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  Mediterraneans are generally the most well-constituted Europeans
Posted by: whitemike - 03-07-2024, 12:32 AM - Forum: Travel Forum - Replies (1)

The Mediterranean population is often considered to be the most physically robust among Europeans and has cultivated a refined sense of beauty that is seen in their architecture, art, music, and even their languages. Italians, in particular, are considered an exceptional group of individuals.

Many Mediterranean males possess aesthetically pleasing "Aryan" face characteristics while also exhibiting a lovely olive or light-brown skin tone that appears both healthy and natural. Girls of Mediterranean descent typically exhibit more aesthetically pleasing features compared to girls of Anglo and "Nordic" descent. In addition, Southern Europe surpasses Northern Europe in terms of architectural and scenic beauty, as well as possessing a richer cultural heritage, the finest gastronomy, and the most melodious languages. The Renaissance originated in Italy.

In contrast, Northern European countries are characterized by a predominance of individuals with unusual appearances due to albinism. A small proportion of individuals of Northern European descent have a superior genetic makeup and exhibit considerable potential for physical attractiveness, particularly those who possess favorable tanning traits. However, the majority of individuals from Anglo-Saxon and Nordic backgrounds tend to display a lack of melanin, resulting in a pale complexion that is often perceived as unhealthy and less aesthetically pleasing. In addition to having a fair complexion, some individuals may exhibit less desirable physical characteristics.

In my opinion, Scandinavians possess a superior genetic quality compared to Anglos and represent a more desirable category of Northern Europeans. Swedes and Norwegians have a higher proportion of individuals belonging to haplogroup I1a, which indicates an early native population in the region. In contrast, most British and Irish people belong to haplogroup R1b. Additionally, the combination of a sunnier but colder climate contributes to a greater percentage of Swedes and Norwegians having a pleasant golden sun-kissed skin tone. The majority of Scandinavians have a lack of melanin, resulting in a pale complexion. However, a notable portion of this population possesses the ability to tan, so they do not have an unattractive pale appearance. In addition, Scandinavians typically exhibit superior facial aesthetics compared to Anglos. In my opinion, if Scandinavians decide to assume responsibility over their genetic fate and utilize CRISPR-CAS technology to deliberately choose genes that promote a desirable tanning ability, they have the potential to seem like highly respectable individuals.

In the past century, Northern Europeans have made significant contributions to the fields of science and technology, surpassing Mediterraneans in some aspects. However, they still lack the aesthetic sensitivity and joie de vivre that are characteristic of countries like Italy, Spain, and France. The Anglo culture, specifically, is characterized by a mechanical and brutally pragmatic approach that is devoid of beauty and spontaneity. British cities, such as London, Manchester, and Birmingham, are quite unattractive. German and Scandinavian cities exhibit a far more visually appealing appearance compared to British cities. Additionally, these regions possess a more refined aesthetic and intellectual culture. Nevertheless, Mediterranean countries maintain a significant lead in terms of their aesthetic appeal and fashion sense.

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  Critical Analysis: Israeli
Posted by: whitemike - 03-07-2024, 12:12 AM - Forum: Travel Forum - No Replies

I got a solid idea of what Israel is like. There are two places I would recommend visiting if you go: Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The rest was essentially a nowheresville desert.

Okay, now onto my summary.

The atmosphere

It's quite hardcore. The country is ringed by massive concrete barriers with barbed wire at the top. It's pretty much the same across all borders since, well, everyone hates Israel lol.

As you would expect, there is a lot of desert everywhere. Israel is a third-world country, contrary to popular belief in the United States. It had that sense in both rural and urban places. It feels more like a third-world country than, say, Bangkok.

Religion, as you could expect, is quite important there. Shabbat begins at 8 p.m. on Friday and ends at 8 p.m. on Saturday. I also heard reports of prejudice against less religious Jews and non-Jews by diehard Orthodox/Hasidic Jews, which did not surprise me. Judaism had a cult-like air to it.

Before I went there, I believed that everyone I met would be Jewish, but this was not the case. I encountered a large number of Arabs there. Some were Muslims. Some were Christians. However, the majority of the country is made up of Jews.

However, I did not see a single Asian person present. None at all. We traveled across the nation and went out at night. That is definitely something to ponder.

