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Full Version: A high value guy doesn't really need "game"...
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When a typical, healthy woman is drawn to a man, his frame is validated from the start. She finds this man interesting and validates this, allowing him to effortlessly assume the male position, feel secure in his relationship with her, and move on to more exciting topics like getting to know each other's inner worlds and having fun on dates. His interest is recognized and frequently repaid.

A woman with a personality disorder is always invalidating and playing with your frame (even gently), and many PUA strategies revolve around attempting to manage this dynamic. Alpha/beta, push pull, dhv, spike, emotional distance, etc. are all attempts to regrab the frame after being invalidated.

A high-value guy does not prolong any contact in which he believes he is not being treated with complete respect, simply because he has other options that will make it evident that they value his compliments, effort, and attention. He is not going to try to prove or reclaim his position as a desirable alternative. Many women give him this opportunity from the beginning.

As a general rule of thumb, if you have to do anything more than have good discussions, be smooth, mysterious, optimistic, perceptive, fascinating, well-groomed, and respectful (i.e. offer value) to get laid, you're either interacting with a toxic or the incorrect person.

The majority of men you are competing against are weak and easily dismissible. The only guys you are actually fighting against are those within her convenience, those within her preference, and the Chad's & Tyrones she is giving a chance. Most of the time, it is just one of these guys, but this is a worst-case example.