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Happier abroad DOT com FO...
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Thumbs Down Winston Wu of Happierabroad.com EXPOSED!
Posted by: whitemike - 02-21-2024, 09:21 AM - Forum: The Pit - Replies (7)

Winston Wu is a self professed mentally ill (schizophrenic) middle aged man who is a proponent of using prostitutes for sexual fulfillment. The views on the happier abroad DOT com forum range from the misogynistic to the bizarre conspiracy theorist. Very little info is about actually going to other countries and experiencing the culture or people. Most of it is prostitution based sex tourism with discussion mostly led by weird old white expats who are also hardcore misogynists and racists. There's nothing more to know about him and his little group.

What does this guy has to offer to women? NOTHING!!!! He fucking lives in a slum somewhere in the Philippines, as I saw his photos and the building looks ugly and old and most likely infested with cockroaches. Not a place I would like to live. I would never even go to a hooker's home and, EVEN LESS take photos with them and post them shamelessly in a public forum so my co-workers and boss can see this. Only low class people like Winston do this. I have self respect and dignity

Most Wizard/incel types are created through a combination of untreated mental illness and social isolation. They still have some very regressive ideas about women, but going out and experiencing new cultures is a good thing that hopefully will help some of these guys.

I perceive Winston as prone to hasty conclusions. I find it entertaining that Mr. Wu asserts his expertise on women. I have extensively examined numerous photographs of Winston and thoroughly studied his manifesto, in which he expresses his strong longing for attractive Caucasian ladies. Winston engages in frequent arguments, revealing his lack of maturity. His obesity is an unappealing characteristic, and it was comical that he claimed to be a vegetarian. I am acquainted with numerous individuals who consume meat and possess both a slender physique and a strong adherence to moral principles. Winston established this website with the intention of assisting others. However, it appears to gratify his sense of self-importance. In my opinion, it is somewhat disheartening to witness his persistent compulsion to always validate his correctness. Winston attributes responsibility to others for his own poor decisions. A middle-aged man does not exhibit the immature and entitled behavior typically associated with a spoiled adolescent.

Winston's grand delusions of having sexual relationships with gorgeous white women are humorous. Women admire and submit themselves to real men who are assertive and have genuine confidence. The immature, spoiled brat demands of Winston is a sign of his deficiency in character. Why is Winston fat? It seems the clearest answer is that he sits frequently by the computer, eating a vegan pastry, running his forum for his own fantastical dreams of having sexual liaisons with imaginary, beautiful white women. Winston's own father was a workaholic who didn't discipline Winston enough as a boy. That is why Winston always blames others for his own failures.

Men should seek well-paying careers to sustain themselves and get physically fit at the gym to be more attractive to the opposite sex. It's common sense. The complaining and doing nothing about your situation is why a lot of men are angry, bitter, and miserable. The truth isn't always pretty. But our free will is what determines our fate.

I examined all the posters there, what they were saying, their personalities, tastes, strengths and weaknesses, etc. They all act like little bitches who can't leave their fragile little egos at the door. They all think they have it all figured out and it's a waste of time engaging with them... other than for trolling lol

Source: https://culturewhiz.org/users/winstonwu

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Sad Publicduende of happierabroad.com EXPOSED!
Posted by: Contrarian Expatriate - 02-21-2024, 08:45 AM - Forum: The Pit - Replies (3)

A sad, boring Italian guy residing in a poor Filipino community, who specializes in developing rudimentary websites for small local businesses. He encountered his future former spouse one evening when one of her clients failed to appear. They were in a portly relationship for a couple of years before she reached her limit and ended the relationship. He later relocated to the Philippines and organized group sexual encounters with transgender persons. He reportedly failed to successfully conclude both secondary education and university.

Source: https://culturewhiz.org/users/Publicduende

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Thumbs Down Yohan of happierabroad.com EXPOSED!
Posted by: whitemike - 02-21-2024, 08:07 AM - Forum: The Pit - No Replies

An octogenarian suffering from a mental illness. After being released from a psychiatric facility in Europe, he moved to Japan for a period of five years. Following his experience in basic IT tasks and website maintenance, he made a career shift to the sexual entertainment sector, specializing in niche Japanese films that involve a European guy engaging in sexual acts with animals. Subsequently, he relocated to Europe and currently lives in a compact one-bedroom apartment, benefiting from government assistance. He is unmarried and occasionally experiences episodes of hallucinations or delusions in which he envisions himself having a wife and daughter. He exhibits frequent fluctuations in mood and is occasionally labeled as a person who tends to exaggerate or overreact.

