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  How to quickly establish rapport with anyone
Posted by: whitemike - 06-22-2024, 03:07 AM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

Many people want to deepen and develop their relationships. The simplest solution is to focus on the other person. Anecdotal evidence and science both support the idea that positive social interactions and relationships lead to the most happiness. Our brain biologically rewards us for sharing our thoughts, priorities, and ambitions with others, whether in the long or short term. Our brain also rewards us when we are unconditionally accepted as individuals without judgment.

Both of these beliefs are genetically encoded in everyone of us (to varied degrees) as a result of our old survival impulses (egocentrism) and our need to belong to groups or tribes. Combining these fundamental notions might be easy to understand but challenging to implement. Speak in terms of the other person's interests and priorities, then validate them, their choices, and their identity without passing judgment. Some people do this naturally; for the rest, you can train this skill until it becomes second nature. If you disagree, simply offer, "That's a fascinating / insightful/ thoughtful opinion…would you mind helping me understand how you came up with it?". Again, their brain will reward them at several levels for this.

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  What is an Alpha Male?
Posted by: whitemike - 06-22-2024, 02:57 AM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

Being an alpha is determined by one's level of participation in a group. More precisely, it pertains to assisting in the cultivation and sustenance of a cohesive group dynamic, hierarchical structure, and operational efficiency of the group. Prior to comprehending the concept of an alpha, it is essential to grasp some aspects of power's inherent nature. Specifically, the organization bestows power upon you. You only possess power when it is bestowed to you by others. However, there is a caveat attached to the power bestowed upon you by the organization - you must prioritize their needs. That is the agreement. You have additional power to attend to their needs. Should you breach this trust, the group will promptly revoke your authority. An excessive focus on personal gratification and a lack of effective guidance can ultimately result in being defeated by the others whom you once led.

The PUA strategy is based on the belief that women are attracted to dominant males in their local community. While being the alpha male may be challenging, it is quite simple to deceive women using certain mannerisms and actions. Therefore, the true alpha status is often confused with the perception of alpha status by one or more women, specifically in terms of the sexual benefits associated with alpha rank. Most of what you mentioned is accurate, however it is somewhat irrelevant to the main topic.

A beta animal is a subordinate animal that assumes the role of alpha if the current alpha dies.

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Thumbs Up Is this the cure for autistic people?
Posted by: PAG - 06-21-2024, 08:03 PM - Forum: Lifestyle Forum - No Replies

Tomato juice, choline, and probiotics? Unfortunately, not all autistics are within the normal realm… a lot of the severe autistic spectrum traits are irreversible and technically overgrown brain regions, too many neurons growing too quickly during gestation. If someone is nonverbal or unemotional, that’s likely irreversible. At least that’s what the latest research says.

If you have the traits that make up hypersensitivity, overactive brain, constant/continuous knowledge seeking, and an overwhelmingly photographic memory for episodic memory, and almost nonexistent semantic memory formation, tomato sauce and probiotics might work. Tomato juice once a week for two meals in a row is good enough to clear out the bad bacteria including the type that gives people pneumonia and some other ones too. Typhoid fever inducing subspecies but the same goes for quite a few salmonella bacteria that are known to alter the immune system, etc. Salmonella bacteria is known to cause neurological changes overnight in some children, mimicking autism or seizures when it causes the immune system to attack the neural tissue due to how the bacteria tries to hide using a camouflage technique that mimics other tissue types.

The reason semantic memory doesn’t work very well in autistic people, and the reason they seek conceptual knowledge, is the statistical sensory processing layer sends a failure signal that causes further analysis to become overactive (all the signals need to be processed) in the conceptual processing level of the sensory processing pathways… basically why their sensory system is hypersensitive, it never developed the sensory pre-filters that normally ignore anything and everything after a few seconds, less than 15sec for most people for scents. I honestly think they could take a ton of choline (the C in Alpha GPC) and decrease it.

Lol, unlike this Dutchman https://www.tiktok.com/@joshberrycomedy/...xywSA&_r=1, most autistics don’t know how to control their sexual energy and go overboard quite easily. The Alpha GPC is like a neutralizer for that, it would have a very strange feeling for them to wake up next to a mostly naked girl and not being horny… but that’s Alpha GPC!

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Smile What is love?
Posted by: PAG - 06-21-2024, 06:48 PM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

According to Nietzsche erotic love is simply a drive for possession that has been glorified and deified by those wanting to obtain something to enrich themselves. It is the creative drives of culture that give it a sense of splendor or beauty. What we conceive to be its opposites, such as selfishness and greed, are in many instances inextricably bound up with the experience of love. It is the urge to possess and assimilate, to change "something new to ourselves" that is behind the experience of love and greed. The feelings of both greed and love are the same drive or instinct but depending on the level of fulfillment that one has achieved, this urge will either be called 'greed' or 'love': fulfilled people who feel their possessions (for example, their lover) threatened by others will name another's instinct lust or greed, while those who are still looking for something new to desire will impose a positive evaluation on that instinct and call it ‘love’.

The most unrefined type of desire is also the most readily identifiable as a desire to possess another. For example, control over a woman. A more subtle desire to possess her also requires her soul, and thus needs her to be willing to sacrifice herself for her lover. This is characterized by Nietzsche as a more full possession. An even more subtle desire to possess her gives rise to a concern that she might be willing to sacrifice what she desires for a mistaken image of her lover. This leads some lovers to want their women to know them deep down so that their sacrifice really is a sacrifice for them. A similar rank-ordering applies to statesmen, the less refined not caring whether they attain power by fraud, the more refined not taking pleasure in the people's love unless they love the statesman for who he really is. In both cases, the more spiritualized form of the desire to possess also demands one possess what is good more completely.