EDIT: After thinking about it, I realized there were a lot of black individuals there. They were mostly employed in low-wage jobs (janitors, for example), and they did not appear to be highly regarded.

The Food

In my opinion, the food was pretty terrible. It was primarily falafel. Those things were incredibly difficult to escape from. They're everywhere, and they taste fairly bad in my view. There were more dishes, but they were generally flavorless and insipid. The cuisine might be a deal-breaker for me if I ever consider moving there.

Additionally, food prices are relatively high. This is not what I would anticipate from a third-world country. Many of the restaurants I visited, including the less touristy ones, charged costs comparable to or greater than those in the United States for significantly lower-quality cuisine.

The girls

In my opinion, this is an excellent place to meet girls. They are feminine, kind, and attractive. In the United States, I would estimate that the typical girl I saw was pretty cute . As you might expect, Israeli females have darker skin tones (albeit not much darker) than white girls and Middle Eastern features.

Jerusalem is a great destination to meet sweet, pleasant girls, especially during the daytime. We met some gals there during the day and did not game them at all. The nightclubs were a little rougher. However, we were obliged to visit a rather touristy location. So it's possible that the girls I was speaking with weren't even from there. Regardless, it was akin to a club in the United States. We were very courteous and direct, took their numbers, and hung out. Simple.

The girls were generally sexier in Tel Aviv, but they were also more difficult. During the day, we walked around and tried to meet people. After trying to talk to a few girls, we understood that being friendly and normal (like we were with Jerusalem girls) would not work here. So we modified our tactics a little, and the girls responded nicely.

The nightclubs in Tel Aviv were wild. I was among the most attractive Arab girls I had ever seen. Again, this was difficult. If you come to one of these places and want to meet up with girls, you must have a strong game. It's worth it, though, if you're looking for exceptionally attractive girls.Big Grin

Overall, we had a nice time. I doubt I'll ever live there, but I'd like to return and visit on my own terms (free to do whatever I want).

EDIT: Another interesting thing is that none of the girls I met there questioned if I was Jewish, including girls with whom I spent a lot of time.

My opinion is that unless the girl is really religious (and there are plenty who aren't), it won't matter too much if you are not Jewish.

Of course, I wasn't there long enough to date or establish a relationship with any of them. I am almost certain that not being Jewish will have an impact on you later in life, most likely in marriage. So that is something to ponder.

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  Chiang Mai is a city for the foreign losers
Posted by: pitbull510 - 03-06-2024, 10:22 PM - Forum: Travel Forum - No Replies

Chiang Mai is a city for foreign losers. The majority of them are fraudulent or unscrupulous. I've lived there for a while. I don't see why someone would go there to bang barely cute girls. Foreigners usually upgrade to Bangkok when they can afford more than a $200 room.

The entire Chiang Mai ecosystem is built around a few major expats who defraud newly arriving tourists. That city smells of slime. It's a wonderful spot to chill and bang low-level cutes but you'll have to chat to ten people to find one quality guy. I vividly recall the guy who pretended to be a blockchain expert. He informed me that he was heading to Myanmar to give a blockchain conference. I asked him about solidity, and he had no idea what it was. 

Typical freaks in Chiang Mai's "wonderful" expat community: steroid-freaks, hanging around with odd milfs with Michael Jackson-like faces.

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  No country is perfect
Posted by: pitbull510 - 03-06-2024, 10:15 PM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

The location independent Casanova knows that no country is perfect, therefore, he chooses a clutch of the best and then rotates them throughout the year. This forum is for international playboys and those aspiring to be. An international playboy lives life on his own terms, traveling the world, immersing himself in various cultures, cultivating valuable relationships with other men, pursuing activities he is passionate about, and having the financial resources to support all of it thanks to his entrepreneurial spirit. Of course, he swoops for fly girls. That comes naturally because he's in control of everything else in his life. The most important aspect of improving your game is to improve yourself first Smile

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  A high value guy doesn't really need "game"...
Posted by: pitbull510 - 03-06-2024, 10:09 PM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

When a typical, healthy woman is drawn to a man, his frame is validated from the start. She finds this man interesting and validates this, allowing him to effortlessly assume the male position, feel secure in his relationship with her, and move on to more exciting topics like getting to know each other's inner worlds and having fun on dates. His interest is recognized and frequently repaid.

