aesthetically pleasing features compared to girls of Anglo and "Nordic" descent. In addition, Southern Europe surpasses Northern Europe in terms of architectural and scenic beauty, as well as possessing a richer cultural heritage, the finest gastronomy, and the most melodious languages. The Renaissance originated in Italy.

In contrast, Northern European countries are characterized by a predominance of individuals with unusual appearances due to albinism. A small proportion of individuals of Northern European descent have a superior genetic makeup and exhibit considerable potential for physical attractiveness, particularly those who possess favorable tanning traits. However, the majority of individuals from Anglo-Saxon and Nordic backgrounds tend to display a lack of melanin, resulting in a pale complexion that is often perceived as unhealthy and less aesthetically pleasing. In addition to having a fair complexion, some individuals may exhibit less desirable physical characteristics.

In my opinion, Scandinavians possess a superior genetic quality compared to Anglos and represent a more desirable category of Northern Europeans. Swedes and Norwegians have a higher proportion of individuals belonging to haplogroup I1a, which indicates an early native population in the region. In contrast, most British and Irish people belong to haplogroup R1b. Additionally, the combination of a sunnier but colder climate contributes to a greater percentage of Swedes and Norwegians having a pleasant golden sun-kissed skin tone. The majority of Scandinavians have a lack of melanin, resulting in a pale complexion. However, a notable portion of this population possesses the ability to tan, so they do not have an unattractive pale appearance. In addition, Scandinavians typically exhibit superior facial aesthetics compared to Anglos. In my opinion, if Scandinavians decide to assume responsibility over their genetic fate and utilize CRISPR-CAS technology to deliberately choose genes that promote a desirable tanning ability, they have the potential to seem like highly respectable individuals.

In the past century, Northern Europeans have made significant contributions to the fields of science and technology, surpassing Mediterraneans in some aspects. However, they still lack the aesthetic sensitivity and joie de vivre that are characteristic of countries like Italy, Spain, and France. The Anglo culture, specifically, is characterized by a mechanical and brutally pragmatic approach that is devoid of beauty and spontaneity. British cities, such as London, Manchester, and Birmingham, are quite unattractive. German and Scandinavian cities exhibit a far more visually appealing appearance compared to British cities. Additionally, these regions possess a more refined aesthetic and intellectual culture. Nevertheless, Mediterranean countries maintain a significant lead in terms of their aesthetic appeal and fashion sense.
I agree. Mediterranean women have very nice skin!

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