Nietzsche challenges romantic conceptions of erotic love by saying that love "may be the most ingenuous expression of selfishness." However, he does not make a clear effort to convince his readers that love, in its self-serving expressions, should be changed; nor does he suggest that even the most pervasive illusions of love should be rectified. Instead, he notes that strong human propensities to illusion in erotic love are important for that love to be effective, and praises some of the ingenuity of the artistry of love and the roles that people play. Men and women play these roles differently, and Nietzsche spends considerable time stressing the profound disparity between the sexes in the way they love.

The irony of this predicament is that a large number of men are completely unaware of the power their passionate attachments have both to the formation of their values and to their interactions with the world. Thus, according to Nietzsche, men in love are delirious. Women, on the other hand, are actors: their greatest skills in love rely on appearance, artistry and the play of' correct' gender roles. Nietzsche says that love has a comic dimension in this regard, because it involves a kind of theater that paradoxically relies on the distance of a woman. When women become too accessible or ‘real’ to men, men lose interest in them. Nietzsche finds love comedic because it does not consist in some attempt to know the other deeply, but rather in the confirmation of male fantasies in which women perform their constructed gender roles.

The idolatry that women practice when it comes to love is profoundly and initially a clever tool, in that all these idealizations of love enhance their own power and present them as ever more attractive in the eyes of men. But because, over the years, they have become used to this inflated estimation of love, it has happened that they ran into their own net and forgot the reason behind it. They themselves are now more deceived than men, and they suffer more, therefore, from the disappointment that almost inevitably comes into every woman's life— to the extent that she even has enough imagination and sense to be deceived and disappointed. Both men and women "need to be better educated" with regard to the essence of the relationship between men and women, "For it is a man who creates for himself the image of a woman, and a woman who shapes herself according to this image".

Nietzsche separates masculine from feminine love by conceptions of commitment and loyalty. Whereas women want to surrender completely to love, to approach it as a faith, to be "taken and accepted as a possession," Nietzsche argues that male love adheres to a possessive thirst to gain more from a lover, and states that men who are inclined to complete devotion are "not men." He suggests that “a man who loves like a woman becomes a slave; while a woman who loves like a woman becomes a more perfect woman”. Nietzsche maintains that fidelity can become an attribute of male love over time, due to, for example, gratitude or a specific taste, but that it is not an essential masculine quality.

Nietzsche speaks critically about the possessive or tyrannical aspects of masculine love alongside its fictionalizing tendencies, arguing that the normal functions of a woman's body offend men because they prevent him from having complete access to it as a possession; they also interfere with the psychological perfection of love.

Friendship is the highest form of love

It is not the lack of love, but the lack of friendship that makes relationships miserable. Nietzsche advises that lovers must be able to prepare for the end of the attraction. There is no woman out there so stunning that, after 20 years of marriage, her face would not be undisturbed. Therefore, to avoid disappointment, you have to realize that you have to marry a woman not only because she is the most beautiful woman in your life, but also because you want to have endless conversations with her.

Nietzsche saw friendship as essential for a good marriage. Sex on the other hand, causes problems, because a relationship based on romantic feelings is unlikely to last a lifetime. Therefore, the ontological differences between men and women tend to turn love into war. Thus in order to overcome the power games in the realm of passion, Nietzsche asks lovers to be great friends.

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Shocked The Biochemistry of Sex and Seduction: Why You Should Learn Massage
Posted by: PAG - 06-21-2024, 06:43 PM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

When you think about it, sex and seduction involve a lot of biochemistry. When a male engages in seductive behavior towards a woman, it triggers the release of several chemicals within the female body. Testosterone and estrogen are known to have a significant role in the experience of lust, while dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are associated with the development of attraction.

Additionally, oxytocin and vasopressin are involved in the regulation of attachment. It is well known that the hypothalamus plays a significant role in the brain's reward circuitry by synthesizing dopamine. Its release is associated with pleasurable experiences and activities. In this particular scenario, the aforementioned elements encompass engaging in interpersonal relationships and engaging in sexual activities. Elevated concentrations of dopamine and its associated hormone, norepinephrine, are released in the context of attraction. These chemical substances induce feelings of excitement, heightened energy, and intense happiness, potentially resulting in reduced desire for food intake and difficulty in attaining sufficient sleep. Consequently, it is plausible to assert that one's infatuation can reach a level where both eating and sleeping become challenging :lol:

Massage activates the parasympathetic nervous system. This reduces stress hormone levels (adrenaline and cortisol) while increasing levels of dopamine and serotonin. The feel-good hormone oxytocin is also released during massage due to the skin-to-skin contact. Any touch, including petting your dog, releases Oxytocin. Skin is extremely abundant in nerve endings, with up to 10,000 per square centimeter, and researchers discovered unique nerve fibers that respond exclusively to mild stroking at a specific tempo. Girls say my massage is better than sex with most men 

Neuroimaging studies have revealed that individuals experiencing romantic love exhibit heightened activity in key brain regions associated with reward processing, namely the ventral tegmental area and the caudate nucleus. This heightened neural response is observed when individuals are presented with visual stimuli depicting individuals to whom they have a strong attraction, in contrast to when they are exposed to images of individuals towards whom they feel neutral, such as an individual from their past high school acquaintanceship.

