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  In 2024, I have noticed certain changes in game
Posted by: AirWaves - 06-22-2024, 11:19 AM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

I'm noticed certain differences in the game and the types of men that are getting results against those who aren't. It's shocking how terrible game content is nowadays. It's primarily guys sperging on shits or boomer pods. Married house husbands with no receipts. I'd like to get married eventually. I'm not into casual sex, and my goal is to have at least 5-10 girls to date before deciding who I want to marry.

Here are a few of my many observations.

Gen-Z ladies have some of the worst dress styles I've seen since the 1980s (which makes sense because a lot of their dress styles are inspired by that era lmfaooo).

Nightlife is becoming less vibrant than it once was. The nightlife scene never really recovered following the COVID lockdowns. I've noticed a lot of posts online about folks discussing this in various metros. In the metro region I'm now in, I've seen a number of reviews, comments, or whatever you want to call them regarding the local nightlife scene, and none of them were positive. I observed a lot of remarks about how things weren't as good as they had been pre-COVID and how the environment was dreadful. I also recall reading a lot of comments about how it's gotten much trashier and full of ghetto folks lol. Something I've noticed is that there are a lot of fights going on in clubs around here, as well as shootings.

There are significantly more high-end sit-down restaurants and far fewer clubs and bars where you can simply meet women. This could be a Miami issue, so perhaps folks from other cities can weigh in. There are far more venues where you must reserve a table rather to simply showing up and playing. Even promoters are being replaced by an app called "Tabler".

Women are becoming b1tchier throughout the day, making daygame less viable. I believe that is related to the creep culture, with women bragging about how guys observe them in the gym or something, while women are less willing to be approached coldly during the day. There are a lot more AirPods and headphones for women who don't want to be bothered. During the lockdowns, people became socially isolated to a greater extent than they were used to. The weeks and months pass, and before you realize it, you've become a recluse, with basic social interaction becoming increasingly difficult. People become less social and more inward-focused, alienated, and shut in. When you get into this routine, it can be quite tough to break. What you're seeing isn't necessarily dating-related, but rather basic social interactions.

In my perspective, the importance of social media is somewhat overstated. Swipe applications have been dead for a while. You can still find a PYT on Bumble and other applications, but you must stick out more, i.e. be attractive. Successful men aren't interested in utilizing dating apps unless they're in a rut or trying to covertly cheat, but to each their own. Dating applications, as mentioned, have become a cesspool of low-quality girls, including the attractive ones. Unless you are an athlete or star, this is unlikely to be a game changer unless you are willing to go headfirst into the Instagram phoney madness. I would keep away of this.

It's almost as if the entire dating industry is waiting for the next truly unique breakthrough. First, the rise of Tinder and Swipe Apps caused older dating services to be phased out. As of now, no app has dethroned the Big 3 Dating Apps, resulting in a standstill in the online dating market as a whole. I believe the next breakthrough will not be an app, but rather a return to in-person events and connections. There may be some online component to organizing, but people, in general, are growing tired of online engagement.It is a female's job to entice, and it is in her feminine nature to strive to capture all of your attention. If you want to meet quality ladies, you should focus on your lifestyle game or social circle more than before. By quality, I mean behavior and appearance. As previously said, online dating is a dumping ground for low-quality women, including those who are attractive. With the lifestyle/social circle game, the vetting process is easy, and if you have great mates, they can also give their input on potential women,

Open relationships are becoming more common, particularly on swipe apps; I've even had ladies state that their boyfriend is bisexual, so the cucking is a real thing.

Feel free to add your observations..

