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Smile Are 'meet-cutes' the new way of dating in 2024?
Posted by: whitemike - 02-13-2024, 01:25 AM - Forum: Game Forum - Replies (1)

It is widely acknowledged that dating applications have outlived their usefulness. One significant issue associated with Tinder and similar dating platforms is their frequent membership of low-quality individuals, as well as their heavy reliance on physical appearance. This has effectively converted these platforms into shithole clubs frequented exclusively by morons and failures.

[Image: cCWMa7Jl.jpg]

During its purported "golden age," Tinder exhibited a greater degree of gender parity and a more heterogeneous user population. Currently, only thirsty incels and other failures remain. Thus, in 2024, Tinder is comparable to female entertainment. Having a sub-10 photograph on Tinder is brutal. The girl swipes through your photos, mocks your appearance, laughs at your messages, and shows her friends how parched you are in order to gain more attention.

[Image: RQXvYHxl.jpg]

But a lot of guys are too dumb and desperate to figure this out...

[Image: dNIyN8ml.jpg]

Why would a woman choose a 9/10 chad when she could choose a 10/10 at any time?

[Image: Z79yx3Wl.jpg]

A young lady I know makes an income by conversing with hundreds of men and requesting between five and twenty dollars from each of them. She would visit McDonald's, and the cashier (the type of dude who uses dating appz) would give her twenty dollars.

[Image: ZGfuglsl.jpg]

It always amuses me when guys say, "I don't understand girls, bro; they ghost for no apparent reason; it's as if they have no idea what they want." No, they precisely know what they want, and it's not you. Typically, the reason for this is that she considers him to be comparable to a disposable razor. While idling at home, she became restless and sought additional validation, so she began texting him. Then the real-life guy texted her back, causing her to ghost him for something real. Dating app women with whom you converse literally have dozens, if not hundreds, of men sending them weekly messages. She doesn't even have to be cute or female. In Thailand, ladyboys receive hundreds of appointments. From personal experience, despite the fact that my domestic servant maintained a modest private Instagram account, she received messages from literally dozens of men:

[Image: qUjf3g8l.jpg]

So what's next? Are 'meet-cutes' the new way of dating in 2024? 

[Image: 2TgpguYl.jpg]

[Image: KcE1RPAl.jpg]

@PAG initiated discussion on this topic more than a year ago through his project, "happier abroad," which essentially aims to establish an exclusive club for elite gentlemen, akin to the Playboy Mansion. This actually makes a lot of sense. Attractive women are very autonomous individuals in the process of selecting a mate. It is quite unlikely for healthy women who have choices to be easily manipulated into engaging in sexual activity. Women possess an inherent inclination to thoroughly evaluate males and acquire commitment or influence in their relationships with them. If a woman is already being pursued and courted by attractive options, it is unlikely that you can significantly increase her level of attraction, unless you are substantially superior in comparison. You must instead choose to become one of these alternatives.

In practical situations, it is the woman who selects the male and occasionally pursues him. Men who are legitimately attractive will not engage in conversations with a thousand women in an attempt to gain one or two notches. They will converse with a handful of women without any intention or motivation. Simply engage in pleasant conversation and give the woman the opportunity to win him over with her femininity and the way she makes him feel about himself. The real natural environment of hominids was less the savanna than the social group. If you were a hominid male, and people paid attention to you, carved your approval, shut up, and listened when you spoke, that meant you were a leader and had high status. Men who commanded attention commanded access to community support. That meant a good nest-maker. Humans compete less for territory than for rank. Territory and possessions are only symbols of rank. He who controls the attention has high status and is sexually attractive. 

However, many women lack the information and knowledge necessary to determine whether a male commands attention or is of high status. Therefore, women rely on social proof and preselection (a nice car, a gold watch, etc.) to determine whether or not a man enjoys the favor of his peers, acquaintances, and other women. In economics, sellers sometimes invest in "signals" to communicate quality. For example, a bank might invest in an expensive marble lobby. It doesn't make them a better bank. But customers may infer that the bank will have a long-term existence based on its substantial investment in the lobby.

Desperation, neediness, and insecurity repulse women. In order for a woman to feel confident with her decision to sleep with a man, she must feel like she chose a top-tier dude. It’s similar to how women will spend hours and hours shopping for a bag or the perfect pair of shoes, to find something totally unique yet impractical that they show off confidently. 

The problem with pickup culture and cold approach is their tendency to excessively convey one's desire for a female while failing to demonstrate one's social status and rank. Approaching a lady abruptly in the middle of the street, offering a flattering comment about her appearance, and employing a seduction technique similar to that of Tom Torero, only serves to overwhelm her. This may result in her giving up her phone number out of sympathy/politeness, but it does not actually create any genuine attraction. The same principle applies to online dating, where a connection is made and one attempts to engage in "text game" to create attraction (which inadvertently causes the girl to feel like she is getting a loser), resulting in a sense of disposability.