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Wink Does size matter? girth vs. length
Posted by: whitemike - 06-21-2024, 05:55 PM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

Which is more important: girth or length? The majority of guys have a girth measurement of no more than four inches, however it is commonly known that external clitoral stimulation, rather than internal vaginal sensations, accounts for approximately 80% of sexual enjoyment. It is normally a good idea to open up the penetration stage of intercourse by whirling your unit in circles inside the vagina rather than thrusting. A thicker unit provides more pleasure because the added girth increases friction and pressure on the vaginal walls. The first few inches of these walls contain a large number of touch sensitive nerves. A thick unit increases pleasure by dilating the vagina and providing increased pressure and friction. Women frequently enjoy the sensation of being "open," of being filled by a "thick dick." The thicker the unit, the more the vaginal walls cling to it, and she will experience such sensations. This frequently causes several vaginal orgasms.

Many people assume that clitoral orgasms will not benefit from increased penis girth size. However, the clitoris extends beyond what is visible on the outside. The clitoris's 'body' attaches to the glans and has two legs up to 4 inches long that extend downwards and backwards into the body. Two erectile tissue-containing bulbs extend from the body of the clitoris on either side of the vaginal cavity. It is apparent that a thick penis will provide more stimulation to these legs and bulbs.

A thicker penis can also contribute to clitoral orgasm because the tightness during penetration generates more pulling on the inner lips (labia minora). Because they link to the clitoral hood, their movements frequently cause the hood to slide up and down over the clitoris. However, girth makes no serious difference if the woman has sufficient muscles, just as the mouth can compress as tightly around the little finger or thumb.

Fact: 6 or 6.5 to 7 inches. There is no anatomical reason why an inch or half should make a difference in sexual enjoyment because the nerve endings in the vagina are between 2 and 2.5 inches long. A six is as good as a seven. However, many guys struggle to please out of shape women with loose vaginal muscles. To feel your girth, a girl can simply squeeze her muscles if your penis is less than 4 inches in circumference. 

1) Length is important for the cervical orgasm. It is theorized that a cervical orgasm is the stimulation of the A-spot, which is located anterior to the cervix. However, 6 inches is adequate for any regular vagina, including the deepest Germanic/Slavic or African vaginas, because the woman can elevate her legs and angle her pelvis, effectively adding 3-4 inches to penis length. Even 4 inches is probably sufficient for most European women and more than enough for Southeast Asians. Of course, if the woman is a lazy big ass, she may lack the muscular strength to lift her legs...

2) Prostitutes' vaginas are probably tighter than normal girls. The vagina functions similarly to the mouth: the more you eat, the stronger your lips, tongue, and other mouth muscles get, and the same is true for the vagina. Women who never have sex, orgasm, or kegels, and generally allow themselves to become lazy overweight, are more likely to have loose vaginas. Vaginal childbirth does not always cause problems, unless there is ripping or the mother allows herself to become a lazy fat ass after giving birth, in which case her muscles fail. I've had a lot of sex with ladies who have had several vaginal deliveries yet have tight vaginas because they keep their entire body in shape, including the vagina. The loosest vagina ever was a shy young woman with limited sexual experience who had probably never thought about her vagina, her muscles got weak from disuse.

3) Most women are sexually immature, hence clitoris provides 80% of their enjoyment. Taoists agree that cervical orgasm is preferable. 90% or even 100% of enjoyment (excluding foreplay) should ideally originate deep in the vagina, beyond the g-spot or middle gate. This also applies to guys. Men who fixate on the glans are sexually immature, just like women who focus on the clitoris. Both male and female circumcision may have been designed to encourage inward focus, while I do not support circumcision.

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Thumbs Up Risk can be an exercise in personal growth
Posted by: PAG - 06-20-2024, 04:11 AM - Forum: Lifestyle Forum - No Replies

Risk will definitely give your brain a workout because—like so many other games—it’s all about strategy. It also builds your logical thinking and decision-making skills because everything you do has consequences. As such, the ’cause and effect’ gameplay is highly beneficial to building your intelligence. Problems may arise if you expand too fast and miss out on new technology. As such, taking risks requires you to weigh up options logically and strategically, as well as deal with the potential fallouts of your decisions.

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Wink Profiting from the US Stock Market: How I plan to earn Over $5,000 Per Day
Posted by: PAG - 06-20-2024, 01:04 AM - Forum: Everything Else - No Replies

With the US stock market on fire, I have primarily been implementing an *index* technique. I purchase a significant quantity of highly valued and stable stocks when their price decreases and then retain ownership of them. Subsequently, analyze stock prediction charts to identify potential upward trends and closely monitor the news for any significant updates on the company. It appears that in this bullish market, when one stock decreases in value, another one increases, resulting in average daily returns of approximately 0.20–1%. Presumably, one whale withdraws their earnings while another whale reinvests theirs, resulting in a continuous cycle. As inflation rises, there is an influx of money into the stock market. These trading algorithms likely utilize sentiment analysis and combine stock analyst predictions with technical data to make purchasing decisions. 

I’m thinking of selling one of my rental properties to boost my stock portfolio. Seriously, casually investing in top US equities right now should yield roughly 20–40% each month. If you have enough money from stocks, you can bet on indexes, but faster-moving spikes and falls can negate the gains. For that reason, I have never traded stocks. Nevertheless, it appears that the next six months or so will be a bull market. I love the projection chart on Microsoft. I have enough stocks covered; the spikes and falls don't really kill my overall gains. 

The US is basically inflating itself out of debt, which is going to escalate when Biden is reelected. Wages and everything are going to increase. The US debt payments total close to 1.2 trillion this year. The total tax revenue is approximately $5 trillion. So debt payments must be lowered. When Greece was in this very predicament (debt outstrips taxable GDP) it was forced into austerity measures by the IMF and the EU (because they were backing the debt).  Social entitlements were drastically reduced, and some were dropped. The US can lower payments by inflating its currency, that happens to be the world reserve currency. People who are holding on to cash will have it reduced in half, and rightfully so. All the smart money that has been sitting idle for years is now streaming into the stock market. You'll need at least $10,000 to generate any substantial money, unless you can double that by going after undervalued stocks.