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Tongue Filipina single moms: Are they easy and worth a go?
Posted by: AirWaves - 06-22-2024, 10:48 AM - Forum: Game Forum - Replies (1)

While this is not my preference, I'm not the best looking guy out there and don't have much money. Single moms may be an advantage to some men. She will be happy not to have a child with you and her standards should be fairly low

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Thumbs Down Critical Analysis: Costa Rica
Posted by: Contrarian Expatriate - 06-22-2024, 10:12 AM - Forum: Travel Forum - No Replies

Costa Rica is an enjoyable destination, with a majority of the country being safer than other parts of Central America. It is an excellent choice for a family vacation of one or two weeks, offering opportunities to see the jungle and volcanoes. But that's about it. This article nails it:


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  Critical Analysis: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posted by: Contrarian Expatriate - 06-22-2024, 10:07 AM - Forum: Travel Forum - No Replies

This article covers it well enough


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Thumbs Down Involuntary celibates (incels) claim most men are incel based on Tinder data
Posted by: PAG - 06-22-2024, 08:01 AM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

According to Tinder data, incels claim that most men are involuntary celibates. These incels have found that girls rate most young men's physical attractiveness below average. Thus, they believe many men are involuntary celibates. However, significant research shows that most people have engaged in sexual behavior. Male users outnumber female users on Tinder and other dating apps. This disparity lowers women's assessment of men's attractiveness, placing a large percentage below average.

However, female attraction goes beyond appearance. He who commands attention is beautiful and high-status. This is why rap stars get more ass than CEOs and why haters surface when someone is popular. Attention-grabbing men are what women want. Humans evolved from a threat-based social system to one based on attraction. In beauty contests, exam rooms, athletics, art, literature, and Nobel Prize races, we strive for favorable attention, adoration, and prestige. We want to be valued for our positive contributions, talents, and attributes. People are ranked based on their ability to contribute to society. This means that our society's true alphas are professional athletes, Youtube/Instagram stars, Nobel Prize winners, successful performers and artists, affluent businessmen, and politicians we elect for their ability to contribute meaningfully and lead.

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  Nothing is truly new
Posted by: PAG - 06-22-2024, 07:20 AM - Forum: Everything Else - No Replies

Creativity is simply the recombination of known patterns. The universe is a reference of infinite variety, it has all the computations that you might need already computed for you, with the right perspective and index of concepts, that is... That's what you realize when you study cosmology simulation technology and see their results match up with reality. Just try to think of a genuinely new thing that does not represent a recombination of known patterns. You can't do it. Most people fail to understand what "pattern" means in this context. Color, smell, weight, gravity, etc. are all concepts that consist of patterns. You will always and inevitably recombine those concepts and patterns when being creative. 

The development of the wheel was simply a recombination of the known patterns "round" and "rolling"... nothing truly novel. In order for our ancestors to invent the wheel, the patterns that led to its creation had to be present and accessible. Once you understand the perspective of limitless change, you can see everything, and it is only a matter of implementing a series of changes to get where you desire.

Creativity is the semi-random recombination of previously known patterns for a specific (meta-)goal. I cannot envisage a universe that follows different natural principles because I have no prior knowledge of that system.... I can conceive bizarre things based on patterns I've previously learnt, but I can't fathom a completely different cosmos. So, is there a limit to creativity that both people and software must accept? I can write a 10-liner that recombines previously known patterns in novel ways. When you combine a (meta-)goal with certain heuristics for the recombination process, you obtain creativity.

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  How to quickly establish rapport with anyone
Posted by: whitemike - 06-22-2024, 03:07 AM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

Many people want to deepen and develop their relationships. The simplest solution is to focus on the other person. Anecdotal evidence and science both support the idea that positive social interactions and relationships lead to the most happiness. Our brain biologically rewards us for sharing our thoughts, priorities, and ambitions with others, whether in the long or short term. Our brain also rewards us when we are unconditionally accepted as individuals without judgment.

Both of these beliefs are genetically encoded in everyone of us (to varied degrees) as a result of our old survival impulses (egocentrism) and our need to belong to groups or tribes. Combining these fundamental notions might be easy to understand but challenging to implement. Speak in terms of the other person's interests and priorities, then validate them, their choices, and their identity without passing judgment. Some people do this naturally; for the rest, you can train this skill until it becomes second nature. If you disagree, simply offer, "That's a fascinating / insightful/ thoughtful opinion…would you mind helping me understand how you came up with it?". Again, their brain will reward them at several levels for this.

