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Critical Analysis: Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyz-what? Kyrgyzstan! Although the name may sound Persian (because stan means land in Persian), Kyrgyzstan is not a Persian country. There is a beautiful and easily explainable divide between the Central Asian countries of the Former Soviet Union, nomadic and non-nomadic. Sure, not everybody is a nomad nowadays in Kyrgyzstan, but most of Kyrgyz culture has a lot of nomadic influence. You will find it everywhere in one way or another. The country has 6 million inhabitants which isn't much for most of you guys, but for me coming from a smaller country, 6 million is a lot. Bishkek has around 1 million inhabitants so options were not limited for me. Kyrgyzstan has beautiful nature. In around 30 minutes from the capital and for 10 Euros (1000 Soms) with a taxi, you will find yourself surrounded by a beautiful landscape and amazing mountains. Rivers are flowing by your side, the water is clean, there are animals around you, a lot of greenery and almost no tourism. When you venture out of the capital or bigger cities TAKE WATER, SNACKS AND TOILET PAPER with you. Also use cash when outside of bigger cities.

I also advice you to see Issykkul. The Issykkul area is interesting if you love nature. The lake of Issykkul is cold, but is great when you have temperatures of around 35-40 degrees in Bishkek. That's also the time where many locals are to be found around the lake area. Unfortunately most women will be with their families, so if you want a woman with you, better take one with you. The landscapes are on the south shore are similar to landscapes in Peru for instance, while the north shore has landscapes similar to Switzerland.

The capital Bishkek was surprisingly clean on the sidewalks, the parks were taken care off, the status were also clean and taken care off and even the streets didn't look that bad. Ukraine (Lviv) looked worse and I would place Kyrgyzstan's capital above Lviv and just a bit below Krakow when it comes to infrastructure, shops, quality of life in general. Yes there are poor people and yes some people will beg for money, but I was also looking for trouble. I walked sometimes around 1 or 2 am in the night, long distances, areas I didn't fully know and nothing happened to me. No I am not a muscular and tall guy, just an average dude. Thus I can conclude that Bishkek is not dangerous at all. People will mind their own business and if they talk to you, the discussions can be very pleasant.


Kyrgyzstan was part of the Soviet Union and has a Russian influence. You will find it in many ways, but that influence is diminishing. Many people turn towards Islam and Kyrgyz nationalism, but at the same time the 'Islam' these people have isn't an orthodox version of it. You will find many women who show their hair, many women with short dresses and honestly I see more covered women in Western European than I did in Kyrgyzstan. That tells you all that you need to know. People also used to be nomads and while they aren't nomadic anymore, they sometimes go in their yurts in the countryside. Some people still live in yurts, espcially outside of the capital. Expect to see and hear a lot about Manas. Manas is the national hero of Kyrgyzstan. Unfortunately there aren't many museums and the national museum is closed for an unforeseen time.

Eating and getting around:

Busses are very cheap but I never used it. Bishkek is built like many other FSU cities. It is easy to find everything in there as long as you stay in and around the centre. Even outside the centre it wasn't that difficult to find places. Uber doesn't work there so use Yandex. Another thing I would like to add is that I used O! Sim Card and the guy in the store even provided me the English option. Whenever I got some notifications they were in English, so that was nice. Most of the centre is walkable, but I walk very fast and thus 15 minutes walking for me may equal 30 minutes walking for other people. Restaurants are plenty to be found, but most of them give Turkish food, like Kebab, Dürüm and you are hard-pressed to find Kyrgyz food. However if you find some Kyrgyz food, try Plov (in the Osh way). Learn some basic Russian at least, it will make communication and directions much easier for you and learn to read the Cyrillic alphabet as well. Contactless paying with cards work well (Visa), most ATM's let you withdraw Soms, Dollars and Euros and if you want to get food delivered home, use the Glovo app.

Demographics & Society:

The population of Kyrgyzstan may be divided as followed 90% Kyrgyz and 10% Russian. In the capital it may even go as high as 30% Russian and as low as 70% Kyrgyz. People like to hunt in the nature and are sportive. There aren't many fat people to be seen and in the nights (at least during the summer months) the people go outside after work, meet with each other in bars, restaurant, play together sports even in the parks and even in the nature people are social, form groups and play ball with each other. While even in there people have phones and some are glued on the screen, I found it very nice how I didn't see so many people on their phones, just having fun with each other, unlike Western Europe where everybody is now a smartphone zombie.
Yes, some people can be a bit annoying, but overall I found the Kyrgyz to be pleasant. One old guy gifted me a bottle of wine after talking to him, another person invited me for a drink, two women I met gave me small presents and while some may look serious, they are curious people and want to know about you and where you are from.


There are some divisions to be made. While most women look clearly Asian, there are some women who look more Persian/Arabic, of course Russians and then a mix in-between. In general I would say the Kyrgyz women look much better, dress better and have a more positive outlook on life. The Russians are in my opinion not worth it. Keep in mind that I favor  latinas, Asians over white women, thus take it with a grain of salt. There are a lot of 6's, 7's and 8's that walk during the day and go on about their daily life. I didn't approach much, but when I did, the women were pleasant and I could number-close them. Even without much of Russian, you can get women to your place from daygame. You have so many parks in Bishkek, so many streets, sellers, malls, just approach a random girl and you will never regret it. At least you will improve.

Nightgame? Honestly I am not good in nightgame, but the only advice I can give you is that the Metro Pub and Munchen Bar are apparently good. Russian would be useful as well. However one guy told me that there may be some golddiggers, so just keep that in mind. Online you will also find some weird women and yes sometimes it is better to be direct or to be playful about your intentions. Some will ask you if you want sex. Just say something like 'oh no I will only kiss you after we are married 100 years' and depending on her reaction you will know whether you can open her up or not. Sure they are 'muslim' but I had no anal sex at all and they will open up to you literally if they like you. Some insisted a bit on condoms, but I always had sex without protection. When it comes down to fetishes (yes I care a lot for it, if you couldn't tell by now), they were open and more so as compared to the 'open-minded' European women.

Where to stay?

Don't go to a hotel. You will find cheap accommodation on AirBnb. If you are well-versed in Russian you can also find some local pages, but I forgot the names. Chuy Avenue is a very good place to stay. Many bars are there, many parks are in a walkable distance, many shops, malls etc. However some girls will live a bit further away, so sometimes you need to plan accordingly. Meet 'in between' somewhere and then tell her 'oh my place is like 5min from here' and there you go.

That's it. If you need other information, you can pm or just check my other replies in this threat. Thanks for your attention and I hope I could provide something useful to this community here.

Sure Central Asia is easier compared to EE for instance, but I think Peru and much of Latin America is still much easier as may SEA be (wasn't there yet so can't confirm). I would place Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan) under Western Europe/EE but above Latin America in terms of difficulty.

Stans are definitely not SEA level. The better looking women know their worth and the hotter ones will demand a man of means to show his value with gifts and free dinners. Maybe there are some easy cute girls remaining but it's nothing like Philippines (which trades cuteness for ease, nothing perfect). Sure English levels are OK but I noticed their speaking is much worse than texting and that English levels peak around the 5-5.5 level with women above less likely to speak decent enough English. If your idea of a good time is banging a girl while using a translator app then by all means.

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