I have established an index fund as a method of passively investing and storing some of my liquid cash. Vanguard and the other indexes are excessively dispersed. At present, the average daily return rate on my fund is approximately 1-2%. On Vanguard, you’re looking something like 0.1. For the first month, I intend to allocate approximately $165,000 toward it once I have determined the appropriate timing and do a bit more research. I anticipated that this would generate profits exceeding $35,000 per month. I am interested in utilizing the remaining liquid funds for quick moves. A profit of $4,800 could be generated if I invested, say, $60,000 in a single stock that experienced an 8% increase in a single day. My approach to stock investing is relatively straightforward. In essence, select the stock that is garnering substantial media attention and appears to be favorable

Artificial intelligence technology stocks are reaching new record highs! Nearly 560 days after OpenAI launched ChatGPT, Apple finally jumped on the generative AI bandwagon with a major announcement at the 2024 WWDC. Apple debuted its AI capabilities under the name "Apple Intelligence," which uses an internal large language model to comprehend and carry out user voice and text commands across both native and third-party applications. Additionally, Apple revealed a collaboration with OpenAI to integrate GPT-4, enabling more advanced tasks with ChatGPT.

Despite the market's anticipation for many of the AI features, Apple's stock fell by 1.92% on the day of the announcement. However, over the next two days, the stock surged by 7.26% and 2.86%, hitting an all-time high. Like I said before, a lot of money that has been lying idle for years is finally pouring into the stock market, with the US inflating itself out of debt. 

I made $50,000 in under 6 hours.

I bought a pinksheet listed bankrupt company's shares that were potentially going to wipe its shares in a few days off the market when they submit their reorganization plan on the 15th. Hence, the 80% return was good enough for me, holding it for the bigger return was too risky. If I had held it, I'd have made over $500k in under three weeks lol peaked out at a high of 700k in those three weeks. I won't be able to find another such awesome deal for a few months. Unless I become an activist investor and go after CEOs doing a terrible job. Last time I almost missed the deal because I didn't have any money in my trading account and had just opened it the Friday before my purchase on Tuesday morning news that also got corrected, so double the investors and speculators read up on the little bankrupt company's pinksheet.

I keep an eye out for companies that should be valued above their market shares. The worst ones are companies that have tech they don't understand how to utilize, the little bankrupt one is a perfect example of a tech company that should be worth several hundred dollars a share and is worth shit because they sell material processing units to semiconductor companies instead of the highest quality silicon wafers that they could make themselves with their tech if they knew some of the shit I know. The reason they are bankrupt is because they made a deal that didn't work out the way they expected it to and were forced to shutdown a huge expansion effort.

For investing, 20% returns within a few days is the maximum anyone should expect from perfectly timed stock purchases. More if you are in option plays but those risky plays have a wipeout potential at the end of the play, meaning multiple value returns but full loss if you bet wrong in the week or two play, usually only worth a through of the dice in earning seasons every three months when the market gets shaky.

I need to speculate a few more times this year and I'll have a lot of fun next year as the market moves back to a recovery phase and upward tick, or at least does if the consumers spend money... Most of this sluggish economy is a debt squeeze that normally takes half a decade or more to clear out, and we are approaching a decade of the full squeeze starting, so it has a chance to move towards being more positive if the consumers keep their confidence up and spend.

Minimizing taxes

There are ways to pay nearly nothing for short-term capital gains if you're American. The first step would be to establish legal residency in Puerto Rico. You can avoid paying federal income tax on both short- and long-term capital gains, including those originating in the United States. You must pass three tests: the physical presence test, the tax home exam, and the closer connection test.  Then you must file Form 8898 with the IRS and Form 1040 for the year of the move. You must now pay $10,000 per year to a Puerto Rican charity and a $5000 annual report fee. You must also buy a home within two years, but there are no property taxes for the first five years. Overall, you must commit to three years, or your tax privilege will be removed. 

While most wealthy people relocate to Palmas del Mar, a beach resort town that includes a country club, golf courses, tennis, a beach club, apartments, and a hotel,. It is located in Humacao, Puerto Rico, on the island's southeast corner. There is also Ocean Park Beach and Dorado Beach. These places are not cheap, https://christiesrealestatepr.com/neighb...ocean-park, especially if there is a hurricane that destroys everything. I'd definitely buy some land and build a vast, self-contained off-grid compound with 10' walls and a farm. But Palmas del Mar seems lovely with all of its ocean views and community.

If you don't want to move to Puerto Rico, you can do a Roth IRA, a standard IRA, a solo 401k, an HSA, and a corporation. You can trade from your Roth IRA through a backdoor conversion from a regular IRA. Only this strategy takes roughly three years to get any good gambling money ($6,000 multiplied by three years = $18,000). The best option is to trade from a business account. You form an S-Corp and then hire yourself with a "reasonable salary". So, if you earn $100,000 per year, you can deduct $15,000 for costs and pay yourself $40,000 per year, with $23k going directly into a solo 401k. So your income is approximately $17,000. Then, with corporate profit, match profit share into the solo 401k up to $69,000. This is a tax deduction for the firm. So, the corporation has zero income.

