After checking out these videos, you'll definitely get a kick out of all the folks who go on about IQ scores and intelligence. They literally have no clue what they are talking about. Dumb as rocks. It's like chatting with someone who believes that if you hop on a plane to Alaska, you could get close enough to the sun to touch it, or someone who walks into their house backwards after midnight just to "fool the ghosts." I’ve heard this is a big thing in Alabama. I'm imagining the ghosts laughing their asses off. Even inviting neighbor ghosts and having a beer while waiting for the idiot to get home. Haha. There was this kid in my elementary school who thought Julius Caesar was a woman and that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, haha.
Do racists think strawberry milk comes from pink cows? I came across a video of a vegan chugging some strawberry milk from Nesquik. They were like, "It's vegan since it's strawberry milk." It's different from cow milk. You know what I mean?” LOL. I knew a girl who thought dogs laid eggs and had anal sex. Biology class is important, people.
I once heard a pregnant woman state that a man informed her she shouldn't bathe because she would drown her unborn child. That women can “hold in their” periods like it’s pee or that they can control it, etc. Also, she believes you can get pregnant if you sit in a hot tub that a guy just ejaculated in. Birds aren't real, and pedophilia is a sexuality.
The world needs better comprehensive education.
I know a guy who thought showering during sex provided the same amount of protection as a condom. Had a former co-worker who believed it was safer to cross in the middle of oncoming traffic than at a stop light because they were forced to see you that way. We'd be walking, and she'd just cross, horns blaring and swerving around her while we waited for the light to change.
A classmate in high school believed that vaginal sex was only for pleasure and that if you wanted to impregnate a woman, you had to have anal sex with her.
I worked with someone who did not believe in dinosaurs. He had never seen one, so they did not exist. I asked if he'd ever seen air haha.
Oh, and 75 million years ago, Xenu, a ruler of the Galactic Confederacy, brought billions of people to Earth, placed them around volcanoes, and then killed them by detonating hydrogen bombs.
Yeah, folks; I’m talking about Scientology.
Do racists think strawberry milk comes from pink cows? I came across a video of a vegan chugging some strawberry milk from Nesquik. They were like, "It's vegan since it's strawberry milk." It's different from cow milk. You know what I mean?” LOL. I knew a girl who thought dogs laid eggs and had anal sex. Biology class is important, people.
I once heard a pregnant woman state that a man informed her she shouldn't bathe because she would drown her unborn child. That women can “hold in their” periods like it’s pee or that they can control it, etc. Also, she believes you can get pregnant if you sit in a hot tub that a guy just ejaculated in. Birds aren't real, and pedophilia is a sexuality.
The world needs better comprehensive education.
I know a guy who thought showering during sex provided the same amount of protection as a condom. Had a former co-worker who believed it was safer to cross in the middle of oncoming traffic than at a stop light because they were forced to see you that way. We'd be walking, and she'd just cross, horns blaring and swerving around her while we waited for the light to change.
A classmate in high school believed that vaginal sex was only for pleasure and that if you wanted to impregnate a woman, you had to have anal sex with her.
I worked with someone who did not believe in dinosaurs. He had never seen one, so they did not exist. I asked if he'd ever seen air haha.
Oh, and 75 million years ago, Xenu, a ruler of the Galactic Confederacy, brought billions of people to Earth, placed them around volcanoes, and then killed them by detonating hydrogen bombs.
Yeah, folks; I’m talking about Scientology.