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Critical Analysis: Austin, Tx
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After reviewing the existing data here, I decided to do everyone a favor and create something up to date and beneficial for anyone heading to Austin, Tx whether with buddies or solo.  It's a nice, tiny, and safe city with many individuals trying too hard to appear cool.

City vibe

Austin is a rather laid-back city. Not only does it have one of the largest universities in the country, but it also has a thriving tech and start-up scene (Apple is establishing itself here and will employ tens of thousands of people); Dell and Whole Foods are headquartered here, and Google, Cengage, and other large firms have sizable offices here as well. While the city is still quite new, there is a diverse range of women in terms of age, income, and experience.

Anyone with an open mind and a positive mindset will have a wonderful time here. People in Austin are kind, but it's also quietly cliquey, which anyone with social skills can break into.


A lot of people complained that Austin had become a "cock-fest." Yes, many individuals who move here believe they will be able to pull stunning blond asses all day. Unfortunately, most of these guys are terrible and couldn't pull an ONS with a chubby Becky if their lives depended on it. An ordinary guy with a poor game can do well here, as long as they don't have approach anxiety.

The quality of ladies varies depending on where you are in downtown and whatever bar you are at...more information is provided below. There are plenty of super cute here, the majority of them are simple, and pulling an ONS is simple if you're not a newbie, and considerably easier if you're attractive.

On weekends, you'll see a variety of girls from Texas cities who are visiting Austin for the weekend. These are usually simple pulls, and they aren't limited to one area of downtown; they're everywhere. These are often cool gals from Texas' whacker cities (Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas). In my experience, these ladies will visit in groups of two or three, perhaps with a gay tossed in for good measure. Usually, they'll meet up with groups of people—often a large number of dudes—nearly none of whom are real cockblock threats, though the obese friend is rather prevalent. Make an early assessment of if she has really high/Christian morals to guarantee you are not wasting your time. Most females here are down, but if she's from far east or west Texas, you should cut your losses and move on. I have several friends who visited, ignored my advise, and ended up with nothing more than a snuggle buddy, and these are people who can pull; even if you're in Austin, it's still Texas, so you've been warned.

That being said, there are lots of openings. One of the most effective things I do is keep mobile and avoid becoming fixated on a female simply because she is attractive and appears to be interested in you. Be social, mobile, and don't become myopic.

To each his own, but the "dick" game does not work well in most venues. This city has lots of high-end tail who can see right through the "dick game" veneer and will not hesitate to call you out on it. As always, it works on the majority of college females, but if neg. is your thing, you're far better off with gentle teasing. In most settings, the girls are very pleasant, and it's easy to approach the majority of them, especially if they smile or express IOI. Bitch shields are popular in the Warehouse District and at several bars on West 6th.


It's common to see attractive woman hanging out with other men, but 98% of them are weaksauce betas or gay. Waiting for your time is nice, but bagging up and rolling on a bunch is a breeze, especially if you're doing something vaguely cool with your life, have your shit together, and can talk up a crowd.

There are a lot of hipster dudes who work in restaurants and cafés, play an instrument, and act like they're hot shit. They're not and are frequently insecure, yet they have a lot of attractive female pals. In my three years here, I only had one issue with this, and it led in me having to finish a fight that some kid in skinny jeans began. It's uncommon, yet it can happen anywhere.

If you're conducting a night game at a bar or club, there's no need to settle. Massive tail and plenty of opportunities.

For The Solo Traveler

If you're traveling alone, you should consider a few things.

1.Will you be here on Thursday night and/or the weekend?
2.Are you comfortable gaming at night alone?
3.Will you be here on the third Thursday of the month?

1.If you're here on Thursday/weekend, I recommend staying downtown. There are numerous options available, including all major hotels. It is much easier to get a woman back to your downtown hotel, and you can ride a pedicab back, which is an excellent way to escalate the situation.

2.If you're comfortable running the game alone, virtually anywhere downtown will suffice. Revert to #1; if you're not comfortable running the night game alone, stay on South Congress. As noted in the preceding thread, the Austin motel is on a tight budget. Hotel San Jose is elegant and has a fantastic bar that is regularly packed with 7+ trim. South Congress is ideal for running day games, and it's a quick trip to downtown if you want to go out at night.

3.On the third Thursday of each month, Congress Avenue is full with people, artists, musicians, and so on. There are many couples who attend, but it is still simple to discover lovely women in pairs and trios. Third Thursday provides you with a limitless number of topics to discuss, and if you structure your approach appropriately, you can walk her right back into your hotel.

In addition to the foregoing, gaming at Whole Foods' main shop (5th and Lamar) is insanely entertaining and extremely simple. Central Market is also nice, but it is a little more away from S. Congress. Going at peak hours is ideal, however there are cute gals at both locations all day.

Barton Springs is a naturally fed pool that is the universe's gift to humanity. The previous data sheet stated that there are a lot of college ladies topless, which is simply false. The only topless girls are hippie chicks, the majority of whom you don't want to look at. Austin is a liberal city, but do you really believe a 20-year-old college lady will sunbathe topless in front of hundreds of men and families? No way. Swim up to a cute female and ask her a question or make an amusing statement (the amount of people allows for infinite discussion, but I'd avoid making harsh criticisms of others). I smashed my first Texan here on the first try. Money.