A woman with a personality disorder is always invalidating and playing with your frame (even gently), and many PUA strategies revolve around attempting to manage this dynamic. Alpha/beta, push pull, dhv, spike, emotional distance, etc. are all attempts to regrab the frame after being invalidated.

A high-value guy does not prolong any contact in which he believes he is not being treated with complete respect, simply because he has other options that will make it evident that they value his compliments, effort, and attention. He is not going to try to prove or reclaim his position as a desirable alternative. Many women give him this opportunity from the beginning.

As a general rule of thumb, if you have to do anything more than have good discussions, be smooth, mysterious, optimistic, perceptive, fascinating, well-groomed, and respectful (i.e. offer value) to get laid, you're either interacting with a toxic or the incorrect person.

The majority of men you are competing against are weak and easily dismissible. The only guys you are actually fighting against are those within her convenience, those within her preference, and the Chad's & Tyrones she is giving a chance. Most of the time, it is just one of these guys, but this is a worst-case example.

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  Do Polish women have 'Debbie downers" personalities?
Posted by: pitbull510 - 03-06-2024, 10:00 PM - Forum: Travel Forum - No Replies

As a Latino with a "Mediterranean look," according to the views of Roosh, Poland is believed to be an ideal destination for me. Thus yet, I have not established a strong rapport with the Polish chicks. I am inherently cheerful and have a free-spirited nature. I am constantly driven to engage in new projects and embark on exciting travels. Conversely, the majority of Polish women have shown skepticism by asking, "How can you be certain that it will be successful?" It is rather demotivating me from attempting new endeavors. It evoked a resemblance to Asian women, who likewise have a personality characterized by a tendency to avoid taking risks. Perhaps it was solely my perception. It should be noted that Russian women tend to have a different inclination; the majority of them appear to be interested in seeking out novel experiences.

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  To Be Successful Get Rid of The Losers in Your Life
Posted by: Pixel Dude - 02-25-2024, 05:33 PM - Forum: Lifestyle Forum - No Replies


Losers love company and will try everything possible to bring you down with them.

Over the past five years, I've been undergoing a process of self-improvement that has enabled me to pivot away from a career I was miserable doing into something I love. If you would have told that when I was fired from my job in the corporate world that I would have my own content marketing company, a column on Inc. Magazine, and close to 200k followers on social media, I'd have told you were nuts.

One of the first things I learned on this journey of self-improvement I've been on was I needed to get rid of the losers I was associated with and listening to.

Suffering Many Defeats Does Not Make You a Loser

When you are pursuing success in life and attempting to push the boundaries of what is possible, you will have many failures and setbacks along the way. This is just part of the process and something that you have to deal with in order to achieve your dreams.

I believe losers are people that accept losing as a way of life, and their main purpose in life becomes bringing down others with them. Losers are people that complain about their situation in life but are too lazy to make the necessary changes to improve. They've given up on themselves. Instead of being happy when they see others around them experiencing success, they become bitter, jealous, and spiteful.

Not Everyone Will Understand Your Journey

Some people seem to feel threatened by other people's success. They get jealous easily. They are quick to complain about their circumstances in life but unwilling to do anything about them. So, when they see someone out there who is working extra hard towards a goal in life that they see as being different, their reaction is often to try to make light of that person's dreams. These people are not winning. They've stopped growing.

Losers often seek company and convince others that they too should stop going after their dreams of success.

When you allow losers in your life, they will use this opportunity to bring you down even further. Never allow losers into your inner circle of trusted advisors.

Losers often become a constant negative voice in your ear by telling you that you're not good enough because they themselves are not good enough.

Not everyone will know why you are so driven. They won't understand the long hours. They won't understand your constant quest for knowledge and the opportunity to improve yourself.

I spent years listening to the negative voices in my life, and it limited my potential. Not only the potential in my career but my potential to be truly happy in life.

Surround Yourself With Winners

Once you've cut out the losers from your life, the next step is to begin to associate with winners. These are the people who are on a similar journey. Winners add value to your business and enrich your life in many ways.

They help pick you up when you fall flat and give you advice on how to do it better next time because they've failed many times and moved forward from it themselves.