Regarding physical appearance, for a woman to consider a man as a potential choice, he must fall within her range of familiarity. This is a psychological phenomenon defined by individuals' tendency to acquire a preference for stimuli based merely on their familiarity. In the realm of social psychology, this occurrence is also denoted by the familiarity principle. The phenomenon has been empirically confirmed across several stimuli, including linguistic units such as words and Chinese characters, visual representations such as paintings, images of faces, and geometric forms, as well as auditory inputs in the form of noises. Within the domain of study on interpersonal attraction, it has been noted that individuals are inclined to view others as more agreeable and appealing when they engage in frequent positive interactions. Humans possess an inherent tendency to prioritize objects or experiences that are familiar to them over those that are unfamiliar. The cognitive system utilizes the notion of familiarity to evaluate the relative level of safety associated with a particular stimulus. This elucidates the rationale behind the romantic relationships between Hipster females and Hipster males. Girls in STEM fields prefer to date guys who are also in STEM fields. A Chinese individual who embraces non-mainstream fashion and cultural trends would likely have a harmonious relationship with a Chinese individual who has the same non-mainstream fashion and cultural interests. A Middle Eastern male individual with expertise in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics will find it advantageous to form a romantic relationship with a Middle Eastern female individual who also possesses expertise in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

This mere exposure effect is how much advertising works. Ads are all around us, and we frequently try to avoid listening to them. So, the messages that the ads are presenting are not likely to have a huge effect on the way we think about the product being advertised. However, just hearing the name of the brand is enough to make the product more attractive the next time we encounter it. So, you do not need to pay much attention to an ad for it to have an effect on your behavior.

Any man who has significantly enhanced his appearance, fashion sense, and social standing to the point of achieving a level of familiarity will confirm that these factors are crucial in greatly increasing the number and quality of his dating prospects. Engaging in nightlife activities, staying out until the early hours, conversing with numerous women until you encounter an individual who is sufficiently gullible to engage in intimate relations with you... or continuously scrolling through dating apps until you come across the one female who is eager for a casual encounter after a split. That is the truth about achieving regular hookups for low value men.

[Image: BWon372l.jpg]

Of course, top-tier women have boyfriends, while high-value men attract women. These women can secure commitment from alpha males; they CAN get the whole package, so your little gimmicks and tricks to secure a quick lay are pointless. These women perceive casual sex as damaging to their SMV and social position, and they would not find it desirable if they could simply secure sex with the top men while still gaining commitment/respect. To attract these women, you must establish rapport, trust, have a fantastic conversation, and have a lot going for you. It is completely based on genuine attraction and compatibility, which cannot be purchased or taught.

Women often use "thirst traps" with sexy pictures or spicy conversational bait to weed out losers. Thirsty men will jump and throw out unearned compliments.  Confident, experienced, and secure men will stay cool and nonreactive.

Women will provoke men with "fitness tests" or "shit tests" to see whether these men enforce boundaries.  It is really hard for men on a cold streak to resist letting a woman get her way.  Again, men with options know their value, and will not tolerate bad behavior for hints of sex.  These men are willing to walk away, and this is what makes them attractive.

The point is that confident, mature men have a strong mental frame and sense of self, and a silly woman cannot change it.  These men will not get angry or upset by a shit test.  They will simply decline to play. Smart men realize that women often behave badly because they feel attraction, which is a good sign.

Here is another indirect example.  Say that you recently moved to the area or came out of a relationship. This gives you a good excuse for being single.  Women hate long-term local losers.  They will be ready to date separated or divorced men.

Attractive men also screen women specifically for sociopathic or narcissistic/BPD women. Healthy women care more about genuine connection, trust, good conversation, rapport/sharing empathy, etc. To a large extent, the dating market works well and matches tall, rich, attractive, and educated people with their counterparts.  Yes, it is harder to meet women if you are ugly and poor. So don't be so poor.

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Video What your competition on online dating apps is like
Posted by: whitemike - 02-12-2024, 11:22 PM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

Who is using Tinder in 2024? The issue with Tinder and other dating applications is that they are frequently populated by 80% males, and they have transformed dating apps into shitty clubs that only idiots and novices frequent. During its alleged "golden age," Tinder had a more balanced gender distribution and a diverse user base. Now it's just thirsty incels and other losers.

If an individual mentions his use of dating appz, it is indicative that he is part of the incel community.

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Thumbs Down I wouldn't recommend Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia AKA little India!
Posted by: pitbull510 - 02-12-2024, 08:51 PM - Forum: Travel Forum - No Replies

The people who recommended this place for women are insane. I didn't see any women who particularly aroused my interest. This will be about the best you'll see:

[Image: GlGRv68l.jpg]

[Image: 6X3DRQ6l.jpg]

However, there are some excellent shopping options in this country, but I wouldn't stay for too long.