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  What is an Alpha Male?
Posted by: whitemike - 06-22-2024, 02:57 AM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

Being an alpha is determined by one's level of participation in a group. More precisely, it pertains to assisting in the cultivation and sustenance of a cohesive group dynamic, hierarchical structure, and operational efficiency of the group. Prior to comprehending the concept of an alpha, it is essential to grasp some aspects of power's inherent nature. Specifically, the organization bestows power upon you. You only possess power when it is bestowed to you by others. However, there is a caveat attached to the power bestowed upon you by the organization - you must prioritize their needs. That is the agreement. You have additional power to attend to their needs. Should you breach this trust, the group will promptly revoke your authority. An excessive focus on personal gratification and a lack of effective guidance can ultimately result in being defeated by the others whom you once led.

The PUA strategy is based on the belief that women are attracted to dominant males in their local community. While being the alpha male may be challenging, it is quite simple to deceive women using certain mannerisms and actions. Therefore, the true alpha status is often confused with the perception of alpha status by one or more women, specifically in terms of the sexual benefits associated with alpha rank. Most of what you mentioned is accurate, however it is somewhat irrelevant to the main topic.

A beta animal is a subordinate animal that assumes the role of alpha if the current alpha dies.

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Thumbs Up Is this the cure for autistic people?
Posted by: PAG - 06-21-2024, 08:03 PM - Forum: Lifestyle Forum - No Replies

Tomato juice, choline, and probiotics? Unfortunately, not all autistics are within the normal realm… a lot of the severe autistic spectrum traits are irreversible and technically overgrown brain regions, too many neurons growing too quickly during gestation. If someone is nonverbal or unemotional, that’s likely irreversible. At least that’s what the latest research says.

If you have the traits that make up hypersensitivity, overactive brain, constant/continuous knowledge seeking, and an overwhelmingly photographic memory for episodic memory, and almost nonexistent semantic memory formation, tomato sauce and probiotics might work. Tomato juice once a week for two meals in a row is good enough to clear out the bad bacteria including the type that gives people pneumonia and some other ones too. Typhoid fever inducing subspecies but the same goes for quite a few salmonella bacteria that are known to alter the immune system, etc. Salmonella bacteria is known to cause neurological changes overnight in some children, mimicking autism or seizures when it causes the immune system to attack the neural tissue due to how the bacteria tries to hide using a camouflage technique that mimics other tissue types.

The reason semantic memory doesn’t work very well in autistic people, and the reason they seek conceptual knowledge, is the statistical sensory processing layer sends a failure signal that causes further analysis to become overactive (all the signals need to be processed) in the conceptual processing level of the sensory processing pathways… basically why their sensory system is hypersensitive, it never developed the sensory pre-filters that normally ignore anything and everything after a few seconds, less than 15sec for most people for scents. I honestly think they could take a ton of choline (the C in Alpha GPC) and decrease it.

Lol, unlike this Dutchman https://www.tiktok.com/@joshberrycomedy/...xywSA&_r=1, most autistics don’t know how to control their sexual energy and go overboard quite easily. The Alpha GPC is like a neutralizer for that, it would have a very strange feeling for them to wake up next to a mostly naked girl and not being horny… but that’s Alpha GPC!

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Smile What is love?
Posted by: PAG - 06-21-2024, 06:48 PM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

According to Nietzsche erotic love is simply a drive for possession that has been glorified and deified by those wanting to obtain something to enrich themselves. It is the creative drives of culture that give it a sense of splendor or beauty. What we conceive to be its opposites, such as selfishness and greed, are in many instances inextricably bound up with the experience of love. It is the urge to possess and assimilate, to change "something new to ourselves" that is behind the experience of love and greed. The feelings of both greed and love are the same drive or instinct but depending on the level of fulfillment that one has achieved, this urge will either be called 'greed' or 'love': fulfilled people who feel their possessions (for example, their lover) threatened by others will name another's instinct lust or greed, while those who are still looking for something new to desire will impose a positive evaluation on that instinct and call it ‘love’.