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Thumbs Up Looks like the US is going to inflate itself out of debt
Posted by: PAG - 06-20-2024, 12:26 AM - Forum: Lifestyle Forum - No Replies

The United States seems to be effectively adopting inflation as a strategy to address its financial issues, such as unfunded pensions and the impending insolvency of social security in the next decade. The US requires a modest inflation rate of approximately 5% for a few years in order to resolve the issue. All things, including salaries, are set to rise. Based on a recent analysis conducted by the Center for American Progress, a left-leaning organization, it has been determined that the United States must either raise taxes or reduce expenditure by 2.1% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in order to meet the costs of interest payments and maturing Treasury debts. However, it seems unlikely that this will occur. It is anticipated that the expense of servicing debt would exceed defense spending this year. The interest payments of the United States are almost $1.2 trillion a year. Therefore, it is imperative to decrease the amount of debt payments. Individuals who are retaining cash will witness its value reduced by as much as fifty percent, and this outcome is justifiable. The accumulated funds that have been unutilized for a long time are now being actively invested in the stock market. To generate substantial earnings in the stock market, a minimum investment of $10,000 is required, unless you are able to amplify that amount by engaging in stock trading. This involves purchasing and selling stocks with the intention of making short or long-term gains based on fluctuations in share prices. This has a high level of risk though.

The issue is in the personal debt to income ratio, where individuals with limited financial resources are burdened by debt, rendering them unable to afford more expenses due to the exhaustion of their credit card limits. The rapid increase in the maximum number is leading to a rise in the number of individuals experiencing poverty, homelessness, or bankruptcy. However, as long as the employment rates remain elevated, the economy will persist.

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Thumbs Up Critical Analysis: Puerto Rico
Posted by: pitbull510 - 06-15-2024, 02:02 PM - Forum: Travel Forum - Replies (2)

I've been interested in Puerto Rico since I was a child. I'd always appreciated what I understood about Puerto Rican food, music, and culture on the East Coast. I was also reasonably certain that the weather and beaches would be better on average than where I grew up on the East Coast. Furthermore, I enjoy boxing, and the island is regarded for having some of the top training facilities and athletes in the world.

Until recently, I had decided to postpone any trip to Puerto Rico (PR) because Colombia and Peru offered better prospects to achieve my earlier aim of becoming more skilled in Spanish in the shortest amount of time feasible. I thought Puerto Rico wasn't a good area to study Spanish because of the prevalence of Spanglish and slang.

Now, I speak Spanish at a level that I am comfortable with, and because I had the month of January free of "brick and mortar" obligations, I figured it would be the best option, especially over freezing my ass off at my NYC base of operations.

I rented out a furnished flat in one of the most walkable neighborhoods in San Juan. I positioned myself close to the beach and nightlife but far enough away from other tourists to get a sense of how the city really works. The fact that I trained at a boxing club in a town on the outskirts of the San Juan metro area while living in the city center enriched my experience with the city and its people. This allowed me to visit a variety of sites within the metro area on a daily basis.

I also had the opportunity to travel around the east side and interior of Puerto Rico, which was so beautiful that I will definitely return for another vacation just to see more of it.

Everything I've written here is based on my personal experience; I mainly avoid speculation in favor of actionable intelligence that I've witnessed firsthand. If I write about a hotel and don't stay there, I'll at least visit the bar or casino.


Although Puerto Rico is a separate country with its own culture, it is an American territory, so American citizens do not require a passport to visit here.

Non-American citizens must follow the same regulations and visa procedures as if they were visiting any other region of the United States.

Before You Think of Going

The beaches and landscape are exceptional.
The boxing gyms are phenomenal.
The people, music, and party atmosphere are all easy to appreciate.

These are all wonderful reasons to visit Puerto Rico, and I had enough before I boarded the plane in New York.

In terms of girls, while it is not Colombia, there are plenty of attractive and nice young ladies.

However, if you are a foreign man with no local connections intending to come for a short period of time to meet up with Puerto Rican girls, you need ask yourself two questions before you go:

The first question is, "Do I speak Spanish?"

If the answer is "Yes", proceed to the next question.

If you don't speak Spanish, the odds will be stacked against you here. Every day, they watch a million dull, drunk cruise ship visitors who don't understand Spanish and dance like utter idiots when Salsa comes on. PR girls will naturally throw you in with them till you prove otherwise.

The following question is: "Are you operating at a high level of game, yes or no?"

When I say "game," I mean the entire product in the usual sense. I'm talking about appearance, style, financial resources, global experience, conversational skills, and confidence. If you are not playing strong, you may have a difficult time with the chicks here. Even if you have at least four of these items, I'll be honest: it's not easy.

There are areas in the world where the obese, ugly, broke slob in flip flops can wander around with a pretty attractive woman. Puerto Rico isn't that location.


PR is a Spanish-speaking island, and a few things are worth considering.

English is widely spoken here, but don't expect it.

If you are a natural English speaker who also speaks Spanish, consider the English-speaking Puerto Ricans you will frequently encounter as a treat that makes your life a bit easier. If you demonstrate that you can speak Spanish, they will respect you, maybe more than in any other Latin country I have visited.

People do not expect you to speak or understand Spanish, therefore if they do not speak English, they may avoid speaking with you. When you do speak Spanish, people are usually really happy and open up fast.

Breakdown of Urban Social Geography in the San Juan Metro Area

Tourist Areas

Old San Juan- This is the city's breathtaking colonial heart, which is packed with cruise ship passengers as well as partygoers from all around the metro region and the rest of the island on weekends. A significant part of these people will come from the barrios (bad neighborhoods and public housing). A large percentage of those ladies are hot and pleasant to anyone who disrupts the monotony of the people they are used to.

To make an impression on these girls, you must distinguish yourself from the majority of the non-dancing, non-game-playing, non-passport-holding, non-Spanish-speaking, shorts and flip-flops-wearing visitors she is accustomed to seeing. If you can do so, you will produce a short circuit in her brain.

Condado and Isla Verde are significantly different in location but otherwise quite similar. They have many hotels, some nightlife, a lot of rich Puerto Ricans and Puerto Ricans pretending to be rich, tourists, and beautiful beaches. They are also heavily Americanized, with English being the most often spoken language in these areas.

