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  Conservatives don't create
Posted by: pitbull510 - 02-10-2024, 11:27 PM - Forum: Politics - No Replies

The problem is that conservatives don't create. They just bitch and moan. In fact, they don't even conserve. But this is because conservation isn't even possible, only life and growth or withering and death. Everything in conservatism is a rearguard action. There is no imagination among conservatives. Everything is a "no" and nothing is a "yes." Nowhere do they seek to advance. Everywhere they are engaged in fighting retreats (when they bother to fight at all). I don’t tolerate low IQ individuals so unless a conservative can show me they have normal cognitive ability, I’ll soon put them on the ignore list with the other Mensa rejects of their kind.

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Smile What are your impressions of different nationalities?
Posted by: pitbull510 - 02-10-2024, 11:21 PM - Forum: Everything Else - No Replies

Today at breakfast I was thinking and reflecting on all the different nationalities I've met while traveling and how they differ from each other.  No offence to anybody, just my observations.

Aussies: I have a pretty unfavorable view of Aussies on a whole. The guys come off as arrogant pricks most of the time, they tend to be really sarcastic to the point of obnoxious. It seems that they are pretty insular and aren't too interested in hanging out with non-Aussies, they seem to have a lot of national pride, but to the point of thinking they are cooler than everyone else. When drinking they can get really smashed, then get loud, obnoxious, and rude. Aussie girls can be hot and have real nice bodies, but typically I'd compare them to American girls, although they tend to be thinner. Aussie chicks don't seem to dig me at all, I've gotten zero interest from them, and it seems that overall they act kind of aloof, with a slightly stuck up attitude.

Israelis: Israelis are interesting because from my experience, they are split down the middle with a real contradictory disposition. Half of the Israelis I meet are utterly annoying, rude, arrogant, and just generally douchey. The other half I have met are some of the coolest, nicest, friendliest and most chilled out of all the people I have met. It's interesting how you can find half of them to be douche-bags and the other half, fucking cool people. I have no real experience with Israeli chicks, the ones I have hung out with weren't very attractive, but overall I'd say they tend to be hot as shit. Tan skin, pretty faces, great bodies... But it seems like they can be a tough nut to crack, especially if you aren't Jewish and are from a Muslim Middle Eastern background like myself. That said, I need to be more proactive and try to approach and meet more Israeli babes. Needless to say avoid topics about politics and religion. Last note, Israelis seem to be pretty insular and typically travel in large packs and stick within their own groups.

Germans: The Germans I have met all speak good English, they are polite and nice, but not very overtly friendly or outgoing. There is something about them, but they come off as kind of cold, and seem almost standoffish, but more I think it's just there culture. They also seem some what socially awkward, but open up once you get to know them and get them into conversation. I have no German flag and little experience with German women, but from what I observe they tend to be either really hot or really average plain Jane types.

Argies and Uruguay people: I lump the Argies with the Uruguayans since they look similar, come from the same region of S. America and seem to have a similar culture. Though, one thing that I have noticed is that the people from Uruguay I have met have all been way cooler than the Argies and way more friendly, laid back, and down to earth. The Argies are kind of like the Israelis in that they tend to either be arrogant pricks or really cool and nice people. Argies and Uruguay people: I lump the Argies with the Uruguayans since they look similar, come from the same region of S. America and seem to have a similar culture. guys can be really arrogant and act kind of elitist, they seem to have pretty good game along the lines of the smooth Latin lover archetype, and can be classically handsome, but are usually scrawny emaciated looking fucks who look like they've never picked up a weight in their lives. Argie girls have been written about before, so nothing new to add. I have no Argie flag, but I'd say the women typically are really beautiful, have gorgeous faces, and slender bodies, but lack the banging fat asses that some guys love, which you'll find on Brazilian and other Latina women. Argie chicks tend to be somewhat stuck up, standoffish, and are notorious for being hard to hook up with.

British: Generally I've had good experience with the British, they tend to be pretty laid back, have a pretty funny, crude, and non-pc sense of humor. The guys may be guilty of drinking a bit too much and getting annoying, but otherwise they are funny and fun to hang out with. I have my British flag and it s been well documented that they are easy to lay, which after dealing with a lot of B.S. from other chicks, is fine by me.

South Koreans and Japanese: I have a very unfavorable view of South Koreans, maybe it s all just cultural differences, but I have found them to be cold, rude, standoffish, unfriendly, and at times straight up obnoxious. On the other hand, the Japanese travelers I meet are more of the alternative hippy types and tend to be way more chilled out, unique, cool and friendly. No experience really with either of their women, but it sounds like Japanese chicks are way more DTF, friendly, and fun to hang out with.

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  Where to go in 2024
Posted by: pitbull510 - 02-10-2024, 11:16 PM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

I don't usually like pale and light-skinned girls, of course there are exceptions to this rule but what I tend to be attracted to most is usually a girl who is short, fit, dark-skinned and has features that are a bit more South Asian, with larger, wider eyes, fuller lips, different shaped nose and different shape of face. Physically, the girl has to be somewhat shapely although it is not my biggest priority... I like firm legs, a nice b***y that does not have to be very big but has to be there (I find flat butts a turn off but it doesn't have to be some Kardashian shit you can balance a wine glass on either), breasts don't have to be overly large, with greater priority given to perkiness and firmness and bonus points for some serious pointiness. Face is the most important. And she has to have a nice voice, a grating voice is the worlds biggest turn off and could make me lose interest in even a genuine supermodel lol.

My type is not so hard to find in Asia, especially not in places like Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. I love Middle-Eastern girls too, Armenian, Afghan, Pakistani, you name it. Latinas are fine too, Brazilians in particular. Pacific Islanders, Polynesians, girls from Hawaii, Tahiti, I dig it. Won't kick a nice African girl out of bed, either. And there are definitely some white girls I like, although they tend to be Southern European, Italian, Spanish, Greek for the most part. The girls I like have one thing in common, which is that they tend to be somewhat dark and have certain facial features.

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  Is it a good idea to travel to Europe?
Posted by: pitbull510 - 02-10-2024, 11:09 PM - Forum: Travel Forum - Replies (1)

It seems that women with white or pale skin, whether they be Caucasian or Asian, tend to be more stuck up, cold, uptight and overly serious. But women with brown skin or darker complexion tend to be warmer and friendlier and more chill and laid back. Hence you can be yourself around them more and you feel more relaxed around them too. This is a very consistent pattern and can easily be seen all over the world. Why is that? Not just white women, it's true of Asian women too. For example, I notice that the white skinned women in Asia tend to be colder and more uptight than the women with darker complexion even in the same country. It's VERY noticeable. What's the reason for this? I can't believe this hasn't been brought up yet. It seems to be a global pattern that applies all over the world, not just to some countries. It's as if white or pale skin makes their blood a lot colder and more reptilian too. How can that be? I thought race and skin color doesn't matter as liberals claim?

The problem is that many non-white guys still desire white women because of status. Alot of these non-white guys punch above their weight when they get with white women especially white women who are fine. Alot of non-whites also have their ways of bragging and flaunting in front of white guys that they are getting with white women or women who are lighter skin, so these minority dudes can be just as bad as these white women you talk about. Its all about status and what you can show, when it comes to women at the end of the day. A white guy is generally going to naturally have it easier with white women, whereas dudes of other races have to prove themselvses more to white women. This even occurs within other races too. Levels in dating also occurs amongst nationalities as well, where women of certain nationalities would discriminate guys of other nationalities unless the guy shows the woman something special like a special talent or personality of some sort.

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