The most unrefined type of desire is also the most readily identifiable as a desire to possess another. For example, control over a woman. A more subtle desire to possess her also requires her soul, and thus needs her to be willing to sacrifice herself for her lover. This is characterized by Nietzsche as a more full possession. An even more subtle desire to possess her gives rise to a concern that she might be willing to sacrifice what she desires for a mistaken image of her lover. This leads some lovers to want their women to know them deep down so that their sacrifice really is a sacrifice for them. A similar rank-ordering applies to statesmen, the less refined not caring whether they attain power by fraud, the more refined not taking pleasure in the people's love unless they love the statesman for who he really is. In both cases, the more spiritualized form of the desire to possess also demands one possess what is good more completely.

Nietzsche challenges romantic conceptions of erotic love by saying that love "may be the most ingenuous expression of selfishness." However, he does not make a clear effort to convince his readers that love, in its self-serving expressions, should be changed; nor does he suggest that even the most pervasive illusions of love should be rectified. Instead, he notes that strong human propensities to illusion in erotic love are important for that love to be effective, and praises some of the ingenuity of the artistry of love and the roles that people play. Men and women play these roles differently, and Nietzsche spends considerable time stressing the profound disparity between the sexes in the way they love.

The irony of this predicament is that a large number of men are completely unaware of the power their passionate attachments have both to the formation of their values and to their interactions with the world. Thus, according to Nietzsche, men in love are delirious. Women, on the other hand, are actors: their greatest skills in love rely on appearance, artistry and the play of' correct' gender roles. Nietzsche says that love has a comic dimension in this regard, because it involves a kind of theater that paradoxically relies on the distance of a woman. When women become too accessible or ‘real’ to men, men lose interest in them. Nietzsche finds love comedic because it does not consist in some attempt to know the other deeply, but rather in the confirmation of male fantasies in which women perform their constructed gender roles.

The idolatry that women practice when it comes to love is profoundly and initially a clever tool, in that all these idealizations of love enhance their own power and present them as ever more attractive in the eyes of men. But because, over the years, they have become used to this inflated estimation of love, it has happened that they ran into their own net and forgot the reason behind it. They themselves are now more deceived than men, and they suffer more, therefore, from the disappointment that almost inevitably comes into every woman's life— to the extent that she even has enough imagination and sense to be deceived and disappointed. Both men and women "need to be better educated" with regard to the essence of the relationship between men and women, "For it is a man who creates for himself the image of a woman, and a woman who shapes herself according to this image".

Nietzsche separates masculine from feminine love by conceptions of commitment and loyalty. Whereas women want to surrender completely to love, to approach it as a faith, to be "taken and accepted as a possession," Nietzsche argues that male love adheres to a possessive thirst to gain more from a lover, and states that men who are inclined to complete devotion are "not men." He suggests that “a man who loves like a woman becomes a slave; while a woman who loves like a woman becomes a more perfect woman”. Nietzsche maintains that fidelity can become an attribute of male love over time, due to, for example, gratitude or a specific taste, but that it is not an essential masculine quality.

Nietzsche speaks critically about the possessive or tyrannical aspects of masculine love alongside its fictionalizing tendencies, arguing that the normal functions of a woman's body offend men because they prevent him from having complete access to it as a possession; they also interfere with the psychological perfection of love.

Friendship is the highest form of love

It is not the lack of love, but the lack of friendship that makes relationships miserable. Nietzsche advises that lovers must be able to prepare for the end of the attraction. There is no woman out there so stunning that, after 20 years of marriage, her face would not be undisturbed. Therefore, to avoid disappointment, you have to realize that you have to marry a woman not only because she is the most beautiful woman in your life, but also because you want to have endless conversations with her.

Nietzsche saw friendship as essential for a good marriage. Sex on the other hand, causes problems, because a relationship based on romantic feelings is unlikely to last a lifetime. Therefore, the ontological differences between men and women tend to turn love into war. Thus in order to overcome the power games in the realm of passion, Nietzsche asks lovers to be great friends.

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