Wealthy Local Residential Areas:

Ocean Park, located between Condado and Isla Verde. It is a partially gated beachfront development of single-family houses and mansions. It is also my favorite beach in San Juan, for two reasons: the beach itself and the ease with which you may meet attractive local ladies.

Guaynabo- Although I simply went through here, I met many folks from here in other parts of the city. It is essentially a wealthy suburb of San Juan. Although few Americans reside or visit here, a significant number of the signage are in English. Many residents in the Metro area despise this municipality and everyone associated with it.


Santurce- This location deserves its own mention because it is so distinct from the others listed here. Consider it the Brooklyn of modern-day San Juan: This neighborhood has a lot of cultural and nightlife capital, a decent sense of what Puerto Rico is like, and a lot of nice old people and artsy people hanging out, but there are also vast areas where you should not walk around alone at night if you don't have to. If you visit Santurce, make sure you know where you're going before you roam around.

Hato Rey, Rio Piedras, Catano, Bayamon, and the entire island:

First and foremost, let me state that wherever I went in Puerto Rico, I found kind and amazing people. The majority of my interactions with regular Puerto Ricans have been favorable.

Even in my boxing club, which is in one of the roughest parts of the metro area (Bayamon), the guys I trained with were all complete gentlemen.

Housing projects and disadvantaged neighborhoods can be found in nearly every district of San Juan and municipality in Puerto Rico; they dominate the island's topography. These areas have a high murder rate. People get slain on a regular basis. It's simply a reality of life here. Make all of your moves while being conscious of this fact, and you should be fine.

I'll mention any venues that are in a slum or have a harsher crowd.


San Juan's public transit system is not great.

The urban area and the rest of the island have been constructed around car culture to the point where not having a personal vehicle or a limo on your payroll is a significant disadvantage.


The sole taxis in the city are utilized mostly by visitors, not locals, and they cost $20 or more every journey just to get from one district to another. There aren't many cabs roaming the streets looking for passengers.

It is best to simply call Metro Taxi at 787-725-2870.

Tell them where you are and where you want to go, and they will dispatch a vehicle.

Tren Urbano

San Juan has a very clean, safe, and efficient train line that serves a considerable chunk of the metropolitan region. Each station has security guards and friendly customer service representatives. If you know Spanish, these customer service representatives will gladly provide you directions to wherever you want to go on foot from the station. It is definitely a change for anyone who is used to NYC's public transportation and the unpleasant or non-existent service there.

The train system's flaw is that it was built long after the city had been built and urban sprawl had set established.
Keeping this in mind, you can still use it to go to many sections of the city if you are ready to walk a little distance from the train station in the desired region.

Car Rental:

This is, hands down, the finest way to explore the island. I rented a car from Hertz at the Marriott for a couple days to go exploring, and it was well worth the money. There are several Hertz car rental locations throughout the city.



In Condado, you can stay at the Marriott or La Concha on Ashford Drive. Both have hotel bars and casinos with attractive chicks hanging around downstairs. They are also situated on the seashore.

In Isla Verde, you can stay at El San Juan, which also includes a casino and a club called "Brava," which I shall discuss shortly. This is also located near the seashore.


For those searching for something cheaper and more social, I recommend the San Juan International Hostel in Santurce. This hostel is several blocks from the beach but within walking reach. It is located in the heart of a working-class area near to Condado, so there will be no other tourists around, but you will be able to walk to anything you could do in Condado, as well as take advantage of certain activities in the neighborhood itself.


Here I'll break down which areas I've found to be the best for meeting women on each night of the week (with one exception, which I'll mention). This list is by no means complete; I couldn't be in every location on every day of the month. Furthermore, this list does not cover every location I've been. I left several places out for various reasons.

What I can tell about this list is that if I've written it here, it was at its peak on the night I listed it. If you're visiting the city with the intention of having a good time, this list will provide you with a solid battle plan to get started.


Monday's "hip-hop" night at La Respuesta in Santurce is well-known across the metro area. This establishment was better on Mondays than most other locations on weekends. A lot of hot, laid-back girls come here. This is one of the places in PR when girls opened me up. This is also the location in PR when I was closest to getting into a fight with a guy because his chick opened me up.


Morenos Spot in Old San Juan - Come here if you want to try to pick up random tourist girls who are "adventurous". The music is a blend of reggaeton, bachata, salsa, and English pop/rap.

Mangos at Ocean Park - This is the only area I have not visited personally. I've had numerous unrelated local sources tell me that this is the spot to go on Tuesdays. They allegedly play electronic music and attract a gathering of gorgeous ladies from various social strata in PR. I was always preoccupied with other things, so if you go, let me know how it went.


Piropo on Calle Canals is an excellent place to go on Wednesday nights if you want to try your luck with upper-class white skinned PR girls. The music will be primarily American, and the customers will speak English with little effort, but you will most likely be the only non-Puerto Rican in the establishment.


I'm going to break down two nightlife spots that I know are good places to go on a Thursday. Both of these areas will have a variety of venues to visit. I will name the most important venues, but there will be additional venues that offer opportunities as well. The clientele in both locations will be almost entirely local PR women and guys, with few or no tourists.

Rio Piedras, near the University of Puerto Rico-

"El Ocho" and "El Boricua" are the two spots that stand out to me the most. On a typical Thursday night, both will be packed with about 100 people. Any cab driver worth his salt will recognize one of these, and anyone in the vicinity will know where the other one is once you arrive. In addition, there are a number of additional bars and clubs in the vicinity worth visiting.