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Thumbs Down Archetypes are mostly BS
Posted by: whitemike - 02-24-2024, 08:02 PM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

I believe archetypes are the new Aspies' method of blaming everything on race, because everyone knows guys who blame race. Yes, girls may have preferences for particular types of guys, but these preferences can alter at any time. She may want some male who resembles her brother till she is out one night and a guy approaches her at the proper time; now she is going home with him. Women have often slept with guys who do not fit their paradigm.

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Thumbs Up Critical Analysis: Phuket Thailand
Posted by: whitemike - 02-24-2024, 07:39 PM - Forum: Travel Forum - Replies (1)

I visit Phuket several times a year and find that the nightlife is continuously changing, so it's helpful to have up-to-date information on a place like that. It can be disheartening because when you locate the perfect place, you return a year later only to discover that it is no longer there.

I don't believe Thailand is overwhelmed by western tourists. Yes, in specific locations and times, but not in general. I would say that places like Bali are swamped with trashy Australian visitors, but what I appreciate about Thailand is that it is such an international place, with people from all over the world congregating, so no one nationality 'takes over' the place.

It's fair to state that there are a lot of Russians there (especially during high season), but I believe that one of the draws of Phuket nightlife is Russian women.

If you want to meet local girls on a beach holiday (not in Bangkok), Phuket or Koh Samui are your best bets. You'll be seeking girls who work in hotels in general, as these girls will be well educated, speak decent English, and be open to Western guys if you don't come across as a sex tourist. Phuket is significantly more crowded (both by people and tourists) and offers far more opportunities. Many of these girls will reside alone or with a companion in Phuket, in a town not far from Patong. Many will possess their own cars, be self-sufficient, and dress appropriately.

Koh Samui is a beautiful island with a terrific vibe. The number of people attending varies depending on the season. For example, there are more Australians in January, and many Israelis in September/October. Everyone goes to the same restaurant every night, the Green Mango, so this place is packed seven nights a week from around 11.30 p.m. until 3 or 4 a.m. There aren't many Russians here; everyone lives in Phuket. We picked up two Scottish females one night (both cute). I met two nice Thai girls on that trip, but I've had better luck with both Thai and Western girls in Phuket than in Koh Samui. Other times, I've picked up largely Thai girls (one really good ONS), and one of my friends had an ONS with an Australian and a British girl, although neither wore anything remarkable.

Phi Phi Island is worth seeing, but you'll find a different population here (aside from one of the world's most gorgeous lagoons/beaches, which is only a short boat trip away). More of an Aussie in Bali or a Brit in Spain bunch, younger in age and ready to party. We attended a wild pool party there, and that night the entire beach was transformed into one massive beach party. I had no idea how big of a party island this was, but as I previously stated, I found it much more difficult to get along with girls there. There are a lot of western tourists out drinking and partying, which is excellent, but my experience landing any of them was not nice. It's more of a backpacker crowd, whereas I think I'd be better suited to city/professional girls. I didn't try it, but I believe there would be plenty of day game opportunities on Phi Phi, particularly where ships come and go and many of girls get off the boats seeking for directions, etc. Personally, I prefer Phuket for pursuing girls, despite the fact that Phi Phi is an excellent party island. It's more suited to your gym junkie with tattoos, I've had better success in cities than on the beach. The native Thai girls don't like the gym addict type of game either. This type of game works in Koh Samui at the Green Mango, but not in Phuket. Phi Phi also offers afternoon booze cruises, which are a terrific way to meet new people. Don't go to Phi Phi to meet native Thai girls; there aren't many.

I've found Bangkok to be really hit or miss. Everything is dispersed, as opposed to Phuket, where everything is concentrated on one street. Where would you recommend going in Bangkok for a fun night out with Western girls and local (non-professional) Thais?

Another destination I can recommend is Krabi. This site is incredibly breathtaking. Head straight to Railay Beach. Amazing.. Nightlife here is significantly slower, especially on Railay Beach, but there are plenty of girls about. Railay is an excellent day game destination due to the large number of girls that visit on day trips. It's a stunning site, perfect for a day game. You wouldn't go to Krabi to meet local Thai girls, but there are plenty of Western girls here, either alone or in groups of two or three. Grab a cocktail and enjoy the sunset over Railay (as many others do), and there will be girls waiting to open. There are some pubs nearby, but I'm not sure how excellent they are because I didn't spend much time exploring Krabi's nightlife. I'm sure there are several clubs/bars in Krabi town that are worth seeing.