Black Swan Yoga is not for the faint of heart. A popular yoga studio that accepts donations is located downtown, near Whole Foods; you don't even need your own mat or towel. "Sweaty yoga," as they described it, is simply great. Thousands of ladies in sports bras and short shorts sweating and practicing yoga. I used to have amazing luck here, but as word spread, it became increasingly saturated with betas, resulting in a drop in the number of ladies willing to be talked up after class. Still feasible, but not for the weak. Tuesday 6:30 is a good session, but get there early or you won't get a seat. 6:10 should be sufficient.

Travelling with Friend(s)

If you plan on pulling anything, make sure you have an adequate sized room. Austin chicks are pretty open, but don't expect most of them to bang you as your wingman crushes guts with her friend; while I could be mistaken, it appears unlikely.

Almost all large hotels will be adequate, with convenient access (walking distance) to downtown and restaurants.

Parts of downtown

West Sixth Street

This is the more upscale section of 6th Street, where you'll typically find the most stunning women. All of these places are close together, so you can spend the entire night here and still bar hop. The players here are primarily beta, however this is where I've seen the most competitiveness. Some may say that the Warehouse district offers top-tier competition; I disagree, but that could just be my style. Drinks are significantly more pricey, but still quite reasonable in comparison to Los Angeles, New York, and Miami.

Bars I Like

KeyBar - An outdoor spot with a diverse age range. The game is easier when it is crowded. You're less likely to have to approach an isolated group, but you can approach and/or isolate a female near the bar, even if she's standing with her pals.

Dog Wood - primarily an outside pub with a little inside. Right adjacent to the Keybar. Cool staff, with 7-8+ members, the most of whom are betas. I have heard the most basic PUA material butchered here more than once. Cockblocking by girlfriends is possible here, but it is rather simple to avoid if you can placate the group.

Molotov - Next door to the two above, and, like the others, crowded with ladies. Darker and louder than Key and Dog Wood, although the top level has a decent view, is quieter, and easier to pull, especially if you smoke/want to smoke.

If your game is strong, you could spend the entire night at these three bars and do really well. J-Blacks and the other bars across the street are packed with hotties, but the service is subpar, and it's frequently populated by douchey males that cockblock, act tough, and generally suck at life. Still a good alternative, and if you meet women at the top three, you're likely to end up here.

East 6th Street (also known as Dirty 6th)

This is the most infamous section of 6th Street. Tons of bars, tons of women, and tons of garbage. I'm not a fan of this section of downtown. It's primarily amateur hour, and the females I've gotten from here are usually too intoxicated for my taste by the time they return to my spot, and/or they're lousy in bed. There is plenty of variety and some quality.

Bars I Like

The Jackalope: Not for everyone. Probably serves the greatest burgers in Austin. It's mostly a punk pub, but it attracts a diverse crowd. Snuff flicks or hardcore violent and sexual Asian films are frequently shown on television. If you don't like tattooed rocker chicks, go on.

Red Rooster - Usually full of ladies, with 3-5 betas. Approaching chicks here, immediately in front of guys who have no idea what to do with them, provides me a lot of joy. And it's ridiculously easy. To be honest, I've seen more males here disrespecting our gender than anywhere else in Austin. There's plenty of opportunity if you want them young, dumb, and intoxicated.

Maggie Maes - A historic Austin bar with numerous levels and patrons of all ages. Not a sophisticated establishment (shots in plastic glasses), but it has a dance floor and is easy to get out of if you can approach. Minimal competition.
Any other bar in the vicinity will be around the same. Yes, there are some modifications, but the setting is essentially the same. Personally, I do not like Pure. It's full of skeezy hoes who I probably wouldn't bang, and fights occur frequently. Looks cool, but you're better off going somewhere else and avoiding the trashy wannabes.

Rainey St.

Rainey Street used to be nothing but residences, but the homeowners decided to rezone to improve their property value. Due to the large amount of people walking up and down the street all night, all of the residences have been converted into bars.

Parking here may be a problem. Arrive early if you're driving and don't want to walk for a mile or two.

Lustre Pearl: This should be your starting point. There are several bars on the street, but this is where I always start. Great bar for hanging out, and there are plenty of attractive women here, especially on Friday and Saturday. Typically, I see 8 or more trims there around 10:30, and they usually cruise over to downtown after a few beers. Usually mixed groups, however it is not rare to see three or more girls together without the traditional betas.

I've been to a few other bars, but I can't remember their names and don't feel the need to search them up.

There's plenty of tail at most bars in this neighborhood. A basic visual spot-check is sufficient, as most congested areas have people spilling out onto the front (remember, these were all houses once).

If I'm out here, I usually grab a number or two and then continue on to downtown. Works like a charm, albeit I'll remain around if the girl is smoking and appears depressed.

Night Plan

I'd start at Luster Pearl, then visit other bars on Rainey Street before moving on to Dirty 6th, or start on West 6th and continue to Dirty 6th if necessary.

I'll shred the rest of this puppy tomorrow, including information on the eastside (there are two distinct parts of "east 6th"), but I wanted to put it up in case anyone is passing through town.

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Critical Analysis: Austin, Tx - by pitbull510 - 06-22-2024, 10:15 PM

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