El Ocho de Blanco is a three-story reggaeton and Latin music venue with a dance club on the bottom floor, a seating area and bar on the second floor, and a terrace with a great view on the third floor. There will be a lot of attractive and slutty local ladies staring at you if you seem foreign and dress hot, but there will also be a lot of PR gangster type cats hating on you for it, so don't come here unless you believe you can hang.

El Boricua is a more bohemian-styled venue than El Ocho. It plays a lot of salsa, has a pretty groovy ambiance, and most of the crowd flows out into the sidewalk and surrounding streets. People are mingling everywhere, left and right. It reminded me of some of the artsy salsa bars in Cali, Colombia (not the ones with tables in Menga!).

This place resembles what I assume normal Puerto Rican nightlife "used to be like," but this is just guesswork on my part.

La Plaza de Santurce-

This location is freaking great. It isn't as popular with gorgeous young girls as Rio Piedras, but it's still a fun area to hang out on a Thursday night. The party comprises of a variety of open-air pubs and clubs clustered around a central market square. The center of la Placita is an old-school PR market that sells fruits and cigars, among other things, during the day, so it's also worth a visit.

If you want to get your pre-game on, you can come here as early as 5 p.m. There are also a few good restaurants where you may start the night. El Café de La Placita is one of them, while Rubens Café (Dominican food) is just up the street. More information about them can be found in the eateries section.

Until 11, the streets are filled with people singing, dancing, playing instruments, and drinking. The crowd at this point is more mature than the crowd at Rio P, so it's an excellent spot to attend if you're middle-aged or older. In fact, if you are in your forties or fifties, you will feel just at home here. That age group includes some of the most outgoing Puerto Ricans in La Placita. There are certainly plenty of younger, gorgeous ladies around right now.

After 11, the party continues indoors to two noteworthy venues: Vibra Lounge and Fat Tuesday. There are many additional venues that you might discover on your own if you go. Everything is fairly compact, so don't worry if one spot isn't nice; just go around to discover another.

Vibra Lounge- This is a second-floor lounge with a balcony overlooking La Placita. I never saw it filled, but there were always a few groups of girls without guys to approach.

Fat Tuesdays- This place gets crowded on Thursdays. It's a laid-back bar, but chicks will notice you if you dress properly.


La Plaza de Santurce - See above. It's the same on Fridays as it is on Thursdays, but considerably busier.

Cocobongos in Isla Verde is a reggaeton club that mostly serves the harsher neighborhoods in the surrounding areas. With that stated, there are a lot of boys attempting to be gangsters here, but there are also a lot of open and promiscuous women. If you believe you could hang out at a Bronx club, click here. If not, avoid going here.

El Oceano in Condado is an upscale lounge/bar located right on the beach. The place is stunning. Expect to see attractive and rich residents, as well as a few tourists who comply with the dress code. I give this establishment an A+ for atmosphere alone. Expect the local girls to be attractive and arrogant. That doesn't mean you can't make it happen if you keep your shit together. Get dressed sharply and run the game properly.

If you live in Condado or a nearby location, this is an excellent place to take girls out for a drink on weekdays. Perhaps even better than looking for girls.

Nuyorican Café in Old San Juan is a cool restaurant that hosts live salsa on weekends. Here, you can meet gorgeous local girls as well as tourists. The gals here will not be stuck-up. When I was walking by, a nice-looking PR girl smacked me on the ass because she thought I was sexy. We talked, and I probably would have pulled her that night, but I eventually understood the value of rolling solo.

El Batey in Old San Juan is a cool hipster bar. There are lots of cute artsy and pseudo-educated girls here who are willing to converse.

Morenos location and Morenos booze store in Old San Juan are located exactly next to each other.

The one is a booze store that transforms into a reggaeton party at night. It will be crowded, the girls will be grinding on dicks left and right, and the guys will be prepared to fight. However, if you understand how to handle such situations, it may be a lot of fun.

The other place is like a more expensive version of the booze store, which isn't the most classy place around, but there are some pretty PR girls dancing reggaeton, salsa, merengue, and bachata. If you are clearly not Puerto Rican and have above-average looks/dressing, the girls will practically stare you down in here until you approach.

Small bar in Condado, frequented by both tourists and locals. It's a little bar, but with a good feel and gorgeous gals.


The list is almost unchanged from Friday to Saturday. The one exception is La Placita. Don't bother going here on a Saturday; locals don't frequent there for whatever reason.


I tend to relax on Sundays, but the only time I went out on a Sunday night was to Brava.

Brava on Isla Verde aspires to be a club in New York City's Meatpacking District. It is not a club in New York City's Meatpacking District. The females here are attractive, but they want to believe they're in a club in New York City's meatpacking district. Take what it's worth. Go hard, or go home.

Day Game/Shopping

Plaza De Las Americas in Hato Rey is the Caribbean's largest mall, and it is full of attractive chicks. Do I need to say anything else?

Ashford Drive in Condado is known as "The Strip" in San Juan. It runs along the beach and features a variety of boutiques, restaurants, casinos, cafes, and bars, as well as gorgeous girls dressed in regular clothing and swimming costumes.

Ocean Park Beach - On any given Saturday, this beach will be packed with gorgeous girls who are eager to talk to you if you are not a completely obese slob and have the nerve to approach them. This is one place when buying a girl a drink will actually work. There are guys roaming about selling beer; if you tell them to send a "Medalla" to a girl (or group of ladies), then go over and approach them 10-15 minutes later, the approach will have already been warmed up, and you will have a fair chance of making some progress. A Medalla costs only $2 on the beach, therefore I believe it is a worthwhile investment.

If your time in-country is short and your game is tight enough to get something out of it, bounce them to the nearby Kamoli Café for an instadate.

