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Threads: 137
Members: 921
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Posts per member: 0.25
Threads per member: 0.15
Replies per thread: 0.69
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Most popular forum: Travel Forum (55 posts, 36 threads)
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Gender neutral bathrooms are a fantastic idea! (1 replies)
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Conservatives don't create (0 replies)
I'm thinking about going to Greece this summer! (0 replies)
I'm following the boomer "Freedom 55" plan (0 replies)
Should Doosh Make Me a Moderator? (0 replies)
Colombia thread (0 replies)
Ukrainian women do not care about property (0 replies)
Minsk Belarus, my opinion as sex tourist (0 replies)
I'm glad the Roosh V forum is back! (0 replies)
Japan is a weird place in general (0 replies)
What is he doing wrong? Not getting many matches on asian dating sites? (0 replies)
Should Doosh Make Me a Moderator? (12 views)
Gender neutral bathrooms are a fantastic idea! (9 views)
Is it a good idea to travel to Europe? (8 views)
Japan is a weird place in general (6 views)
I'm glad the Roosh V forum is back! (5 views)
What are your impressions of different nationalities? (4 views)
What is he doing wrong? Not getting many matches on asian dating sites? (4 views)
Conservatives don't create (3 views)
I'm following the boomer "Freedom 55" plan (3 views)
Ukrainian women do not care about property (3 views)
Where to go in 2024 (2 views)
Colombia thread (2 views)
I'm thinking about going to Greece this summer! (1 views)
Minsk Belarus, my opinion as sex tourist (1 views)