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Russia has decisively lost this war - it's over!
All of this is true. Russia is no longer a world power; it is now a third-world country. Russia should know by now that the G7 countries are against its plan to take over and annex Ukraine, and that Putin made a big mistake by not figuring how strong the G7 and NATO would be in response. The US mostly pays for the war with old equipment and is using it as a chance to get newer gear. Ukraine will keep fighting until it can't. For as long as they want to fight, we should keep giving them our gear. In the west, supplies from Russia are being replaced in large amounts.

In Siberia the population is now overwhelmingly Chinese as Putin is forced to import foreign workers to keep up production at a time of labor shortages. Many Russia ethnics are moving to western Russia. Others have been siphoned off for the failed Ukraine invasion.

Russia has lost enough of it's treasure and status to make the cost of some bombed out Ukrainian territory very debatable. Especially considering that they control 11 time zones worth of territory the can't develop already.

The main stream media have made Putin out to be some cartoon villain dictator irrationally slaughtering Ukrainians for no reason. However, Putin is not insane, not a madman. He is carrying out a rational strategy in Ukraine, seizing Russian-speaking territory such as Donbas, demilitarizing by force the eastern Ukraine to bring in more money for his friends. Putin is not making the first moves toward some greater conquest. All the bad takes saying “if we don’t stop Putin now, he’ll invade Moldova/Estonia/Poland/all Europe just like Hitler” ignores the part about the German military in WWII having some 18 million men under arms. The Russian army today has 1.3 million. NATO would crush Russia within days

In 2012, Ukraine learned that it has the 14th largest natural gas supplies in the world, after Australia and Iraq. At the same time, it would become Europe's second oil state, after Russia. Russia didn't care about this much when Ukraine went around Russia like the moon goes around the earth. But when Ukraine started to side with Europe in 2014, it was only a matter of time before the west cut off Russia's gas supply. As a result, Putin and his friends planned to take the gas, food, water, and sea access from Ukraine.

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RE: Russia has decisively lost this war - it's over! - by AirWaves - 03-14-2024, 10:02 PM

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