Source: https://culturewhiz.org/users/yohan

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Thumbs Down Andrew Tate, the new leader of the Manosphere
Posted by: whitemike - 02-21-2024, 07:39 AM - Forum: The Pit - Replies (1)

If you don't know what the Manosphere is see: https://culturewhiz.org/forum/topic/what...manosphere Andrew Tate was relatively unknown until 2022, but his profile has risen dramatically since then. The short story is that Tate, 35, is a self-help personality who enjoys outrage porn. Purporting to bestow wisdom on men in order for them to "escape the matrix," which is slang for becoming more affluent and successful, before being removed, his videos received billions of views on TikTok and Instagram. His most recent business effort was Hustler's University, an online education for ambitious alpha male wannbes that gave lectures on cryptocurrency, stock investing, and "freelancing." Before being banned from social media, he had over 4.5 million Instagram followers and 600,000 subscribers on his "Tate Speech" YouTube channel. Many of Tate's posts are unrelated to women. Aside from offering advice on how to get wealthy, he is also known for his ardent support of Donald Trump, whom he regards as an ideal "alpha male." Tate also came out against COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates, despite overwhelming evidence that immunizations are helpful in avoiding hospitalization and death from COVID-19.

Andrew Tate was PUT in his place by the smartest man on Earth @ 



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Thumbs Down Swoop the World dot com forum - EXPOSED!
Posted by: whitemike - 02-21-2024, 07:28 AM - Forum: The Pit - No Replies

Yes, these guys are complete morons. The site is a total failure.  For a complete review, see: https://culturewhiz.org/comment/59#comment-59

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Thumbs Down Happier abroad DOT com FORUM - A mentally ill dumpster fire
Posted by: whitemike - 02-21-2024, 07:17 AM - Forum: The Pit - Replies (5)

A collective of individuals lacking intellectual capacity, exhibiting anger, and experiencing social exclusion, under the leadership of an overweight, psychologically unstable Asian individual who is an involuntary celibate and holds admiration for Hitler. Consider all the content posted there to be unreliable. They consistently engage in a pattern of spreading incorrect information and making defamatory statements against others. However, the enthusiasm level appears to be declining due to the incel administrator's attempt to cut costs by transferring the site to a shared hosting plan, resulting in adverse outcomes. The forum is frequently unreachable, with server overload causing an 80% downtime rate. The inexpensive hosting service is unable to manage multiple connections due to each server already servicing over 3000 websites.

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Smile Guys! We just got Roosh.Org to bring more traffic to The Forum
Posted by: Doosh - 02-21-2024, 06:05 AM - Forum: Lifestyle Forum - No Replies

As a result of the original brand's demise and the complete inability of imitation forums and blogs to capture any portion of the traffic. I have recently purchased Roosh.Org for publications on topics such as game, money, and travel. Myself and guest authors will contribute articles. Although the manosphere is no longer relevant, with a little imagination, we may construct a charming backwater hub for content and chitchat  Big Grin

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Exclamation Men who use numerical scales to rate attractiveness of women are autistic incels
Posted by: PAG - 02-21-2024, 03:55 AM - Forum: Game Forum - No Replies

Attention: This is a public service announcement. If a man utilizes numerical scales to rate the attractiveness of a woman's face. He is most certainly an incompetent autistic incel, as he is simply judging their makeup efficiency. Overusing makeup can create the illusion of a perfect 10. When you go close to them, the entire image melts away. They do, however, succeed in creating attraction. They manage to look a lot better than they naturally are by making good use of make-up and enhancing their assets (boobs, legs, and asses): 

[Image: ir7vRr1l.jpg]

[Image: gakaxrRl.jpg]

[Image: 1J7GdcOl.jpg]

[Image: QaAXOsyl.jpg]

A woman’s face is either a) unattractive b) attractive and c) extremely attractive. Here's a breakdown:

Over the years, many studies have examined what people find attractive in faces. One important factor is symmetry. If you draw a line down the middle of someone’s face, the more similar the right and left sides of the face, the more attractive it is seen to be. Evolutionary psychologists have reported that we like symmetry in faces because it is a sign of health.

1. Asymmetrical face (unattractive). People's faces are deemed 'unattractive' exactly because their features deviate from the symmetrical set as a default for their sex.

2. Averaged face (good-looking looking/cute). 'Average' means having even and symmetrical features, which are generally rated more attractive than asymmetrical ones. The word "average" differs from the way that we normally use it when talking about looks and attractiveness. There is a big difference between 'average looking', as in plain, and the "average", as in a representative composite.

3. Extremely attractive face - Slightly exaggerated average. Attractiveness is not, as you might at first think, linked with distinctiveness; it’s actually the opposite. Researchers created artificial faces on a computer by combining photos of several people’s faces to generate a composite, “average” image. In preference trials, these highly average faces were consistently rated as the as the most attractive. What’s more, the more faces used to build a composite face, the more attractive the composite face was judged to be. A big reason for this was that the morphing process eliminates the asymmetries in the individual faces.

[Image: PFJF6g2l.jpg]

[Image: qYpLsJ2l.jpg]

[Image: Tjt43RLl.jpg]

[Image: 5PQ2K7zl.jpg]

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Thumbs Up We are #2... on bing
Posted by: Doosh - 02-17-2024, 11:39 PM - Forum: Everything Else - No Replies

We're presently ranked fifteenth on Google for individuals inquiring about the "Roosh V" forum. Much effort is required to achieve a higher ranking on Google.

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  Incels 30 times more likely to be autistic, study finds
Posted by: Pixel Dude - 02-17-2024, 04:46 PM - Forum: Game Forum - Replies (3)

A link has been found between men who identify as being an “incel” and being autistic, in a major study. 


Can Roosh teach these autistic men game?

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