Getting There

Many airlines fly direct to Phuket from Sydney, Melbourne, throughout Asia, the Middle East, and Russia. Otherwise, the best option is to fly in via Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur (be sure to spend a few nights in either city; they are totally worth it!). Phuket has a new international terminal, and I've discovered that sometimes clearing immigration is quick and other times there are long lines, so try to sit near the front of the line and head to immigration as soon as you get off the plane to beat everyone else. Also, I recommend arranging for a hotel pick-up at the airport, as cab costs have recently been around the same and there can be a considerable wait.

Where to stay?

- Kata and Kata Noi offer beautiful beaches and are only 15-20 minutes from Patong. Patong itself is not the best area to stay in Phuket, but it is the center of nightlife, so there are logistical benefits to staying here. Last month, I stayed at the Avista Hideaway, which was approximately 8 minutes from Patong and functioned wonderfully.

- Bang Tao has a beautiful beach and great hotels along it. Catch Beach Club and Dream Beach Club are located at each end of the beach. Catch can be a lot of fun (see their website to see when events are happening). Bang Tao is packed with Russian tourists. It's amazing to see such attractive women with elderly/ugly men. However, some of them are single, and the resorts and beaches are ideal for day games. Try Xana Beach Club for a day game. Get a daybed near the pool and speak with the Russian and French girls there. The only downside to staying in Bang Tao is that it's about 30-35 minutes from Patong, which is a little far when you're pulling a bird back to your home, but that has never prevented anyone from returning.

I'd avoid the Kamala area. It's a really down market.


You'll meet tourists from all over the world here. You'll mostly see Russians, French, British, Americans, Australians, Asians, Germans, and French Arabs (Moroccan, Algerian, etc.). Forget the French Arabs. Australians, Germans, and Russians will be the easiest to identify. With the Russians, all you need to know is how to game them. If you like Russians, I recommend going from early December until the end of March. This also coincides with the nicest weather (it's sunny almost every day).
The local girls are a mix of freelancers and hotel workers. There are many of Thai females in Phuket who are employed rather than freelancers, and you may easily attract these girls either during the day or at a nightclub or bar.


I'm sure some may disagree, but I believe BangLa Road in Patong is a party and gaming heaven. From around 9 p.m., the street is buzzing, and all you have to do is ignore the ping pong shows and head directly to any of the following clubs from 11 p.m. onwards:

1. Illuzion: This resembles a superclub. It's big. A diverse population, with tourists from all over the world and a huge proportion of typical Thai girls and working girls. The working girls will usually hang out on the sides of the dancefloor, whilst the normal girls would be on the dancing with their pals. The VIP section requires you to purchase a bottle, but it is in a nice location and provides an opportunity to open with a large number of girls. Music ranges between commercial house and deep house. It normally shuts between 4 and 5 a.m., and they almost always open the doors upstairs to an afterparty that lasts until 6 or 7 a.m. I've been to Illuzion a few times and got one ONS with a Thai female, a few kisses from Thai and British girls, and a few phone numbers. A friend of mine kissed one of the hottest Chinese girls I've ever seen in here, and she also did all the approaching. At the after party, I managed to kiss a Thai girl on vacation from Bangkok (7) and a British tourist who was no better than a 5.5 but I was quite drunk and she seemed better at the time, but I will admit to blowing her off for a Thai girl who I took home but was too drunk to remember if I had to pay or not. What I do know is that if I did pay, she was worth every cent. (I'm not the P4P type, but I can't rule it out in that situation.)

2. Seduction: A few years ago, I would have called this the best club I'd ever gone to. Without fail, it would provide. Had the best video. One night, I kissed seven girls in there, and there were numerous ONSs with Russian, Thai, and Australian girls. However, there was a fire, so it closed down and then reopened with a whole different layout, which really messed things up. As a result, it was nowhere near as busy, and it appears that they have targeted a different clientele, as it is now filling up again. The last two times I've gone there, it's been full, but there are more groups standing around tables, and it's lost its free-spirited atmosphere. The crowd appears to be lot more African and Arab these days, with music being more R&B and hip hop, which may suit some people better than others in terms of gaming.