[Image: 5BXx3VQl.jpg]

[Image: TFI1YEOl.jpg]

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Wink Successfully attracted a female effortlessly today [pics]
Posted by: PAG - 02-12-2024, 08:28 PM - Forum: Game Forum - Replies (1)

While shopping in Bangkok, I observed a girl who repeatedly directed her gaze towards me. Consequently, I decided to inquire if she was aware of the location of the food court. She confirmed her knowledge and offered to guide me there. Driven by curiosity, I inquired about her former romantic partner, to which she disclosed that he exhibited a strong inclination towards possessiveness. He had placed surveillance cameras in her flat to monitor her continuously from his own residence lol what a loser

[Image: 3rdAp8dl.jpg]

[Image: 9NCIcM9l.jpg]

[Image: ehqvbpJl.jpg]

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Video Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam with spyglasses! [vids]
Posted by: PAG - 02-12-2024, 08:00 PM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

I opted to visit Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam from my base in Thailand. I was there about 4 days. Wasn't really for me. 

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Sad Internet forums have become obsolete and there is no chance of their revival
Posted by: pitbull510 - 02-12-2024, 05:06 PM - Forum: Everything Else - Replies (2)

Just saw this posted on another website:

The internet has transformed into a vast interest forum, where comment sections accompany every published article and video, rendering internet forums unnecessary. In the absence of a comment section on the article or video, you have the option to share it on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter to elicit responses from your acquaintances and followers. If you lack friends, you can simply establish a Twitter account or become a member of a Facebook group. Social media eliminates the necessity of visiting internet forums. Moreover, individuals who are very productive can establish their own platform. Websites such as Zerohedge or Dailybeast, together with pornographic websites, are flourishing as platforms for communication on the internet. In the present day, most active forums are made up of the same 5-20 trolls, supremacist nobodies, and mature retirees who piss away their time on the internet. Although this is advantageous for them, it offers minimal advantages to the new user.

Reddit, the largest online forum, is filled with cheap, low-effort, superficial, noncontroversial pun threads. Comments are short, either out of laziness or to reduce the number of potential attack vectors that could be used to discredit the comment. While the most in-depth, critical, and intriguing comments are relegated to the bottom, the least controversial and most tedious comments are upvoted to the top. Every travel subreddit consists primarily of questions. Occasional users will share their travel experiences in posts to these travel subreddits; however, the inability to embed images in posts on Reddit detracts from the quality of the discourse surrounding the visually-oriented subject of travel. There little incentive to write an in-depth post in a self post on Reddit because there’s really no sense of community on Reddit. Everyone is a forgettable anonymous username. There’s a follow button, but nobody does so and what value would that provide anyways. Traditional forums provide a better sense of community because they are smaller, and members can use avatars and signatures to make it easier to recognize other users.

Reddit on the other hand completely lacks any sense of community. There are no avatars (unless you click into one’s profile), and usernames are not prominently visible, and nobody pays attention to them. Even if these features did exist, the large number of users might make it impossible to recognize others either way. In order to rejuvenate the forum domain, it is imperative to overhaul the design of forums and transform them into efficient platforms for generating content. Postings should consist of well-crafted thoughts including coherent paragraphs, accompanied by relevant photographs or videos, and culminating in a conclusive section. The "open submission" approach should be substituted with a model resembling that of a "magazine", wherein individuals can contribute articles, but only a select few are chosen for publication. Nevertheless, in order for this model to be effective, site owners must reconsider their business models and either develop or acquire new software, which is highly unlikely to occur. As the popular proverb goes: it is time to discard the old and embrace the new.

We have developed NEW innovative software that encompasses all of the aforementioned functionalities, enabling authors and producers to get remuneration commensurate with the value they contribute to others. Our traditional forum design will be promptly replaced and transformed with this novel design within the new few weeks. This will converts ordinary forum posts into articles, incorporating supplementary sections and an artificial intelligence system to aid writers. Creators and users can receive compensation in the form of WhizCoin tokens, which are awarded based on the level of appreciation expressed by other users through actions such as liking or curating material. Creators will also have the ability to directly sell digital items, such as comprehensive travel reports, videos, and images, to anyone on the network. Users have the option to exchange tokens for various services offered on the platform. Additionally, after a specific amount of currency is earned, tokens can be converted into dollars.

Source: https://culturewhiz.org/forum/topic/inte...ir-revival

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  What happened to Roosh?
Posted by: Longhaul - 02-12-2024, 03:09 PM - Forum: Everything Else - Replies (9)

I was a fan of him and I'm sad that he completely disappeared from web. What happened to him? Does he have a new job? I hope he's fine.

Again, do you think that Roosh really got laid so much?

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Video Bar hoping in Phnom Penh, Cambodia with spy glasses [vids]
Posted by: PAG - 02-11-2024, 09:58 PM - Forum: Game Forum - Replies (1)

When I reside in Thailand, I typically make a border run to Cambodia  Big Grin

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  rooshvforum archive
Posted by: chronos - 02-11-2024, 08:45 PM - Forum: Everything Else - Replies (5)

in case you're interested, the full archive and functional forum is there: https://rooshvforum.network/

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  Winston Wu Video - Try not to vomit
Posted by: Pixel Dude - 02-11-2024, 04:48 PM - Forum: The Pit - Replies (3)

Didn't really know where to post this, but maybe 'Game Forum' is a good place, that way newbies can see what NOT to do.


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