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Critical Analysis: Jamaica
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Context: I stayed in Jamaica for around one week, primarily in Kingston, but also made side visits to Port Antonio and Ocho Rios. Due to my daytime employment commitments, my available time for exploration was significantly diminished.

Basic information:

Jamaica mostly has flight connections from Miami and London, with additional routes available through Panama and some other Caribbean islands. The climate is characterized by a tropical and humid environment, with temperatures frequently exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. The nation possesses a commendable road network and is rather compact in size. Horizontally, you can traverse from one side to the other in approximately 4-5 hours, whereas vertically it takes about 2 hours. The country has its own official currency and the majority of the population speaks English with a distinctive accent. Additionally, there is a local language called Patois, which is a creole language. There is an international airport located in Kingston, as well as another one in Montego Bay. This location is widely renowned as a popular stop for cruise liners, and the tourism industry plays a significant role in the local economy. Negril is renowned as a prime destination for tourists seeking beach experiences, although I did not get the opportunity to visit. The beach appeared to be a solely indolent location, exclusively designated for hotel guests. Jamaica is classified as an upper middle-income nation. Prominent aspects of the culture include reggae music, the legal consumption of marijuana, and jerk chicken. The majority of Jamaicans have a tendency to engage in fraudulent activities with the intention of obtaining money from you. Individuals such as taxi drivers or street vendors. One should always anticipate being subjected to excessive fees or pricing when identified as white or a foreigner, occasionally to an absurd extent. Despite the prevalent poverty and limited modern infrastructure (except transportation), the country is unexpectedly costly.

The Capital:

Kingston serves as the primary economic and administrative center of the nation, and is the sole major urban hub in Jamaica, housing around one million individuals within its metropolitan region. Its reputation is largely negative, primarily because of the exceptionally high levels of armed violence (ranking as the second highest capital in the world in terms of homicides). I thought the capital to be really disappointing. The city lacks aesthetic appeal in every aspect. The traffic is highly disordered, with all roadways becoming inundated anytime it rains, resulting in significant time wasted in traffic congestion. Despite staying in the bustling core modern area, there was a noticeable lack of activity after 6pm, as the streets became deserted and people departed to spend time with their families. Based on conversations with Jamaican individuals, it is evident that the streets become excessively perilous around nighttime, even in the more safe regions. This is mostly due to the prevalence of armed individuals on motorcycles who engage in robbery. Consequently, foreigners have restricted access to and opportunities for experiencing nightlife. Within the confines of New Kingston, the urban environment fails to evoke the sensation of being in a sprawling metropolis. The area lacks notable attractions and although there are a few prominent chains such as Starbucks and KFC, it nevertheless gives the impression of being dilapidated and underdeveloped. There are little green spaces available. Although Uber and Airbnb are available, they are quite costly for the area and do not provide sufficient value. Airbnb accommodations typically range from $70 to $150 per night, while taxi fares for short trips can easily amount to $15 to $20. As I strolled around, I noticed that when night fell, individuals would gaze at me, perceiving me as a potentially vulnerable white man who would soon become a victim of robbery. I visited several eateries, but I must admit that I was not impressed with any of them. Indeed, you are able to consume the renowned jerk chicken, however it primarily consists of chicken seasoned with spices to create a fiery flavor. It is undeniably not a sophisticated culinary style. There was a single food delivery service that inexplicably ceased delivery operations between the hours of 7 and 8pm. Even for the motorcycle couriers, the level of risk seemed to be excessively great to be outside during nighttime. Both within Kingston and its surrounding areas, I observed a scarcity of individuals of Caucasian descent or foreign origin. Additionally, there exists a persistent inclination among Jamaican males to solicit the sale of narcotics or engage in acts of intimidation, with the purpose of assessing one's vulnerability as a potential target. The periphery of the city showcases opulent residences, discreetly tucked away from the urban core. The level of inequality appears to be exceedingly high.

Beyond the main city:

Jamaica truly excels beyond Kingston, yet the urban areas remain somewhat subpar. Upon revisiting Ocho Rios and Port Antonio, I once again found them to be unattractive and unremarkable urban areas, without intriguing amenities and attractions. However, Jamaica boasts exceptional natural beauty, featuring exquisite beaches scattered throughout the island, as well as lakes, waterfalls, and jungle rivers that offer opportunities for exploration and admiration. The entire tourism sector is likewise established with this consideration in mind. They effectively circumvent urban areas by establishing high-end hotels located on the outskirts of cities. These hotels organize excursions to the country's beaches and various natural features. Jamaica exhibits a profound level of inequality, prompting measures to limit the interaction between affluent cruise ship guests and the local population, except for the purpose of purchasing cannabis and traditional Jamaican merchandise such as colorful t-shirts and hats. Port Antonio seems to be a more pleasant city in contrast to Ocho Rios, where there seems to be a drug addict present on every street corner, ready to interact with you. Port Antonio experiences lower levels of tourism, resulting in a more laid-back atmosphere where locals are approachable and eager to assist with any inquiries. However, let me provide an illustration of the magnitude of these cities. There were no establishments in the center of Port Antonio on Sunday morning that provided a typical breakfast choice. After 9pm, the only available option for meals was the KFC. Jamaicans exhibit a strong emphasis on familial bonds, leading to a prevalent culture of home-based dining.