3. White Room: A little more difficult to find (just ask around), but it is now the best club in my opinion. There are many western visitors here (mainly Germans, Scandinavians, Australians, British, Americans, and Asians), as well as regular and freelance local girls. There's good music in here, and the crowd is pleasant. We've recently started our nights here shortly after 11 p.m., with Illuzion serving as a backup around 2 a.m. if White Room fails to deliver. I've kissed a few westerners (a 6 and a 6.5) and a Thai non-pro (7.5-8), but no ONS from here yet.

As you walk along Bang La Road, you'll see a few other pubs, most of which have live music playing (a mix of western pop and Thai songs), and these venues are usually full with roughly 75% Thais and 25% Westerners. I've always found the allure of the other clubs too strong to leave these places alone, but my perception is that it's not as easy to get into and the quality is lesser.

Catch Beach Club (Bang Tao). This upscale beach club is around 35 minutes from Patong and is semi-busy most evenings during peak season, but is extremely packed on specific nights when they hold designated beach parties. Check their website for further information. This is a more upscale establishment, so expect to pay a premium. The majority of visitors are Russian tourists, although there are also many expats from Russia, Australia, and Europe, as well as tourists from other countries. We even met some Thai freelancers, but it took us a long to figure out they were working girls. The last party I attended there in April included an 8 from Kazakhstan (half Russian, half Asian in appearance). In January, there were much more Russian girls than in April. The Russian girls were really approachable. If you're looking for Thai girls, I'd avoid this location and instead go to Patong.

Another tip: Songkran is Thai New Year, and the Thai celebrate it with great enthusiasm. It was Songkran on my first night in April, and I went to BangLa Road with a friend. We were fully soaked by the time we went into White Room (if you're going out on Songkran, make sure you wear clothes you don't mind getting wet because everyone will shower you with a lot of water whether you want it or not). We discovered that many average Thai girls go out during Songkran, making it an excellent opportunity to meet Thai girls who work at nearby hotels or other businesses. I met a Thai girl (7.5 or 8) in marketing at a local 5-star hotel, whom I saw for a few days afterward and want to see again the next time I return. She wouldn't often go clubbing on Bang La Road, but she was out celebrating Songkran with her friends.

While this is not always the case, most good Thai girls will not accompany you home for an ONS. They will make you work for it on multiple dates. These girls are caring, sensible, fun, and humorous, and it can be a lot of fun speaking with them (the ones that speak English well) on WhatsApp and catching up on dates, so I don't mind playing the game for a long with them.

I highly recommend Phuket as a vacation location for anyone searching for beautiful weather, delicious food, friendly people, and a thriving nightlife seven days a week. It's pretty easy to travel from club to club along BangLa Road, so don't be afraid to leave where you're at if it's getting boring and go somewhere else (and then return to the original place later), even if it's 2 a.m. or late.

I hope this is of some help. I would be pleased to answer any particular queries that any of you have.

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Thumbs Down MarcosZeitola of happierabroad.com EXPOSED!
Posted by: pitbull510 - 02-24-2024, 02:23 PM - Forum: The Pit - Replies (9)

MarcosZeitola is another mentally unstable individual with suspected pedophilic tendencies who frequents the happierabroad.com forum, a well-known gathering ground for losers and mentally sick degenerates. He asserts that he was a professional underwear model; however, based on the photos below, he appears below average, with large hips, no muscle definition and flat backside. Hardly the body of a male underwear model. He claims this is a photograph of himself and his diminutive, aesthetically unpleasing barmaid wife, whom he claimed was a Filipino astronaut, from approximately fifteen years ago.

[Image: uz4NcVdl.jpg]

A corpulent individual with an abhorrent appearance, he appears to be suffering from Cushing syndrome with a puffy face, enormous head, fatty hips, skinny legs, and narrow shoulders. It is reasonable to say that he has never seen the inside of a gym in his life.

Here's a recent photo from the NEW happierabroad site:

[Image: NK4ADlfl.jpg]

Other sources state that he is 70 years old and is utilizing images that belong to someone else. 

Source: https://culturewhiz.org/users/marcoszeitola

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