Santa Rosa Mall in Bayamon is the underappreciated gem. It's completely out of the way, but I included it for a reason: the girls here are hot, and you never see gringos roaming around. Think Colombia. If you have a powerful presence, you will notice that girls are eyefucking you at a much higher rate than normal. I grabbed a couple numbers here while scarcely trying, just walking around with my gym bag after a hard workout at my nearby boxing facility.

If you are only visiting Santa Rosa for a day game, choose a popular day such as Thursday or Friday evening, or Saturday or Sunday.

Old San Juan offers numerous day game chances. There are always tourists and chicks walking around, and on weekends, there are also many locals.


I've just been here from the end of December to the beginning of February, so that'll be all I talk about. During that moment, some exciting things are happening.

I definitely recommend the New Year's Eve party at La Concha in Condado. If you buy your tickets ahead of time and don't know anyone, the cost will be around $100. In this situation, it's actually better to get them at the door, as I arrived around 1030 and was able to get in for $40.

Calles De San Sebastian Festival (middle of January) It appears that half of Puerto Rico's population has converged on Viejo San Juan to drink, sing, and dance. If you want to attract girls at this event, I highly recommend staying in Old San Juan because there are so many people that it takes a long time to get in and out of the region.

Heineken Latin Jazz Festival at La Ventana in Condado - This festival takes place on the last Sunday afternoon/evening of each month. A chill vibe in front of the water, jazz and salsa music playing on stage, and attractive women to be had.


When I travel to other countries, I prefer to eat at local enterprises (and believe me, Puerto Rico is a country separate from the United States), thus my recommendations are all for Latin-Caribbean restaurants.

Latin Star in Condado- This is a good restaurant on the Ashford Drive strip that serves traditional Puerto Rican cuisine.

Raices- There are two of these restaurants: one in Old San Juan and one in Caguas. I definitely recommend both of them for their delicious Puerto Rican cuisine. They both have a "PR cultural celebration" motif going on inside, and the waitresses are dressed traditionally Puerto Rican. Sounds cheesy, but it's not, and the food is delicious, so go!

El Sabroso in La Placita- If you come here on a Saturday around lunchtime, you may have some delicious Lechon and side dishes.

Barbakoa, outside of El Yunque Rainforest- This was definitely my favorite location to dine during my time in Puerto Rico. It is an outdoor restaurant located on the road leading into El Yunque, next to a little river. If you visit El Yunque, you must stop here on your way in or out.

Ruebens Café in Santurce is a popular neighborhood restaurant serving Dominican and Puerto Rican cuisine. A lot of fantastic nights began here with cold Presidentes or Brugals. It is situated at the corner of Calle Dos Hermanos and Ponce De Leon.

Café de La Placita- This is a nice local restaurant with outside seating in the heart of Santurce's Plaza. On Friday nights, there is a nice bunch of hot 20-something PR ladies with jobs.

Kamoli Café on Calle Loiza near Ocean Park - A beautiful tiny bohemian café/boutique with a cool atmosphere and wonderful food.


El Yunque rainforest is a must-see if you're staying on the island for more than a week. It doesn't have to take more than a day, but you can stay for a long period if you wish. I recommend hiring a car rather than taking a guided trip. It is only 45 minutes from the downtown of San Juan.

Culebra Island is home to Flamenco Beach, which is often recognized as one of the most beautiful beaches on Earth. You can rent a car or take a tourist van to Fajardo, located on the island's far east side. Then take the ferry to Culebra from there. When in Culebra, I recommend Flamenco Beach for swimming and relaxing, and Tamarindo Beach for snorkeling.

Puerto Rico: Facts and History


Also, I'd like to provide a simple contrast for Americans on the east coast. Your typical Puerto Ricans from New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia represent a subset of Puerto Rican society, but not the majority.

This means that there is far more variety in PR than in the PR villages on the east coast.

There are many Puerto Ricans on the island who wear Abercrombie, hipster clothing, and listen to punk, rock, and pop music. Many Puerto Ricans speak both "proper" Spanish and "proper" English. Many Puerto Ricans are of pure European descent, with blue eyes and blond hair.

Furthermore, many white Puerto Ricans from the lower classes act and dress like gangsters, while many black PRs from the middle class act and dress "properly."

This diversity is far less common on the east coast, where the bulk of Puerto Ricans are the children and grandchildren of those who immigrated from the island's less prosperous strata in the middle of the century. Furthermore, these children grew up as minorities in inner-city America amid the Civil Rights Movement, riots, the New York City budget crisis, neighborhood disinvestment, the advent of hip-hop, and the crack cocaine epidemic.

This has resulted in a distinct subculture in the east coast PR community, one that shares certain parallels with the rest of the island's PRs, particularly the lower classes, but is entirely distinctive.

PR females on the island are generally more feminine and less bitchy than PR girls on the east coast. However, they are much more difficult to have sex with.

They are extremely similar to Colombian ladies in that they enjoy dressing up, looking nice, moving well, and acting attractive.

However, like Colombian girls, an upper or middle-class PR chick known as a slut is a girl who has committed social suicide.

The distinction is that Colombian girls frequently disregard their "morals" when dealing with "interesting" outsiders. High-class public relations girls are much less inclined to do so because they spend their entire lives surrounded by foreigners.

Another point to consider is that prostitution is not as prevalent or condoned in PR as it is in Colombia.

Chicks are also bulkier in PR than in Colombia, because to the prevalence of fast food and the vehicle culture, which causes individuals to appear averse to walking.

If I had to pick a subset of PR females who are most similar to those on the east coast, it would be those from the projects. The difference is that these girls frequently do not speak English, whereas many east coast public relations girls do not speak Spanish.

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