The notable attractions I visited included Frenchmen's Cove Beach, Blue Lagoon, Dunn's River Waterfalls, Boston Beach, and the Blue Hole. All of them were highly recommended to visit and provided excellent opportunities for capturing high-quality social media photographs. It is important to consider that there are no free things in Jamaica. There is a fee to visit the beaches, which can range from a few dollars to $15 for Frenchmen's Cove. The waterfalls also need an admission fee, approximately $20 for Dunn's River and possibly half of that for Blue Hole (which, in my opinion, was more enjoyable). Every taxi you attempt to hire will attempt to exploit your status as a tourist by charging exorbitant fees. Uber is not available in areas outside of Kingston, hence it is necessary for you to conduct your study in advance.

The females:

Generally speaking, the women in Jamaica tend to have a higher body mass. I have not encountered any other country where women, on average, exhibit a significant prevalence of obesity. And this statement is made by an individual who values movement in large bodies of water. Whether engaging in online dating or simply seeing people in public, it is anticipated that approximately 80% of individuals will be classified as overweight. It appears that certain Jamaican women can be physically attractive as they reach adulthood, typically until their early twenties, with desirable body proportions. By their mid-20s, a small number of formerly attractive women experience a little increase in weight, and by their thirties, they become overweight. This might lead to ambiguity among online acquaintances, as one may come across appealing photographs without realizing that they were taken 3-5 years ago, and the person in question has now gained 20 pounds. One notable advantage is that the girls are highly sociable, making it easy to initiate a conversation without any awkwardness. The limited number of girls I encountered exhibited proficient conversational abilities and a pleasant sense of humor.


Exceedingly challenging due to a multitude of factors. To begin with, there is a scarcity of public areas such as well-maintained parks, bustling public squares, or upscale shopping malls, making it difficult to determine their whereabouts. Furthermore, the level of violence decreases significantly after 6pm, resulting in a decline in overall activity. Furthermore, being a Caucasian male makes you highly conspicuous. On two occasions, while contemplating the idea of initiating a conversation with a female on the street, I saw a drug addict who vociferously attempted to sell narcotics, so attracting unwanted attention from passersby. There is a noticeable disparity in the gender distribution on the street, with a larger presence of males, many of whom exhibit disheveled and unsophisticated behavior. In Jamaica, the presence of aggressive men and the associated danger discourages lovely young women from freely walking outside, leading them to prefer staying indoors. Consequently, Jamaica lacks a culture where such women are commonly seen outdoors. As previously said, when you see a target, there is a strong likelihood that she would reply positively to a question or opener. The entirety of Jamaican culture is inherently sociable, allowing for open communication with anyone in any setting. While this is advantageous for women, it can become bothersome when men attempt to solicit goods or pose unintelligent inquiries.

The term "Nightgame" refers to activities or events that take place during the nighttime hours.

I did not investigate this much, as it was evident that it would be somewhat unusual for a Caucasian male to enter a location unaccompanied. As I strolled by several clubs and pubs, I observed a lack of liveliness, with only male patrons engaged in drinking and smoking. Reportedly, in Ocho Rios, there exists a strip club where a person of little stature engages in sexual activity with strippers on stage specifically on Fridays. Regrettably, I had already departed when I received that information. An immense chance that was not taken advantage of!

A daygame:

In the city of Kingston, the dating apps Tinder and Bumble are available for use. However, in areas outside of the capital, the online dating scene is virtually non-existent. Anticipate an online game resembling the Western culture, where female participants will reply to your messages after a few days. The prevailing security scenario will deter individuals from venturing outside their residences during the late hours. If they inquire, they would inquire about the availability of your personal vehicle, as they consider taxis, including Uber, to be risky. I managed to arrange just two dates within a week, where I invited girls to the prestigious lounge of a renowned luxury hotel. There are several instances of individuals canceling plans at the last minute due to various reasons such as illness of a child or grandparent. Girls also anticipate being treated to meals and social outings mostly. It is customary to invite a girl to dinner and for her to inquire about the specific restaurant or hotel in order to assess its level of elegance. I encountered several females who expressed a desire to acquaint themselves with me through online communication prior to arranging an in-person meeting. No one has time for that! The occasional girl also doubted the authenticity of my profile... There is a scarcity of attractive Caucasian men in Kingston, I suppose.

General overview / guide to visiting Jamaica:

I would plan to spend approximately one week in Jamaica, during which you can rent a car and explore various locations throughout the country. I  would  deliberately avoid visiting the capital city and instead focus on seeing the magnificent beaches and natural attractions. This location could potentially be an excellent choice to bring a long-term romantic partner. Alternatively, you have the option to undertake the task individually, but it is essential not to underestimate the significance of any contacts with women. There is a possibility that they will come, but there is also a possibility that they will not. Do not rely on the availability of nightlife or online gaming, unless you travel specifically for one of their renowned festivals. Those may potentially be intriguing. Jamaican women, in general, possess a pleasant demeanor. However, those that possess exceptional beauty and maintain it into their early twenties are scarce and challenging to come across. You are more likely to encounter these in immigrant communities in London or Miami. Exclude Jamaica as a potential destination for players. Superior alternatives might be found throughout Latin America.

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